The end of a few north east hauliers (tal)

The council jobs that go will be ok,they will move to another council or department some where

Cant see that happening as all councils are affected with major job losses, they will get a pay off but that money wont last long :wink:

Would be interesting to know who the directers are of New world are & what connection they had to TAL.
Im not saying theres anything dodgy but new world are using Freeways old yard & have got the most lucrative jobs such as BOC & are employing ex Freeway & Gallacher drivers they also took over a firm in Worksop that went bump :question:

There’s a One World Logistics in Worksop if you mean them? Directors appear unrelated to those of TAL. As far as remember, Neil Taylor - the TAL in TAL Logistics - has set up another company (Transport and Logistics (UK) Ltd) with a Sheffield residential address, but I’ve no idea if it’s running trucks or not.

Dom Perry
Road Transport Group

… I worked for David Croome and I lived in Cornwall!! …

I know it’s off topic Bob, but did you ever meet up with Eddy (aka the ‘rabbit’) who was also from Cornwall and moved to Croome’s from Barco in the 80s?

Dom Perry:
There’s a One World Logistics in Worksop if you mean them? Directors appear unrelated to those of TAL. As far as remember, Neil Taylor - the TAL in TAL Logistics - has set up another company (Transport and Logistics (UK) Ltd) with a Sheffield residential address, but I’ve no idea if it’s running trucks or not.

Dom Perry
Road Transport Group

Is One world logistics in worksop not just a Peppers warehousing rebranding of some sort , seems to be the same set up and even using some of peppers old trailers :question: :question:


Wheel Nut:

Anyone expecting any money■■?

The bit about directors loans,in the last paragraph of that link makes interesting reading.I would have thought that it was part of a liquidators job to investigate every possibility of recouping money for creditors.
If I was a creditor reading that statement I would be less than pleased.

Believe me - the liquidators really do make EVERY effort to get back any cash they can from this situation. My sister did that job for 30 years and the directors were always a prime target. She used to go round with a waste paper basket collecting car keys and credit cards etc. The cars would be off to auction that same afternoon if they were company property or back to the leasing Co.

Trying to sell the business on and get some of the “good will” value turned into cash is also a priority.

yep sorry Dom one world, Just makes me laugh (ironic) & it seems to happen regular that Hauliers go bump ,
crediters get nothing &the same directers pop up elsewhere under another name doing excatly the same. Its happened quite a bit up here in the North East.
I see you are in transport Dom hope you are not going to do the same :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: