The hollies blocked in

Parked up at the hollies yesterday. Told to park at the back. Went to sleep at 7ish to wake at 3.30am. Woke up to find trucks double parked behind each other in the middle of the yard. It just so happened i was the first up on the back row but not one of us could get out. All these professional drivers had parked head first into the spots as they would not have had room to reverse in leaving everyone on the back line blocked in with no more than 15ft of space from their back doors to our cabs. I took photos but they havent turned out too well in the dark and dont show the full extent of the ridiculous parking. I knocked a driver up who told me he was told to park there…i said but you must realise nobody else is getting out with you parking like that though. He had to move. The fact that he headed into the space was enough to show he knew there wasnt enough space. The nightman who was on security only started after the trucks were already parked so he wasnt to blame. It wasnt 1 driver though. It wss several who had all done the same thing. I would love to have stuck around to see the carnage later on but i already lost half an hour and had to go. The nightman said it was already the 3rd truck of the small hours wanting to leave but being blocked in. I know its money for the hollies and i know its getting work done but if they dont fit in then dont take the money for parking. Turn them away till the work is done.

There are trucks either side of me and trucks parked either side of that RGF truck. All of them facing the same way.

Anyone else on here get blocked in ?

■■■■■■■ joke that! I bet some of the drivers getting knocked up were right helpfull too! :unamused: serves the t—s right for parking like that :imp:

I’ve noticed when coming home from work they really do pack them in now. I wonder if the drivers know there’s another truckstop less than a mile down the road.

I’ve noticed when coming home from work they really do pack them in now. I wonder if the drivers know there’s another truckstop less than a mile down the road.

Yes. Which upon my passing at 4.15am was over half empty. Do they charge more or is it that the cafe isnt 24hrs and they want food


I’ve noticed when coming home from work they really do pack them in now. I wonder if the drivers know there’s another truckstop less than a mile down the road.

Yes. Which upon my passing at 4.15am was over half empty. Do they charge more or is it that the cafe isnt 24hrs and they want food

I’ve only ever parked overnight there once and I payed £13 and got a £4 meal voucher, showers are also free. I believe the cafe is 24hr, if you’re not too late I’d recommend eating at the pub up the road though :smiley:

I hate getting blocked in, who needs that hassle just after you get up at the arse end of dawn.

As “drivers” they should know they’re going to block you in and not agree to park there, I appreciate its a bit difficult with some muppet telling you to park there but really…

And people think this is better than parking in laybys and industrial estates! Hate parking in these places to be honest

Same here I prefer somewhere quieter.

And people think this is better than parking in laybys and industrial estates! Hate parking in these places to be honest

with you on this!

I witnessed the same thoughtfullness at rugby last week, and also at stockyard so I guess there is numbtyness everywhere!!

if you think its bad on there,try getting off the truckers rest just up the road at 3.30 in the morning… :unamused:

You’re not having a lot of luck with this parking malarky recently are you Kerbdog? Let me know your itinery for this week and I’ll make sure I’m elsewhere! :smiley: :smiley:

Not me, I don’t tend to use the “pay” lorry parks unless I can’t do anything else, but I know one of our drivers got blocked in at the Hollies a couple of weeks ago.

the maoster:
You’re not having a lot of luck with this parking malarky recently are you Kerbdog? Let me know your itinery for this week and I’ll make sure I’m elsewhere! :smiley: :smiley:

If he had any sense he would of parked some were he couldn’t get blocked in with a 03:30 start stuff the security muppet park sensible next time!


the maoster:
You’re not having a lot of luck with this parking malarky recently are you Kerbdog? Let me know your itinery for this week and I’ll make sure I’m elsewhere! :smiley: :smiley:

If he had any sense he would of parked some were he couldn’t get blocked in with a 03:30 start stuff the security muppet park sensible next time!

Easy to say when you’re parking up at 6pm in an empty 4 acre site! If some numpty turns up 6 hours later & blocks you is that your fault??


the maoster:
You’re not having a lot of luck with this parking malarky recently are you Kerbdog? Let me know your itinery for this week and I’ll make sure I’m elsewhere! :smiley: :smiley:

If he had any sense he would of parked some were he couldn’t get blocked in with a 03:30 start stuff the security muppet park sensible next time!

so it was his fault the security night knob parked another truck in front of him ■■? :blush:

Long time since I did weekday nights out. Aren’t you usually asked by the security guy what time you’re starting? Late starters will be parked at the back and blocked in (at any busy truckstop). Early starters at the front. KD had you told him you were daft enough to be starting work at that ridiculous time for the pittance truck drivers get paid?

How many of them are on 14hr 55m though, and wetting their pants that someone is going to stop them parking at the last minute?

I make a point of never taking more than a 45 in places like MSA’s where I might get boxed in. Overnighting will always have me in a layby. :wink:

Last time I got boxed in was just under 2 years ago at Cambridge services. I’m sure many of you know this pain-in-the-arse place well. :imp:
The place isn’t worth the ■■■■ on someone else’s wheels. :angry:

Never mind, you should know the road is long, with many a winding turn, that leads us to who knows where…