
There is no need for PDU UK because it already exists in all but name - it’s just no one can see it!
Take a look back through the last 9 pages and what do you see? I see loads of drivers united in one cause - pointing out to Mr Tozzer the shortcomings in his idea. You are all already united in this. You all make pertinent points that you all agree on (albeit they’re negative points), the content of the posts indicate that between you, you have all the skills to take this up a level, so what’s stopping you?
You’ve all demonstrated right here, right now that you can unite to make a point, you’re all doing it. You’re also all doing it without a £5 fee, without a silly membership card, without Barrie Tozzer at the helm, and most of all without knowing you’re doing it.

You’re all only a short step away from gelling it into something useful and constructive…

Your absolutely right! So if you all don’t mind sending me £25 via PayPal gift I’ll have a crack at uniting a few Blokes I know down the pub. :laughing:

Your absolutely right! So if you all don’t mind sending me £25 via PayPal gift I’ll have a crack at uniting a few Blokes I know down the pub. :laughing:

Nooooooo, send it to me … I’m cheaper at just £22

Well it appears a few drivers support the need for the PDU. It appears too that many more see the need for changes and representation in the industry.
The elephant in the room here I’m afraid is history. More specifically Barries history. With it’s litany of failed schemes, biased moderation, disrespectful behaviours in defeat, abuses of power and unclear motivations.

The idea itself has some validity to it but both the execution of it and Barries involvement will seal it’s failure in my opinion.

If you really feel so passionate about it then perhaps the best thing for it would be to find/nominate/elect someone else to do it…
Take the selfless high road for the greater good and take comfort in seeing success and improvement for all.
Unless it’s really all about a man with an inferiority complex and narcissistic tendencies??

What better way to demonstrate to prospective members about how good this collective will be than to show how fast it is growing by the number of current members?

But we are not only not allowed to know how many members exist, but we are not even allowed to know why we can’t be told that information!

Well, Barries won my trust, confidence and admiration with his open and honest approach. Where do I send my money to get my magic beans?

So far I cannot see one genuine answer that isn’t rhetoric or propaganda.

Why are you scared to be honest and open Mr Tozer?

With all due respect to Barrie and his motives, it would appear that diversity is necessary for numbers but is also the biggest problem for him. For example, take 1 driver from each job of tramping, trunking and retail deliveries. What can be changed to benefit (forget wages as that is irrelevant to this entire thread) all 3 drivers? We all know that parking facilities are a big problem for the trampers but why would the other 2 care about that?

Even being more specific ie POA. I am sitting in the transport office with another who does exactly the same job as me. I will use POA to keep my working time down but he never uses POA at all. 2 guys doing the same job with completely opposing work practices regarding POA. You come along a nd put POA on the table and somehow hope to unite me and this other guy. I will oppose it and he wont care (or perhaps will but only to annoy me :laughing: ) because he doesn’t use it anyway. This is a tiny example but upscale it to potentially 1000s of drivers from all sectors and backgrounds. I think your current goals are admirable but impossible!

It seems to me that trampers face the biggest challenges so have you considered narrowing your focus to possibly that specific type of work and getting them behind you to campaign for more and better parking facilities? You may not get the desired numbers but at least they might actually agree with each other so the support for the chosen issue could logically be stronger :confused:

Good post scanny and you’ve summed up my position quite succinctly.

Being a simple man I’ll ask a simple question of Mr Tozer.

You aim for unity in our profession so what is your manifesto behind which we can unite?

OK! So I’m a bit biased towards this and Barrie etc. but…All these negative responses :open_mouth:

I personally am not interested in finances, charities and registered stuff, it is not my concern. I am interested in someone who is trying to better the transport industry. I know he’s cocked up in the past and hopefully learnt from it. Without support, as someone posted earlier “he’s ■■■■■■■ in the wind”. That is correct. Catch 22 really. He needs support to go forward but without support he cannot go forward and stays where he is, on his own fighting a battle single handed.

No support - things stay as they are.

With support - things may alter.

It is a gamble I agree but something has to change somewhere along the line.



There is no need for PDU UK because it already exists in all but name - it’s just no one can see it!
Take a look back through the last 9 pages and what do you see? I see loads of drivers united in one cause - pointing out to Mr Tozzer the shortcomings in his idea. You are all already united in this. You all make pertinent points that you all agree on (albeit they’re negative points), the content of the posts indicate that between you, you have all the skills to take this up a level, so what’s stopping you?
You’ve all demonstrated right here, right now that you can unite to make a point, you’re all doing it. You’re also all doing it without a £5 fee, without a silly membership card, without Barrie Tozzer at the helm, and most of all without knowing you’re doing it.

You’re all only a short step away from gelling it into something useful and constructive…

Good point but the trouble is, most of us disagree with the self elected Chosen One! Someone who has already attempted this once and failed miserably.

No argument in failing in the past and not on to give in just because of failure
Learn improve and move on.

Unlike a lot mainly posting negative thoughts have given in to the hierachy
bend over and take anything thrown at Drivers because they fail to try and do anything about it

Many want improvement of some sort, but how do you get those improvements unless someone tries and fails at first but then tries again.

How many of those giving nothing but criticism have done anything to try and help the majority of drivers.
quick to criticise, but do nothing.

Drivers in the UK need unity and then a voice to be heard listened to and be part of the Industry.

If the PDU fails due to the few ( and it is a few) on here with nothing but criticism, who will try in its place.

Hands up please



Your absolutely right! So if you all don’t mind sending me £25 via PayPal gift I’ll have a crack at uniting a few Blokes I know down the pub. :laughing:

Nooooooo, send it to me … I’m cheaper at just £22

No give it to me. I will do it for a one off £5 Administrative fee all in a not for profit style.


I and others will no doubt wait a long time for you to present it.

Oh sorry just like our unions all talk and no action

No doubt others will also say they will do it, but in truth they will do NOTHING
criticism i so easy to actually do something is not quite so straight forward.

Well it appears a few drivers support the need for the PDU. It appears too that many more see the need for changes and representation in the industry.
The elephant in the room here I’m afraid is history. More specifically Barries history. With it’s litany of failed schemes, biased moderation, disrespectful behaviours in defeat, abuses of power and unclear motivations.

The idea itself has some validity to it but both the execution of it and Barries involvement will seal it’s failure in my opinion.

If you really feel so passionate about it then perhaps the best thing for it would be to find/nominate/elect someone else to do it…
Take the selfless high road for the greater good and take comfort in seeing success and improvement for all.
Unless it’s really all about a man with an inferiority complex and narcissistic tendencies??

Anyone can contact anyone else bot just Mr Tozer and I think it’s he who has put the scud on this group nobody believes in him because of the narcissism and amateur behaviour

Barrie Tozer:


I and others will no doubt wait a long time for you to present it.

Oh sorry just like our unions all talk and no action

No doubt others will also say they will do it, but in truth they will do NOTHING
criticism i so easy to actually do something is not quite so straight forward.

Personally I sort my own ■■■■ out I don’t expect someone else to do it for me.We all have a mouth in our head so why pay someone else to use theirs? By fighting my own battles and sorting problems and coming up with solutions and improvements in my own company I am now the highest paid employee on the workforce.I didn’t achieve that by having a united body behind me and I’m not regarded as a trouble maker and whinger in my work place unlike someone’s former employer.

Another reminder to keep the conversation civil, do not indulge in personal digs and jibes, they do not add to the discussion and are against the forum rules.
Failure to post within the forum guidelines will lead to members losing the ability to post freely .

Barrie Tozer:
Drivers in the UK need unity and then a voice to be heard listened to and be part of the Industry.

If the PDU fails due to the few ( and it is a few) on here with nothing but criticism, who will try in its place.

Hands up please

Ronnie Pickering :laughing:

I’m very surprised that Carryfast hasn’t offered his expertise on this !

Barrie. (may I call you Barrie) Just to quote you on something.

“If the PDU fails due to the few ( and it is a few) on here with nothing but criticism, who will try in its place.”

Who will try in its place? Maybe someone who is more open with the information and answers that people request instead of being defensive and ignorant and possibly arrogant in their answers. Do you not think leaders have to answer the questions put to them by the individuals they do not like.
Also if this UNITY is as strong with many members (you still evade answering that one) would not a few dissenting voices just be lost amid the grumbling of support for your cause? To be honest the most you could ever do is to make various little Facebook images that are usually dubious in their source material and hope to God it goes viral.

Barrie Tozer:


I and others will no doubt wait a long time for you to present it.

Oh sorry just like our unions all talk and no action

No doubt others will also say they will do it, but in truth they will do NOTHING
criticism i so easy to actually do something is not quite so straight forward.

I am still waiting for you to answer my questions on what you have achieved so far.

Call it research if you will :wink:

Barrie Tozer:

If I was Mr Burnett, I’d be looking for a new secretary

Spelling, or grammer is not really important it is his offer of round table talks to start the ball rolling.
none of us perfect

Can someone please tell tonka236 he is being ignored and starting to look a bit of a **********
The same thing posting that has now been answered 10 times

He is ruining a good discussion with his childish postings

Brilliant(!) Request a question and answering session and when posed with points you dont like result to attacking someones character.

Barrie Tozer:

How many members are in the PDU in its current form ?

For very good reason that is something I will not answer. (end of)

Just to say not enough “YET”

I believe it was less than 100 before FB became a closed group.


Barrie Tozer:

If I was Mr Burnett, I’d be looking for a new secretary

Spelling, or grammer is not really important it is his offer of round table talks to start the ball rolling.
none of us perfect

Can someone please tell tonka236 he is being ignored and starting to look a bit of a **********
The same thing posting that has now been answered 10 times

He is ruining a good discussion with his childish postings

Brilliant(!) Request a question and answering session and when posed with points you dont like result to attacking someones character.

Hmmmm…he’s apparently ignoring people, closed “his” PDU UK group on Facebook and calls people names. Thats “Unity”, yeah right.

I’ve a real sense of deja vous here.

Barrie. (may I call you Barrie) Just to quote you on something.

“If the PDU fails due to the few ( and it is a few) on here with nothing but criticism, who will try in its place.”

Who will try in its place? Maybe someone who is more open with the information and answers that people request instead of being defensive and ignorant and possibly arrogant in their answers. Do you not think leaders have to answer the questions put to them by the individuals they do not like.
Also if this UNITY is as strong with many members (you still evade answering that one) would not a few dissenting voices just be lost amid the grumbling of support for your cause? To be honest the most you could ever do is to make various little Facebook images that are usually dubious in their source material and hope to God it goes viral.

The PDU might fail.
Who will try in its place?
To take the abuse seen on here no one would never bother even trying

Then we wonder why Drivers have no place in this Industry, but just a number to be told without any imput