I think it is time to say thank you to Rikki for allowing this topic on the TN forum and also thanking some on here for asking good reasoned questions.

Some have used to it to twist their knives in and whatever answer I might give they will never be satisfied and twist it again to try and show it with discredit in a hope it will fail.
Some I have enjoyed the discussion with.

My hope to finish is that some on here reading will see past some of the comments, have a look, consider what has happened in the past and what could be done in the future.

It is blatantly clear that we have declined in conditions for a very long time, mainly due to having no one within the Industry to stand a Drivers corner and speak up for them.

Will Drivers have any means to change things in the future or do we continue to just accept without a whimper?

I have never said I am perfect, admitted on here and other places I make mistakes and may make more.


The PDU is not just me, it is a unity of Drivers who want to see things change for the better, working together, being involved and steering the PDU in the right direction.

OK it cost £5 but this is to get a recognition within a name so that the unity can do something.

Most importantly over the many years I have campaigned, been to meetings, help organize a T/Fest and many other activities. NEVER has my honesty been in doubt.

So I have tried to be honest on here and inform the aims, ambitions and way forward for the PDU

It is now down to you as individuals to consider what you want.

Support something that “could” work and help you.

Or Do Nothing and Nothing will be the result.

Have a good weekend and drive safe

PS, I do not hold a grudge and I let bygones be bygones for the sake of peace, will shake a hand of a past enemy and talk to them…
It is a shame on here that some cannot do the same.

Barrie Tozer:

Barrie. (may I call you Barrie) Just to quote you on something.

“If the PDU fails due to the few ( and it is a few) on here with nothing but criticism, who will try in its place.”

Who will try in its place? Maybe someone who is more open with the information and answers that people request instead of being defensive and ignorant and possibly arrogant in their answers. Do you not think leaders have to answer the questions put to them by the individuals they do not like.
Also if this UNITY is as strong with many members (you still evade answering that one) would not a few dissenting voices just be lost amid the grumbling of support for your cause? To be honest the most you could ever do is to make various little Facebook images that are usually dubious in their source material and hope to God it goes viral.

The PDU might fail.
Who will try in its place?
To take the abuse seen on here no one would never bother even trying

Then we wonder why Drivers have no place in this Industry, but just a number to be told without any imput

Unfortunately that is just it in any industry they are paying you to drive a truck deliver the goods take the pay you agreed to when you started the job and that’s it ! They didn’t ask you at your interview to change the world did they.



Barrie Tozer:

If I was Mr Burnett, I’d be looking for a new secretary

Spelling, or grammer is not really important it is his offer of round table talks to start the ball rolling.
none of us perfect

Can someone please tell tonka236 he is being ignored and starting to look a bit of a **********
The same thing posting that has now been answered 10 times

He is ruining a good discussion with his childish postings

Brilliant(!) Request a question and answering session and when posed with points you dont like result to attacking someones character.

Hmmmm…he’s apparently ignoring people, closed “his” PDU UK group on Facebook and calls people names. Thats “Unity”, yeah right.

I’ve a real sense of deja vous here.

Oh yes, Only difference being that Mr Tozer isnt in control. Therefore people havent been blocked, people havent been banned.

Shame that my questions will go, once again, unanswered.
Ah well

I am thinking of setting up a wee group.
Will I speak up for drivers no way everyone has a mouth and can use it
Will I want a unity of drivers FFS I can’t stand half of them so again no way
Will I go to meetings to speak on drivers behalf no way unless it is in a ■■■■■■■■■■
Will I go to meetings with government ministers no way unless they give be a knighthood for my services to drivers

Services you say what services well I made you all stand on own 2 boots made men of you gave you balls and more by not mollycoddling you
Will there be subscriptions of course there will and just what I need at a particular moment like buying a round or two making myself look good and thus make new friends Could be a fiver or could be a tenner
Will I answer questions I will indeed my general knowledge is good I am in a pub quiz team not too hot on movies though don’t like make believe.
So lads sit up and sign for this once in a lifetime offer I won’t ask again. I will do this only once and not keep trying

yours sincerely and honestly Mr R Slicker

OK who had Barrie doing one by page 10 in the PDU sweepstake. :wink:

But seriously Barrie as an innocent observer you are doing well in the Q & A, ignoring members may not be the best way to go but none the less theres previous here that even I cant see the point of.

Staying power is the key, after all your never going to satisfy everyone but stick with it and they will come. Driving by its very nature is a solitary profession totally at the opposite end to solidarity.
Unity can be acheived by finding common ground like wider laybys, better facilities etc. Admittedly small potatoes but common ground to campaign on.

Im sad your not sticking it out and perhaps you could consider staying on, if not I wish you all the best for the future and kudos for coming here knowing previous issues may drown the discussion.
Credit to Rikki and crew as well for allowing this thread to excist.

So drivers will just carry on doing what they do for now. Unity may seem a distant dream but all it takes is one cause that resonates with a majority, oh and free membership to start with.

Since I last posted on this 8 pages ago, :open_mouth: , I have learned a lot about Barrie and his past failings. (which he has freely admitted to, to his credit.)
What I don’t get is the disproportinate abuse he is getting…somebody has just compared him to Hitler :open_mouth: …Hitler ffs! The biggest criminal and murderer in modern history. :open_mouth:

My suggestion would be to build up a membership over the first 6 months, but seeing as all the negative comments on here seem to come down to mistrust concerning the £5 membership, make it on an ‘‘Either/Or’’ basis. :bulb: ie…Free or voluntary, then if anything results positively from Barrie’s activities and actions in those 6 months, the members who went for the free option stump up the fiver.

At least give the guy a chance to show what he can (or can’t) do, instead of just slagging him off for past occasions.
That way the doubters are proved wrong (or right) and the 5 quid investors get their return or lose it, as in my case a fiver lost will not drive me to suicide.ffs :unamused:

To address you Barrie,… As I said before mate…■■■■■■■ against the wind.

Drivers (including a lot on here) NEVER cease to amaze me. :unamused:
I have banged on about drivers having no balls on here in the past, to the point of boring MYSELF, never mind anyone else.

In the past for instance I have kicked off on here about stuff like insults to our professional integrity, in cab cameras, or spotty arsed young traffic operatives getting entitlement to come at us armed with a ■■■■■■ breathalyzer before we set off on the road :imp: and you get answers back like (in a predictable whiny annoying voice :unamused: ) ''Well if you have nothing to hide, why are you worried" …I aint ■■■■ ‘‘worried’’ you ■■■■■■ moron I’m insulted. :smiling_imp:

But they continue to not only bend over, …but part their cheeks to help the perpetrator, and take anything that is dished out to them with no resistance.

The drivers with good numbers aint interested and that’s fair enough.
The others such as me do their job well while looking after no.1 … and take the ■■■■ out of our fellow employees doing the same job as us but getting pushed 10 times more.

As I said, the severity of the hostility baffles me, you have an uphill struggle, but at least you are standing up and having a go.
So to keep on topic, my question is Barrie…
What do you think of my idea of an ‘either/or’ option for membership fee until you prove the doubters wrong.■■

Edit;…Looks like he has gone. I will never know :cry: :smiley:

. OK who had Barrie doing one by page 10 in the PDU sweepstake. :wink:

Well I had Rikki binning this thread by lunchtime so bugger I lost that one :laughing:

I didn’t know your history Barrie and hadn’t followed the previous PDU threads at all closely, but what I did pick up was that you can act unprofessionally when things don’t go your way in a discussion. Sadly you are confirming that sentiment for me in this thread… :cry:

If you want to lead people, you have to tackle the difficult situations and questions head on, especially if you’re also looking to build credibility! I don’t think you’ve done that, and have had instead just paid lip service to the select questions you chose to address here.
As such, I’d have to say that I’m not convinced! :cry:

Sorry Barrie but you’re coming across like a politician in the run up to an election.
Vote for me, vote for me, ill make everything better. I will make a difference
Ok, how will you do that?
I dont have an answer to that but here, let me tell you this carefully thought out speech of words that make it LOOK like I have a strategy but in actual fact it tells you hee-haw and answers nothing.
You havn’t answered any questions properly to satisfy anyone (despite claiming you have) and no one is going to hand over money without some form of idea of what you’re going to spend it on.
You havnt told anyone how you are going to achieve these aims you have or what strategy you have in mind but you instead tell us that anyone voicing negative concerns is “out to ruin it for everyone else”. Ruin what exactly? You havn’t told anyone what you are ACTUALLY going to do, just a few vague answers.
Sorry mate, but it is YOUR responsibilty and job to satisfy everyone’s questions, not just the ones you like or have an answer for. If you want to start something like this up then you need those answers and to allay peoples skeptisism. Instead all you’ve done is skirt round answering and resort to childishness with anyone who has the audacity to ask you more than once when you fail to answer the first time.
I see you’ve decided to leave the thread now and will no doubt, just like Trucker Jay, go to another platform and start slagging everyone on here off and blame them for not wanting help but will conveniently not tell the whole story. Your whole attitude and responses on this thread have been abysmal and anyone who expects people to just hand over money without doing proper research and knowing what they’re getting for their money is a couple of kegs short of a six pack.
It doesnt matter to me you’ve had failed attempts before. These things happen but since you have had failures, it is entirely reasonable for people to question why this time will be different before handing over money. But you instead decided to start chucking your toys out of the pram and made things worse for yourself.
You can convince yourself or people on another forum you answered questions here and it was a few who ruined it but the truth is it was YOU who ruined it by not answering anything you didn’t like.

Since I last posted on this 8 pages ago, :open_mouth: , I have learned a lot about Barrie and his past failings. (which he has freely admitted to, to his credit.)
What I don’t get is the disproportinate abuse he is getting…somebody has just compared him to Hitler :open_mouth: …Hitler ffs! The biggest criminal and murderer in modern history. :open_mouth:

My suggestion would be to build up a membership over the first 6 months, but seeing as all the negative comments on here seem to come down to mistrust concerning the £5 membership, make it on an ‘‘Either/Or’’ basis. :bulb: ie…Free or voluntary, then if anything results positively from Barrie’s activities and actions in those 6 months, the members who went for the free option stump up the fiver.

At least give the guy a chance to show what he can (or can’t) do, instead of just slagging him off for past occasions.
That way the doubters are proved wrong (or right) and the 5 quid investors get their return or lose it, as in my case a fiver lost will not drive me to suicide.ffs :unamused:

To address you Barrie,… As I said before mate…■■■■■■■ against the wind.

Drivers (including a lot on here) NEVER cease to amaze me. :unamused:
I have banged on about drivers having no balls on here in the past, to the point of boring MYSELF, never mind anyone else.

In the past for instance I have kicked off on here about stuff like insults to our professional integrity, in cab cameras, or spotty arsed young traffic operatives getting entitlement to come at us armed with a [zb] breathalyzer before we set off on the road :imp: and you get answers back like (in a predictable whiny annoying voice :unamused: ) ''Well if you have nothing to hide, why are you worried" …I aint [zb] ‘‘worried’’ you [zb] moron I’m insulted. :smiling_imp:

But they continue to not only bend over, …but part their cheeks to help the perpetrator, and take anything that is dished out to them with no resistance.

The drivers with good numbers aint interested and that’s fair enough.
The others such as me do their job well while looking after no.1 … and take the ■■■■ out of our fellow employees doing the same job as us but getting pushed 10 times more.

As I said, the severity of the hostility baffles me, you have an uphill struggle, but at least you are standing up and having a go.
So to keep on topic, my question is Barrie…
What do you think of my idea of an ‘either/or’ option for membership fee until you prove the doubters wrong.■■

Edit;…Looks like he has gone. I will never know :cry: :smiley:

I think you have taken that of of context dear sir! of course Hitler wasn’t as bad as Barrie :laughing: only joking you do know what one of them is I take it :unamused:

I thought he would throw his toys out by page 5, so I lost.
BUT - does anybody, apart from Barrie, think I was out of order? I was doing my best to not pick on him, but perhaps I typed something that he misunderstood?


Since I last posted on this 8 pages ago, :open_mouth: , I have learned a lot about Barrie and his past failings. (which he has freely admitted to, to his credit.)
What I don’t get is the disproportinate abuse he is getting…somebody has just compared him to Hitler :open_mouth: …Hitler ffs! The biggest criminal and murderer in modern history. :open_mouth:

My suggestion would be to build up a membership over the first 6 months, but seeing as all the negative comments on here seem to come down to mistrust concerning the £5 membership, make it on an ‘‘Either/Or’’ basis. :bulb: ie…Free or voluntary, then if anything results positively from Barrie’s activities and actions in those 6 months, the members who went for the free option stump up the fiver.

At least give the guy a chance to show what he can (or can’t) do, instead of just slagging him off for past occasions.
That way the doubters are proved wrong (or right) and the 5 quid investors get their return or lose it, as in my case a fiver lost will not drive me to suicide.ffs :unamused:

To address you Barrie,… As I said before mate…■■■■■■■ against the wind.

Drivers (including a lot on here) NEVER cease to amaze me. :unamused:
I have banged on about drivers having no balls on here in the past, to the point of boring MYSELF, never mind anyone else.

In the past for instance I have kicked off on here about stuff like insults to our professional integrity, in cab cameras, or spotty arsed young traffic operatives getting entitlement to come at us armed with a [zb] breathalyzer before we set off on the road :imp: and you get answers back like (in a predictable whiny annoying voice :unamused: ) ''Well if you have nothing to hide, why are you worried" …I aint [zb] ‘‘worried’’ you [zb] moron I’m insulted. :smiling_imp:

But they continue to not only bend over, …but part their cheeks to help the perpetrator, and take anything that is dished out to them with no resistance.

The drivers with good numbers aint interested and that’s fair enough.
The others such as me do their job well while looking after no.1 … and take the ■■■■ out of our fellow employees doing the same job as us but getting pushed 10 times more.

As I said, the severity of the hostility baffles me, you have an uphill struggle, but at least you are standing up and having a go.
So to keep on topic, my question is Barrie…
What do you think of my idea of an ‘either/or’ option for membership fee until you prove the doubters wrong.■■

Edit;…Looks like he has gone. I will never know :cry: :smiley:

I think you have taken that of of context dear sir! of course Hitler wasn’t as bad as Barrie :laughing: only joking you do know what one of them is I take it :unamused:

Yeh mate, you ‘take it’ right. I do understand the concept of joking, but it appears we don’t share the same sense of humour. :neutral_face:



Since I last posted on this 8 pages ago, :open_mouth: , I have learned a lot about Barrie and his past failings. (which he has freely admitted to, to his credit.)
What I don’t get is the disproportinate abuse he is getting…somebody has just compared him to Hitler :open_mouth: …Hitler ffs! The biggest criminal and murderer in modern history. :open_mouth:

My suggestion would be to build up a membership over the first 6 months, but seeing as all the negative comments on here seem to come down to mistrust concerning the £5 membership, make it on an ‘‘Either/Or’’ basis. :bulb: ie…Free or voluntary, then if anything results positively from Barrie’s activities and actions in those 6 months, the members who went for the free option stump up the fiver.

At least give the guy a chance to show what he can (or can’t) do, instead of just slagging him off for past occasions.
That way the doubters are proved wrong (or right) and the 5 quid investors get their return or lose it, as in my case a fiver lost will not drive me to suicide.ffs :unamused:

To address you Barrie,… As I said before mate…■■■■■■■ against the wind.

Drivers (including a lot on here) NEVER cease to amaze me. :unamused:
I have banged on about drivers having no balls on here in the past, to the point of boring MYSELF, never mind anyone else.

In the past for instance I have kicked off on here about stuff like insults to our professional integrity, in cab cameras, or spotty arsed young traffic operatives getting entitlement to come at us armed with a [zb] breathalyzer before we set off on the road :imp: and you get answers back like (in a predictable whiny annoying voice :unamused: ) ''Well if you have nothing to hide, why are you worried" …I aint [zb] ‘‘worried’’ you [zb] moron I’m insulted. :smiling_imp:

But they continue to not only bend over, …but part their cheeks to help the perpetrator, and take anything that is dished out to them with no resistance.

The drivers with good numbers aint interested and that’s fair enough.
The others such as me do their job well while looking after no.1 … and take the ■■■■ out of our fellow employees doing the same job as us but getting pushed 10 times more.

As I said, the severity of the hostility baffles me, you have an uphill struggle, but at least you are standing up and having a go.
So to keep on topic, my question is Barrie…
What do you think of my idea of an ‘either/or’ option for membership fee until you prove the doubters wrong.■■

Edit;…Looks like he has gone. I will never know :cry: :smiley:

I think you have taken that of of context dear sir! of course Hitler wasn’t as bad as Barrie :laughing: only joking you do know what one of them is I take it :unamused:

Yeh mate, you ‘take it’ right. I do understand the concept of joking, but it appears we don’t share the same sense of humour. :neutral_face:

Obviously not but I won’t hold it against you each to their own.

Yeh mate, you ‘take it’ right. I do understand the concept of joking, but it appears we don’t share the same sense of humour. :neutral_face:

Godwins Law

The Sarge:
I thought he would throw his toys out by page 5, so I lost.
BUT - does anybody, apart from Barrie, think I was out of order? I was doing my best to not pick on him, but perhaps I typed something that he misunderstood?

Nah, he was sounding like a career politician, dodging questions he either didn’t know the answer for or felt that the answer would affect his cause.


Yeh mate, you ‘take it’ right. I do understand the concept of joking, but it appears we don’t share the same sense of humour. :neutral_face:

Godwins Law

:laughing: What do I win? A free membership to the PDU would be appropriate :laughing:


Yeh mate, you ‘take it’ right. I do understand the concept of joking, but it appears we don’t share the same sense of humour. :neutral_face:

Godwins Law

Cheers for that mate.

Heil Rikki. :laughing: :wink:

I did not want to overstay the offer Rikki has allowed and considered maybe the Q&As were starting to lead no where.

Some have said questions still need answering even after 10 pages of trying too.

So I will return tomorrow to annoy some of you.

Again I will try but please try to ask questions unanswered and not those answered but you do not like.

some keep coming back to me making a profit, paying for my retirement etc

As much as I say I will not make money some cannot simply believe in honesty.

Even those who might not like me or I them, lets please keep it civil so that the real intentions and aims of the PDU can be seen.

Like or not I will try my best to answer

See you tomorrow and have a good night

The Sarge:
OK, how about -
How many people have paid you either £30, £25 or £5?
How much do you still have outstanding on the cash that you have laid out?
Do you have a separate bank account for PDU-UK’s income and expenditure (not necessarily a business account)?

Are you going to answer? Or are you ignoring me for asking questions you don’t want to answer? The answer to these two questions should speak volumes.

Barrie Tozer:
So I will return tomorrow to annoy some of you.

Glad your sticking with us Barrie, dont feel pressured to answer every question immediately, take your time.
As the coolkids say just chillax.