Barrie Tozer:

How many members are in the PDU in its current form ?

For very good reason that is something I will not answer. (end of)

Just to say not enough “YET”

■■? Well errrr what can one say to that :open_mouth:

Barrie Tozer:

How many members are in the PDU in its current form ?

For very good reason that is something I will not answer. (end of)

Just to say not enough “YET”

so a perspective member asks you how much current support their is and you shoot him down by point blank refusing to answer his valid question…nice!

Having read all I could about the PDU-UK I have come to the conclusion that it is an ill thought out plan of action which will ultimately fail in any of it’s objectives. The head honcho is totally intransigent in his refusal to answer queries. Mr Tozer’s inability to have figures at this fingertips is unbelieveable. This is just like setting up a social club not a campaigning group. Secretiveness is not the way forward openness must be the norm.
I guess there isn’t an office just a business run from home now that sums it up for me. Everything has to centre round Mr Tozer… in his abolition of the old PDU he named people who brought it down it was himself who brought it down but by doing that he was exceptionally unprofessional and not fir to represent driver. He called those who did not agree with him scum. That is not professional. To be honest I wouldn’t buy a used car from a person like

Mt question now is why did you really want a session like this certainly it was not to answer questions.

That is your conclusion of which you are entitled.

One person has to start a ball rolling and improvements and amendments can only be made possible as more become involved.
changes have taken place due to mistakes and trying to read what drivers want.

The PDU still has work to do, and some good Drivers are joining.
Soon the PDU will be setting up the committee and then more will come into the planning of the way forward.

Some things take time and not all is right at the ofset

Have a good day and this topic is not for you, thanks

Any reply to my questions?

Barrie Tozer:



Just been informed of this thred not read it all its going to take some time.
Barry is a good bloke though and means well. He already has my fiver :wink:

To keep this thread sensible please do not post with 2nd accounts :wink:

Busted, cant say I didnt warn you :wink:

Not sure who eezeer is but I can guarantee it is not me.

Some have suspected in the past it is but I would swear on my mothers grave it is not and can do no more to convince
but whatever my faults I am honest and no one has doubted that.

Definately not you Barry and I dont have access to the admin panel to confirm my suspicions but whoever it is although trying to be helpfull in their own mind is having a negative affect on the Q & A. I trust eezeer will not be appearing again.


Barrie Tozer:

How many members are in the PDU in its current form ?

For very good reason that is something I will not answer. (end of)

Just to say not enough “YET”

■■? Well errrr what can one say to that :open_mouth:

Sorry, but that is it, I can simply not answer it for a good reason

Some I would PM the answer and maybe I will inform Rikki who may or may not agree with my reason but he would not post a Private message (respect him for that)

I can see your logic and agree in principal. PDU-UK is a new venture and a £5 gamble (pint and half or breakfast) might be worth a punt in my opinion to give the bloke another, maybe last chance.

But Diddly, you like me, know that Mr Tozer has tried all this before under a different guise … and failed miserably. So why ‘give him another chance’■■

good morning and apologies for the length of time it has taken for me to write, there has been a lot going on in the world of transport since we met and I think its fair to say I have been inundated.
I would of course like to thank you for making time to meet with me in Peterborough to discuss the important role that the driver plays in the logistics industry and the critical issues that you see that are effecting driver retention and recruitment. Clearly as an industry we have a lot of work to do still to attract both a younger audience and woman into the industry as well.
We talked a length about conditions, but there were a number of specific issues that you felt were real priorities that the industry needed to fix to improve driver retention and recruitment in the medium to long term. The issues that you raised and I captured were as follows:

  1. Long hours
  2. Wages (£7.50 an hour)
  3. Drivers being rushed and put under pressure
  4. Driver CPC - quality of courses, content and cost for those drivers that have paid themselves
  5. Cost of driver medicals
  6. Driver facilities, parking, cost of parking
  7. Treatment of drivers at delivery points
    In my experience if you are going to influence change you need good constructive evidence that supports what you are saying. Without this you have no chance of getting Government or Industry to listen.
    As I explained on the day, I am happy to engage further and reaffirm my offer of a round table discussion. If you could organise a group and cross section of drivers, I will organise a date and venue to listen.
    This session will need to be constructive, balanced and informative, but also needs to be supported with facts and figures that back up the views and opinions that we discussed. That means anecdotal evidence won’t cut it, and a real poll of your members on the issues that you raised is critical to both understanding the issues, but then addressing them with pragmatic solutions in the longer term. For instance on drivers wages, how many business’s pay £7.50 an hour, in what sectors (general haulage, livestock, tipper etc?), is it a flat rate or a rate based upon minimum basic hours plus time and half thereafter with double time for weekends?
    I hope this summary captures the essence of what we discussed and look forward to catching up again soon. I will of course be in touch with a date, time of location for our agreed round table discussion.

Richard Burnett

Mr Tozer, are you seriously telling us that the above ‘letter’ is a cut and paste■■?


Barrie Tozer:

Who you work for. The challenges you faced in your own workplace.
What you have achieved within it and how.
How many of your own drivers support your actions in your workplace.
What are the next phases of changes you are discussing with your employer and how are they going.

Put some meat on the bones and I will gladly support a movement to improves conditions. But just as I wouldn’t trust my mrs to change a spare wheel, she is tip top at washing the pots.

Still waiting for a reply to this.

The PDU will not be involved in workplace disputes, It is more the National issues we are concerned about
Still waiting for an answer not a tag line.

Answered, The workplace is no concern for the PDU as said
I want your history. Your credentials for becoming an advocate of drivers. Your past record of achievement with your own employers.

If you can’t provide that, how are we able to judge if you can do it for us?

Can you answer any of these background questions?

as expressed in an answer, within the workplace I and most sort out their own issues within their working environment, move on to better jobs or negotiate better work.

The PDU is not interested or going to be involved in work place issues.

The PDU want to tackle issues no “single” driver can do anything about at a higher level than the workplace.

This I do have some experience with:-

I have been campaigning and given a voice forward for Drivers for many years using the name of Truckersworld, but it has been difficult without a unity of our profession. Even so I have had many meetings with Government Ministers, was a member of the RHA security forum where leading figures met 3 times a year and I voiced the drivers opinions. I have also had meetings with most RDC and MSA Directors, bringing about improvements for Drivers. Plus I have been a guest speaker for drivers at Industry level seminars. I have also managed to get money back for drivers in difficult circumstances and also made Companies open better toilet facilities.
I brought about a joint venture between the RHA/FTA and Truckersworld to obtain better overnight lorry parking leading to a Government consultation and the “Lorry Parking Strategy” (on-going but needs to be pushed)

As you will recognize, I have experience at contacting people, arranging meetings and taking your issues forward to the people who can make the changes for the better.

So we almost got an answer but not quite.

Apart from getting a toilet and campaigning for better facilities for drivers, can you list for us your manifesto?

A detailed outline of your clear aims and who and why these changes affect?

Are we paying to have you as the spokesman for all issues of concern or are you going to enlist others to speak on our behalf? If the latter, how will they be elected?

As you appear to have extensive contacts within our industry and contacts within other industries and providers relevant to ours, along with high profile meetings that have shaped improvements for the long term benefit of transport, can you provide details of these and explain what your role was, what your expectations were and how you can demonstrate that your input was relevant to any changes or improvement?

Can you provide any evidence where you were directly involved with, or a party to, a substantial change or improvement to something that enhanced or benefitted another driver that has no connection to your particular scope within this industry?

As you are using the ‘UK’ within your company name, will there be any separate devolution to provide specific differences for other countries within the UK? Have you any plans set aside if Scotland decide to, and get, independence from the Uk?

What are the future plans within your mandate if the UK votes to leave the EU?
Reposted as I feel you may have missed it.

good morning and apologies for the length of time it has taken for me to write, there has been a lot going on in the world of transport since we met and I think its fair to say I have been inundated.
I would of course like to thank you for making time to meet with me in Peterborough to discuss the important role that the driver plays in the logistics industry and the critical issues that you see that are effecting driver retention and recruitment. Clearly as an industry we have a lot of work to do still to attract both a younger audience and woman into the industry as well.
We talked a length about conditions, but there were a number of specific issues that you felt were real priorities that the industry needed to fix to improve driver retention and recruitment in the medium to long term. The issues that you raised and I captured were as follows:

  1. Long hours
  2. Wages (£7.50 an hour)
  3. Drivers being rushed and put under pressure
  4. Driver CPC - quality of courses, content and cost for those drivers that have paid themselves
  5. Cost of driver medicals
  6. Driver facilities, parking, cost of parking
  7. Treatment of drivers at delivery points
    In my experience if you are going to influence change you need good constructive evidence that supports what you are saying. Without this you have no chance of getting Government or Industry to listen.
    As I explained on the day, I am happy to engage further and reaffirm my offer of a round table discussion. If you could organise a group and cross section of drivers, I will organise a date and venue to listen.
    This session will need to be constructive, balanced and informative, but also needs to be supported with facts and figures that back up the views and opinions that we discussed. That means anecdotal evidence won’t cut it, and a real poll of your members on the issues that you raised is critical to both understanding the issues, but then addressing them with pragmatic solutions in the longer term. For instance on drivers wages, how many business’s pay £7.50 an hour, in what sectors (general haulage, livestock, tipper etc?), is it a flat rate or a rate based upon minimum basic hours plus time and half thereafter with double time for weekends?
    I hope this summary captures the essence of what we discussed and look forward to catching up again soon. I will of course be in touch with a date, time of location for our agreed round table discussion.

Richard Burnett

Mr Tozer, are you seriously telling us that the above ‘letter’ is a cut and paste■■?

Above is the email I have received from Mr Burnett following our meeting

Barrie Tozer:

Having read all I could about the PDU-UK I have come to the conclusion that it is an ill thought out plan of action which will ultimately fail in any of it’s objectives. The head honcho is totally intransigent in his refusal to answer queries. Mr Tozer’s inability to have figures at this fingertips is unbelieveable. This is just like setting up a social club not a campaigning group. Secretiveness is not the way forward openness must be the norm.
I guess there isn’t an office just a business run from home now that sums it up for me. Everything has to centre round Mr Tozer… in his abolition of the old PDU he named people who brought it down it was himself who brought it down but by doing that he was exceptionally unprofessional and not fir to represent driver. He called those who did not agree with him scum. That is not professional. To be honest I wouldn’t buy a used car from a person like

Mt question now is why did you really want a session like this certainly it was not to answer questions.

That is your conclusion of which you are entitled.

One person has to start a ball rolling and improvements and amendments can only be made possible as more become involved.
changes have taken place due to mistakes and trying to read what drivers want.

The PDU still has work to do, and some good Drivers are joining.
Soon the PDU will be setting up the committee and then more will come into the planning of the way forward.

Some things take time and not all is right at the ofset

Have a good day and this topic is not for you, thanks

So it will soon be setting up a committee for the PDU-UK?

Considering you have, at the bare minimum, been asking for subscriptions for over a year now it’s taken a while has it not?


Oh and are you refusing to answer my questions simply because I dared to post from YOUR own website when it states anyone working in the PDU will be paid a wage (no more than a driver)… Of £35000 per year PLUS expenses plus admin charges?

And the best you can show so far is a an incident you don’t want to be involved in (regarding work place disputes) and a letter that basically says “go do your homework”

Must be written on some high class paper to justify the wage bill :wink:

If I was Mr Burnett, I’d be looking for a new secretary



Barrie Tozer:

Who you work for. The challenges you faced in your own workplace.
What you have achieved within it and how.
How many of your own drivers support your actions in your workplace.
What are the next phases of changes you are discussing with your employer and how are they going.

Put some meat on the bones and I will gladly support a movement to improves conditions. But just as I wouldn’t trust my mrs to change a spare wheel, she is tip top at washing the pots.

Still waiting for a reply to this.

The PDU will not be involved in workplace disputes, It is more the National issues we are concerned about
Still waiting for an answer not a tag line.

Answered, The workplace is no concern for the PDU as said
I want your history. Your credentials for becoming an advocate of drivers. Your past record of achievement with your own employers.

If you can’t provide that, how are we able to judge if you can do it for us?

Can you answer any of these background questions?

as expressed in an answer, within the workplace I and most sort out their own issues within their working environment, move on to better jobs or negotiate better work.

The PDU is not interested or going to be involved in work place issues.

The PDU want to tackle issues no “single” driver can do anything about at a higher level than the workplace.

This I do have some experience with:-

I have been campaigning and given a voice forward for Drivers for many years using the name of Truckersworld, but it has been difficult without a unity of our profession. Even so I have had many meetings with Government Ministers, was a member of the RHA security forum where leading figures met 3 times a year and I voiced the drivers opinions. I have also had meetings with most RDC and MSA Directors, bringing about improvements for Drivers. Plus I have been a guest speaker for drivers at Industry level seminars. I have also managed to get money back for drivers in difficult circumstances and also made Companies open better toilet facilities.
I brought about a joint venture between the RHA/FTA and Truckersworld to obtain better overnight lorry parking leading to a Government consultation and the “Lorry Parking Strategy” (on-going but needs to be pushed)

As you will recognize, I have experience at contacting people, arranging meetings and taking your issues forward to the people who can make the changes for the better.

So we almost got an answer but not quite.

Apart from getting a toilet and campaigning for better facilities for drivers, can you list for us your manifesto?

A detailed outline of your clear aims and who and why these changes affect?

Are we paying to have you as the spokesman for all issues of concern or are you going to enlist others to speak on our behalf? If the latter, how will they be elected?

As you appear to have extensive contacts within our industry and contacts within other industries and providers relevant to ours, along with high profile meetings that have shaped improvements for the long term benefit of transport, can you provide details of these and explain what your role was, what your expectations were and how you can demonstrate that your input was relevant to any changes or improvement?

Can you provide any evidence where you were directly involved with, or a party to, a substantial change or improvement to something that enhanced or benefitted another driver that has no connection to your particular scope within this industry?

As you are using the ‘UK’ within your company name, will there be any separate devolution to provide specific differences for other countries within the UK? Have you any plans set aside if Scotland decide to, and get, independence from the Uk?

What are the future plans within your mandate if the UK votes to leave the EU?

Reposted as I feel you may have missed it.
Do you have time for me to write a book in answer to those questions.

I have the experience and contacts to open doors for talks as seen with the RHA meeting already taken place.

It will then take time to prepare, get responses from Drivers in general and from all walks

Then a committee of Drivers to take these forward, the committee will be 7 from differing backgrounds elected by the members

If I was Mr Burnett, I’d be looking for a new secretary

Hmmmm might be a money making opportunity here.

I will ask the current one for £30 per year and I will make her industry better.

Hope she doesnt ask how mind you, I dont know the answer to that one

If I was Mr Burnett, I’d be looking for a new secretary

Spelling, or grammer is not really important it is his offer of round table talks to start the ball rolling.
none of us perfect

Can someone please tell tonka236 he is being ignored and starting to look a bit of a **********
The same thing posting that has now been answered 10 times

He is ruining a good discussion with his childish postings


There is no need for PDU UK because it already exists in all but name - it’s just no one can see it!
Take a look back through the last 9 pages and what do you see? I see loads of drivers united in one cause - pointing out to Mr Tozzer the shortcomings in his idea. You are all already united in this. You all make pertinent points that you all agree on (albeit they’re negative points), the content of the posts indicate that between you, you have all the skills to take this up a level, so what’s stopping you?
You’ve all demonstrated right here, right now that you can unite to make a point, you’re all doing it. You’re also all doing it without a £5 fee, without a silly membership card, without Barrie Tozzer at the helm, and most of all without knowing you’re doing it.

You’re all only a short step away from gelling it into something useful and constructive…

Barrie Tozer:

If I was Mr Burnett, I’d be looking for a new secretary

Spelling, or grammer is not really important it is his offer of round table talks to start the ball rolling.
none of us perfect

Can someone please tell tonka236 he is being ignored and starting to look a bit of a **********
The same thing posting that has now been answered 10 times

He is ruining a good discussion with his childish postings

I don’t think he is … if you think this is childish then you won’t make much of a representative. You’ll be having meltdowns … again!!

Barrie Tozer:



Barrie Tozer:

Who you work for. The challenges you faced in your own workplace.
What you have achieved within it and how.
How many of your own drivers support your actions in your workplace.
What are the next phases of changes you are discussing with your employer and how are they going.

Put some meat on the bones and I will gladly support a movement to improves conditions. But just as I wouldn’t trust my mrs to change a spare wheel, she is tip top at washing the pots.

Still waiting for a reply to this.

The PDU will not be involved in workplace disputes, It is more the National issues we are concerned about
Still waiting for an answer not a tag line.

Answered, The workplace is no concern for the PDU as said
I want your history. Your credentials for becoming an advocate of drivers. Your past record of achievement with your own employers.

If you can’t provide that, how are we able to judge if you can do it for us?

Can you answer any of these background questions?

as expressed in an answer, within the workplace I and most sort out their own issues within their working environment, move on to better jobs or negotiate better work.

The PDU is not interested or going to be involved in work place issues.

The PDU want to tackle issues no “single” driver can do anything about at a higher level than the workplace.

This I do have some experience with:-

I have been campaigning and given a voice forward for Drivers for many years using the name of Truckersworld, but it has been difficult without a unity of our profession. Even so I have had many meetings with Government Ministers, was a member of the RHA security forum where leading figures met 3 times a year and I voiced the drivers opinions. I have also had meetings with most RDC and MSA Directors, bringing about improvements for Drivers. Plus I have been a guest speaker for drivers at Industry level seminars. I have also managed to get money back for drivers in difficult circumstances and also made Companies open better toilet facilities.
I brought about a joint venture between the RHA/FTA and Truckersworld to obtain better overnight lorry parking leading to a Government consultation and the “Lorry Parking Strategy” (on-going but needs to be pushed)

As you will recognize, I have experience at contacting people, arranging meetings and taking your issues forward to the people who can make the changes for the better.

So we almost got an answer but not quite.

Apart from getting a toilet and campaigning for better facilities for drivers, can you list for us your manifesto?

A detailed outline of your clear aims and who and why these changes affect?

Are we paying to have you as the spokesman for all issues of concern or are you going to enlist others to speak on our behalf? If the latter, how will they be elected?

As you appear to have extensive contacts within our industry and contacts within other industries and providers relevant to ours, along with high profile meetings that have shaped improvements for the long term benefit of transport, can you provide details of these and explain what your role was, what your expectations were and how you can demonstrate that your input was relevant to any changes or improvement?

Can you provide any evidence where you were directly involved with, or a party to, a substantial change or improvement to something that enhanced or benefitted another driver that has no connection to your particular scope within this industry?

As you are using the ‘UK’ within your company name, will there be any separate devolution to provide specific differences for other countries within the UK? Have you any plans set aside if Scotland decide to, and get, independence from the Uk?

What are the future plans within your mandate if the UK votes to leave the EU?

Reposted as I feel you may have missed it.

Do you have time for me to write a book in answer to those questions.

I have the experience and contacts to open doors for talks as seen with the RHA meeting already taken place.

It will then take time to prepare, get responses from Drivers in general and from all walks

Then a committee of Drivers to take these forward, the committee will be 7 from differing backgrounds elected by the members
Basic questions really if I am to elect someone to represent me.

Still no background info nor anything to substantiate your progress so far except a letter which states you need to substantiate your claims, this time it was from the expert who could fight your corner.

I ask again. What have you achieved to date that has had a real benefit or improvement to those who you want to represent?


There is no need for PDU UK because it already exists in all but name - it’s just no one can see it!
Take a look back through the last 9 pages and what do you see? I see loads of drivers united in one cause - pointing out to Mr Tozzer the shortcomings in his idea. You are all already united in this. You all make pertinent points that you all agree on (albeit they’re negative points), the content of the posts indicate that between you, you have all the skills to take this up a level, so what’s stopping you?
You’ve all demonstrated right here, right now that you can unite to make a point, you’re all doing it. You’re also all doing it without a £5 fee, without a silly membership card, without Barrie Tozzer at the helm, and most of all without knowing you’re doing it.

You’re all only a short step away from gelling it into something useful and constructive…

Good point but the trouble is, most of us disagree with the self elected Chosen One! Someone who has already attempted this once and failed miserably.


There is no need for PDU UK because it already exists in all but name - it’s just no one can see it!
Take a look back through the last 9 pages and what do you see? I see loads of drivers united in one cause - pointing out to Mr Tozzer the shortcomings in his idea. You are all already united in this. You all make pertinent points that you all agree on (albeit they’re negative points), the content of the posts indicate that between you, you have all the skills to take this up a level, so what’s stopping you?
You’ve all demonstrated right here, right now that you can unite to make a point, you’re all doing it. You’re also all doing it without a £5 fee, without a silly membership card, without Barrie Tozzer at the helm, and most of all without knowing you’re doing it.

You’re all only a short step away from gelling it into something useful and constructive…

A good post, but TN Forum is not the place it will happen

The PDU “could” be