The Army - the tories industrial boot boys!

wow some of the posts on here are unreal lets be honest the army would only be used for neccessary supplies not to deliver to your local shell esso etc it would be things like police fire ambulances hospitals! the army will do it they have very little choice in it thats how the forces work you get given an order and you do it some may question it but they will still do it or be charged for disobeying a direct order! it is under this system we have had the best armed forces in the world for years despite being underpaid/equipped etc. let the tanker drivers strike or anyone for that matter but the bottom line is certain infrastructure will require fuel end of!
as for who to vote for etc etc they are all as bad as each other!

would only be used for neccessary supplies not to deliver to your local shell esso etc it would be things like police fire ambulances hospitals!

mostly the police fill up at ordinary filling stations, certainly where I live they do, as does the small local ambulance station.


would only be used for neccessary supplies not to deliver to your local shell esso etc it would be things like police fire ambulances hospitals!

mostly the police fill up at ordinary filling stations, certainly where I live they do, as does the small local ambulance station.

Maybe they will set up one of their mobile filling stations in their yard then??

We could always blame this on the War vs Iran - or rather the lack of.

Remember the run up to the gulf wars, with all the ultimatums & hype pushing up the price of crude etc.

When the war then broke out, the price of crude collapsed. People forget this.

THIS time around, we’ve got lots of hype about a future war with Imadinnerjacket, which is hyping up the price again, but it seems the western world isn’t interested in going to war vs Iran - probably because they already know them to actually have the nukes spoken of…

Looks like the conitnuing oil price despite falling demand is set to crush the whole western world into a double dip recession after all! :frowning:

Looks like the conitnuing oil price despite falling demand is set to crush the whole western world into a double dip recession after all! :frowning:

Not so sure its oil forcing the worsening depression, could have something to do with still spending money like it going out of fashion, both us and the Americans, and the Greeks, Portugese, Spanish, Irish, Italy etc.

If you ran a home like the govt of the days (all of them here) have run our country, you’d have been repossesed years ago and thrown out.

Spending more than you could earn, borrowing to pay back borrowing, inviting ever more people to live in your house and then keeping them and paying them for the privelidge of doing so, then extending it to house the next lot, and still on a constantly reducing household income…meanwhile using your credit cards to send money to overseas charity cases who haven’t got the money to reduce their carbon footprint seeing as they spend their incomes on bling, tanks, nuclear missiles and space programs…meanwhile spend ever more on waging wars half way around the globe cos the latest flavour of the month in the US fancies rearranging the faces at the helm in various countries who just happen to have oil…and not forgetting the costs of being in the neigbourly club who dictate how nearly everything shall be done in your home, whilst despising you as they have for generations.

Truly interesting times coming, much anguish and wailing when someone responsible finally as the guts to start making cuts to halt the slide into total national bankruptcy…flogging the roads off and other quick buck schemes might delay it till after the next election, but sooner or later someone will have to say ‘enough’.

“Spending more than you earn” is not helped by a falling wage and rising costs of living.

I gave up Credit in 2004, and have lived within my means ever since. That means when I have no cash, I’m skint and go without.

I’m not starving by any means, but I do find myself grounded from time to time, as I feel it isn’t worth wasting petrol going out on unecassary trips.

You could say I’ve become rather old-fashioned about money that’s all!
:grimacing: :grimacing:

Well I don’t know if this has been said, because I got half way down page 2 and gave up reading.
I can’t believe some of the outright carp i am reading on here.
there are a group of people, not the highest paid in the country, who are trying to prevent themselves being shafted by money grabbing bosses, a group who choose to try and protect thier way of life, and all i read from so called colleauges is that they should be happy to go cap in hand to the fatcats and say “yes sir, thank you for cutting my pay boss, and can I clean your shoes for you boss?”
It doesn’t matter to me that they earn more than me, they have the qualifcations, skill and knowledge to perform thier work, they have negotiated for years to get a basic package, and simply want to protect that.
after the tankers, what will the army be used for? delivering "essential suplies to Tesco RDC’s? or anyone of the thousands of jobs we do. Surely it is time that we all said enough is enough.
but of course, call me Dave only has to log in to TNUK to see how safe his policies are, He can see how we will all squabble and ■■■■■ amongst ourselves and do nothing to help fellow workers.
I am not a communist, I’m not even slightly left wing, but i do think that there is much more we should be fighting about than whether a tanker driver deserves a few more quid than a tipper driver,
If the government thought that by calling in the army, the rest of the haulage industry would close down in simpathy with the tanker drivers, then it would never happen, but unfortunately, we know that that will never happen, we will just go on squabbling amoungst ourselves,while dave and his mates, and i include nicky boy and Ed in that, will go on lining the pockets of the rich.
we should be threatening to walk out if bankers bonuses are not ended, we should all go on strike until fuel prices come down, we should stop work until the tax loopholes that allow fatcats to aviod paying tax is closed
What would happen if on the day when barclays announced that they were paying thier CEO £6.7million, we all went into our local Barclays and asked for our money? It would bring the bank to a complete standstill, and cause call me dave a bigger headache than ever.
Divide and rule is the policy of any government, this one is no exception, and by reading this thread, it’s obcvious that it’s working!

“Spending more than you earn” is not helped by a falling wage and rising costs of living.

I gave up Credit in 2004, and have lived within my means ever since. That means when I have no cash, I’m skint and go without.

I’m not starving by any means, but I do find myself grounded from time to time, as I feel it isn’t worth wasting petrol going out on unecassary trips.

You could say I’ve become rather old-fashioned about money that’s all!
:grimacing: :grimacing:

Spot on mate, thats how people with a good dose of common sense do it… :sunglasses: do not spend what you don’t have.

Pity that good sense can’t find its way into high government, the only differenece between budgetting a house and a country IMO is the decimal places in the figures, if you pour it faster than you can fill the pot it will run out.

Bloody good post from Truckerjon above, every word, divide and rule.

To all of the guys who think the tanker drivers are filling their boots and asking for more, how would you like it if your boss came into you tomorrow and said “OK lads henceforth you will be working an extra day per week, we are ending the premium payments for overtime and cutting your basic by fifty quid a week.”? At it’s most basic form the tanker drivers have been told to work more for less.

To all of the guys who think the tanker drivers are filling their boots and asking for more, how would you like it if your boss came into you tomorrow and said “OK lads henceforth you will be working an extra day per week, we are ending the premium payments for overtime and cutting your basic by fifty quid a week.”? At it’s most basic form the tanker drivers have been told to work more for less.

wages being cut has happened to a lot of people in the industry so why should tanker drivers be any different■■? i would rather have lower pay then no job at all


To all of the guys who think the tanker drivers are filling their boots and asking for more, how would you like it if your boss came into you tomorrow and said “OK lads henceforth you will be working an extra day per week, we are ending the premium payments for overtime and cutting your basic by fifty quid a week.”? At it’s most basic form the tanker drivers have been told to work more for less.

wages being cut has happened to a lot of people in the industry so why should tanker drivers be any different■■? i would rather have lower pay then no job at all

You have just put a large grin on the face of “call me Dave” and his cronies!



To all of the guys who think the tanker drivers are filling their boots and asking for more, how would you like it if your boss came into you tomorrow and said “OK lads henceforth you will be working an extra day per week, we are ending the premium payments for overtime and cutting your basic by fifty quid a week.”? At it’s most basic form the tanker drivers have been told to work more for less.

wages being cut has happened to a lot of people in the industry so why should tanker drivers be any different■■? i would rather have lower pay then no job at all

You have just put a large grin on the face of “call me Dave” and his cronies!


There’s a difference between asking the staff to making a sacrifice and taking the ■■■■

A sacrifice is “lads, we need to save some money so we aren’t going to pay time and a half for overtime anymore,” or “lads, you are only going to get overtime after 50 hours not 40”

Taking the ■■■■ is “You have to work an extra day a week AND have a reduction in pay”

I would wager that most of the firms reducing wages are smaller concerns and the workers have a choice of less wages or no job. I hardly think that applies to the oil companies.

‘‘You have just put a large grin on the face of “call me Dave” and his cronies!’’




To all of the guys who think the tanker drivers are filling their boots and asking for more, how would you like it if your boss came into you tomorrow and said “OK lads henceforth you will be working an extra day per week, we are ending the premium payments for overtime and cutting your basic by fifty quid a week.”? At it’s most basic form the tanker drivers have been told to work more for less.

wages being cut has happened to a lot of people in the industry so why should tanker drivers be any different■■? i would rather have lower pay then no job at all

You have just put a large grin on the face of “call me Dave” and his cronies!

and you fail to see the fact of life statement, supply and demand dictates the value of a market, whether it be house for sale or the level of wages paid.
If there was a shortage of drivers, there would be no talk of reducing the tanker drivers wages or their bonuses. Their bosses will be bidding against other companies, cutting the rates to a minimum to secure the future contracts, no doubt aware that Stobarts and Dinglydanglies are on the sidelines eyeing up their work with the advantage of already paying lower wages.
Best of luck to the tanker drivers, but their fight is reminisient of British Leyland, the Coal Miners et all who thought they were indispensable, and will end in tears when DHL/Wincanton or whoever says ‘‘ah we can’t compete so ■■■■ it’’, and pulls the plug on the job.

Teflon Tony, Gormless Gordon and their pals at the banks spent us into this right ■■■■■■■ mess, lets hope someone can get us out.

Big Joe:



To all of the guys who think the tanker drivers are filling their boots and asking for more, how would you like it if your boss came into you tomorrow and said “OK lads henceforth you will be working an extra day per week, we are ending the premium payments for overtime and cutting your basic by fifty quid a week.”? At it’s most basic form the tanker drivers have been told to work more for less.

wages being cut has happened to a lot of people in the industry so why should tanker drivers be any different■■? i would rather have lower pay then no job at all

You have just put a large grin on the face of “call me Dave” and his cronies!

and you fail to see the fact of life statement, supply and demand dictates the value of a market, whether it be house for sale or the level of wages paid.
If there was a shortage of drivers, there would be no talk of reducing the tanker drivers wages or their bonuses. Their bosses will be bidding against other companies, cutting the rates to a minimum to secure the future contracts, no doubt aware that Stobarts and Dinglydanglies are on the sidelines eyeing up their work with the advantage of already paying lower wages.
Best of luck to the tanker drivers, but their fight is reminisient of British Leyland, the Coal Miners et all who thought they were indispensable, and will end in tears when DHL/Wincanton or whoever says ‘‘ah we can’t compete so [zb] it’’, and pulls the plug on the job.

Teflon Tony, Gormless Gordon and their pals at the banks spent us into this right [zb] mess, lets hope someone can get us out.

Yes but it seems that it won’t be the rich sacrificing anything to help!

Big Joe:
Best of luck to the tanker drivers, but their fight is reminisient of British Leyland, the Coal Miners et all who thought they were indispensable, and will end in tears when DHL/Wincanton or whoever says ‘‘ah we can’t compete so [zb] it’’, and pulls the plug on the job.

Teflon Tony, Gormless Gordon and their pals at the banks spent us into this right [zb] mess, lets hope someone can get us out.

It was actually the policies of Callaghan,Thatcher,Blair and Brown and all their followers who believe/d all the bs about well paid British workers not being ‘indispensable’ to the British economy and the reliance on importing stuff that we can provide for ourselves and using cheap imported labour,that has put us into this zb mess.What all those policies had,and continue to have,in common,is a low wage economy relative to prices and taxation.

Big Joe:

Teflon Tony, Gormless Gordon and their pals at the banks spent us into this right [zb] mess, lets hope someone can get us out.

Yes but it seems that it won’t be the rich sacrificing anything to help!

Define the rich?, would they include some of the Tony crony champagne socialists pretending to run the country alongside him in the last government. I sorta felt sorry for Gordon, when he was chancellor he bankrolled Tonys big society/slap up meal party but didn’t know the drinks were going to be free. When Tony saw the waiter totting up the bill he knew what was coming so he did a runner and ■■■■■■ off, and left Gordon the Moron to nervously hand over the countrys credit card, knowing full well payment was going to be declined :neutral_face:

Big Joe:
Define the rich?, would they include some of the Tony crony champagne socialists pretending to run the country alongside him in the last government. I sorta felt sorry for Gordon, when he was chancellor he bankrolled Tonys big society/slap up meal party but didn’t know the drinks were going to be free. When Tony saw the waiter totting up the bill he knew what was coming so he did a runner and [zb] off, and left Gordon the Moron to nervously hand over the countrys credit card, knowing full well payment was going to be declined :neutral_face:

The reason why the payment was declined was because there was zb all left in the bank because of the fact that Tony was really just an admirer of the Thatcherite policies which he continued with supported by Brown.Who’s real fault was the inability to realise and admit that Thatcher and TosserTony and therefore he himself and therefore the idea of ‘New Labour’ itself were all wrong and change course by handing the Party back to those who it belongs (the Trade Unions) before the place hit the rocks.

I would argue that the difference between an fair expectation from staff and taking the ■■■■ is the following:-

(1) “This company is going into administration today. We can save it if we all take a 20% pay cut top to bottom.”

This is an example of a fair pay cut.

(2) This company made £100million last year which is crap compared to other companies in the FTSE, so we’re going to cut your pay by 20% so initially we can get those profits upto £120million, and then beyond. We’ve got our shareholders to consider!"

and then (3) to the said “shareholders”…

“Times are 'ard, so we’re passing the dividend this year. Overheads in transport have never been higher. Please bear with us at this difficult time, whilst the management empty the coffers or borrow our way into oblivion, which ends up with all staff being laid off and shares in this company being destroyed by the inevitable “debt for equity” swap which will see all the cash going to bondholders (overseas) and of course us who’ve already looted all we want, having had advance warning of the firm’s dire straits - since we caused it and all!”

If I were to start stating my opinions on WHY the financial establishment in this country is so endemically bent, then I’d be accused of being ■■■■.

A judge isn’t racist if he jails a non-caucasian murderer who kills someone in broad daylight in front of 100 witnesses right?

Yet we can’t call a crook a crook on the same basis… When was the last time you heard of a small time crook being jailed?

Names being jailed like Madoff, Milliken, Black, & Stewart are few and far between alas. :imp: :imp:

Murdoch is a good example of a name that’s never going to be jailed, despite the lies printed in his rags that have this country at each other’s throats, the mis-reported tanker drivers issues being a prime example of how the press perverts the public good in this, and other countries.

“Greedy Petrol drivers on £48k want more” type headlines instead of “Let’s have an amnesty for our essential petrol drivers who are asking for nothing more than a 3 year pay freeze”.
Instead, the firm are trying to ■■■■■ pay & conditions by 20%!"