The hollies blocked in

Own Account Driver:
Never mind, you should know the road is long, with many a winding turn, that leads us to who knows where…

That’s the B side to “Convoy”. What do I win? :smiley: :smiley:

the maoster:

Own Account Driver:
Never mind, you should know the road is long, with many a winding turn, that leads us to who knows where…

That’s the B side to “Convoy”. What do I win? :smiley: :smiley:

Showing my age here :unamused: , but I think he’s referring to The Hollies ( 60s group) …yeh I always get top marks on Popmaster :laughing:

I used to tell the security bloke “i’m away early” or “away late”. he knows where you need to be.
and i think that’s the only place i’ve ever paid for parking. :smiley:



I’ve noticed when coming home from work they really do pack them in now. I wonder if the drivers know there’s another truckstop less than a mile down the road.

Yes. Which upon my passing at 4.15am was over half empty. Do they charge more or is it that the cafe isnt 24hrs and they want food

I’ve only ever parked overnight there once and I payed £13 and got a £4 meal voucher, showers are also free. I believe the cafe is 24hr, if you’re not too late I’d recommend eating at the pub up the road though :smiley:

Last time I stopped at Truckers (assume that’s what you’re on about), they charged extra for showers, even if you’d paid to park there, never been in since.

The Hollies is nice for food now, but I’ve not stayed overnight, but if I had been blocked in or knocked up, I’d not be staying again, so it needs sorting.

Most places ask your departure time and plan the parking around you in my experience

Swindon truck stop used to have a sticker which showed the time you intend to start in the morning, although Swindon truck stop was a crap hole it was a good idea :laughing:

You need to get over here and take a conventional witha 53 ft trailer to the Pilot truck stop in Newburgh NY. I have never seen parking so tight anywhere :open_mouth: It’s ok on the left as you drive in, lots of room there but in the middle section on the way to the pumps you have 2 rows of 73 ft long trucks facing each other with space between each side of about 40 ft so the damage done by guys leaving in the middle of the night is unimaginable and waiting for some poor sod trying to park is hours long.