The Army - the tories industrial boot boys!

I don’t like the idea of the Army getting involved. It’s an industrial dispute, they should be kept out of it.

I have several friends who are fuel tanker drivers and they are some of the best paid drivers I can think of.
If they want to go on strike moaning then fair enough, but the product still needs to be delivered.

They’re so well paid because they’re willing to stick together when their terms and conditions are being eroded. Your attitude is typical of why the hourly rate for drivers is [zb]. You’re just happy to sit back and take a shafting, or as some on here say, if you don’t like it find somewhere else.
Good on the tanker drivers for sticking up for themselves. The Army should be kept well out of it.

Maybe they are so well paid because the petrochemical industry can afford to pay them well. When you look at the profits these oil companies make, paying £40k (or whatever they get) a year per driver is hardly going to make a dent in their bank balance. Maybe the tanker drivers should think themselves lucky with the money they already get!!! There is hardly the same kind of money to be made in general haulage, so in the mean time I think we will have sit back and take the shafting as I don’t think there are enough tanker jobs for all of us to move to. :cry:

Also…The amount of tax revenue that fuel sales bring in, is vital to the Govt. They could not possibly see this cash flow restricted for any period of time in these tight economic conditions, so will do whatever it takes to ensure this stream of income flows in unhindered :imp: This, I suspect, is the real reason for sending in the Army.


and I also support the Army who have been treated extremely badly by Government for many years,could be a good time for the Army lads to tell the government…‘Kiss our ■■■■’

truer than you think!
my son in law , in the army in a fairly senior position, voted tory (so did his wife) at the last election, solely on the promises made of better kit, housing etc.
Both have now said they regret it

The fate of the old HMS Eagle and all those who lost their lives in the Falklands because we didn’t have adequate air cover says everything about the Tories defence policy.All talk and no do because there’s no way that we can sustain (and pay for) decent defence capability without a well paid workforce in the civvy sector and protection for our own domestic industries against cheap imports to provide the wealth required to pay the taxes.

As for military housing,just like the Labour commie ideas of council housing,I think they mean more cheap housing estates like those around Aldershot etc not exactly the type of low density,high quality housing built in low amounts, leaving plenty of countryside for a decent quality of life that the average Tory buyer (or anyone with any sense and enough wages to be able to choose) goes for.


I don’t like the idea of the Army getting involved. It’s an industrial dispute, they should be kept out of it.

I have several friends who are fuel tanker drivers and they are some of the best paid drivers I can think of.
If they want to go on strike moaning then fair enough, but the product still needs to be delivered.

They’re so well paid because they’re willing to stick together when their terms and conditions are being eroded. Your attitude is typical of why the hourly rate for drivers is [zb]. You’re just happy to sit back and take a shafting, or as some on here say, if you don’t like it find somewhere else.
Good on the tanker drivers for sticking up for themselves. The Army should be kept well out of it.

Maybe they are so well paid because the petrochemical industry can afford to pay them well. When you look at the profits these oil companies make, paying £40k (or whatever they get) a year per driver is hardly going to make a dent in their bank balance. Maybe the tanker drivers should think themselves lucky with the money they already get!!! There is hardly the same kind of money to be made in general haulage, so in the mean time I think we will have sit back and take the shafting as I don’t think there are enough tanker jobs for all of us to move to. :cry:

It’s government road fuel taxation policy that’s zb’ing up the industry not the few p that the oil companies make in profit on a Litre of fuel.It’s going to take the type of industrial muscle that Unite has left by (trying to) stop the government’s cash cow tax scam to change that situation.If the army stay out of it,or even better,support their action, it could bring the government down and maybe allow the changes required to get the economy back on track,by putting taxation back where it belongs on income,which makes everyone better off except those like Cameron,Blair and the bankers etc. :bulb:

Share your comments Carryfast and HMS Eagle you must be about 70.Could be that if the tanker drivers do start an action it might just inspire others to join in,even FFUK must realise that ‘JAW JAW’ hasn’t worked there is only one other alternative.

Share your comments Carryfast and HMS Eagle you must be about 70.

I was actually about 10 years old when I saw it in the late 1960’s in Portsmouth while on the way to the Isle of Wight.That’s what you called a Navy.That and a few Phantoms would have come in very handy a few years later during the Falklands. :wink:

I’m not sure if recent posters have read what I posted at the end of page 1, another post by another quickly followed onto page 2 so it might not have been read. I have to say there is some drivel being spoken here, look, the Military from the top to the bottom does what they are told to do, once the military council consisting of the heads of the services and the civilian council of top politicians meet and discuss situations an agreement is made to involve the military or not. The recent riots are a case where they obviously decided not to use the Army and left the situation to the Police (no matter what the opinion is of how it was handled).

However in a case where the civilian population requires assistance and its decided the military can do this as in the fuel deliveries then once it gets the go ahead plans are carried out to do this, not to shoot decenting strikers, mutinee, attack Downing St or any other ridiculous situation that can be thought up, but simply to deliver fuel. They will be well versed in what to do if they come up against strikers but it won’t be to fix bayonets and charge them! You will find in this situation the Police will handle that, that’s even if there is any sign of trouble which I doubt there will be. The military is and always has been a tool that can be used by the Government of the day for what ever reason but that only comes after much debate and agreement among the chosen few (I recall something like 9 or 12 members on the council). The Prime Minister can’t just say send in the Troops it has to be decided by more than politicians.

The military is and always has been a tool that can be used by the Government of the day for what ever reason but that only comes after much debate and agreement among the chosen few (I recall something like 9 or 12 members on the council).

they managed to get enough members of the council to support military action in 1926, so what is different now?
Just playing devils advocate here!

In 1926 they didn’t have the same set up, the Prime Minister gave the go ahead and the military commanders carried it out as they saw fit, remember these were some of the same commanders that sent Thousands of lads to their deaths in a couple of hours during the First War and still had the same mind set.

However after almost a hundred years we would hope for some change. I’m not sure where I stand on the proposed strike, when I was driving Tanker lads were always ahead of us paywise so we had little sympathy, I don’t know what the difference is today and if general hauliers would back them or not, drivers have a good record of not sticking together, the individualistic type of work a driver does means he generally only thinks of himself and his own. Going back to the original post, Labour would use the military in the same way it isn’t just a Conservative thing.

I don’t really get those who criticise the tanker drivers for trying to maintain their term and conditions of employment, especialy when they then say that the tanker drivers are better off than them.

Surely the question isn’t “why should the tanker drivers get better terms and conditions than me, but why haven’t I got the terms and conditions of the tanker drivers?”

+1 exactly right!

I don’t really get those who criticise the tanker drivers for trying to maintain their term and conditions of employment, especialy when they then say that the tanker drivers are better off than them.

Surely the question isn’t “why should the tanker drivers get better terms and conditions than me, but why haven’t I got the terms and conditions of the tanker drivers?”

+2. That’s what I’ve also been trying to get across. Some of the drivers baffle and infuriate me.


and I also support the Army who have been treated extremely badly by Government for many years,could be a good time for the Army lads to tell the government…‘Kiss our ■■■■’

truer than you think!
my son in law , in the army in a fairly senior position, voted tory (so did his wife) at the last election, solely on the promises made of better kit, housing etc.
Both have now said they regret it and will never vote tory again.
Seems to me that the only people making a profit out of the tories are the already rich…and of course those who are prepared to contribute £250,000 to Tory funds who get invited to tea :slight_smile:

Did you hear that geezer on the TV say that “donations should be capped at £10,000 because you don’t get nowt for £10,000!”

Talk about condemning his party out of his own gob! He’s practically admitted there’s a thriving market in “cash for ■■■” in this parliament as there always was in others before…

Im pretty sure there are plenty of agency drivers out of work who have adr and would be happy to drive.
What is it with the highest earners in there industry that makes them think they are entitled to more■■?
45k a year for tanker drivers, stupid amount for tube drivers who just sit in a seat and hold one handle.
They strike once and get what they want so then continue to take the pee and do it again and again and again

Yep if you think thats good idea cut the job up, get the agency in, better still get Stobarts in, then it will really ■■■■ the job.

All the time I have been driving I have never met an overpaid driver, I have met loads of underpaid ones though.

These guys stick together and thats why they are the highest earners in the industry.

I don’t really get those who criticise the tanker drivers for trying to maintain their term and conditions of employment, especialy when they then say that the tanker drivers are better off than them.

Surely the question isn’t “why should the tanker drivers get better terms and conditions than me, but why haven’t I got the terms and conditions of the tanker drivers?”

they are on 45k a year yet want more, comprende :wink:
Problem with the UK people always expect more :unamused:


I don’t really get those who criticise the tanker drivers for trying to maintain their term and conditions of employment, especialy when they then say that the tanker drivers are better off than them.

Surely the question isn’t “why should the tanker drivers get better terms and conditions than me, but why haven’t I got the terms and conditions of the tanker drivers?”

they are on 45k a year yet want more, comprende :wink:
Problem with the UK people always expect more :unamused:

The problem with Brits…They always show the green eyed monster and try and drag you down to their level :imp: Their own bloody worst enemy.



I don’t really get those who criticise the tanker drivers for trying to maintain their term and conditions of employment, especialy when they then say that the tanker drivers are better off than them.

Surely the question isn’t “why should the tanker drivers get better terms and conditions than me, but why haven’t I got the terms and conditions of the tanker drivers?”

they are on 45k a year yet want more, comprende :wink:
Problem with the UK people always expect more :unamused:

The problem with Brits…They always show the green eyed monster and try and drag you down to their level :imp: Their own bloody worst enemy.

So the tanker driver know they are on more than 99% of the haulage industry yet think they are owed more, why? :confused:



I don’t really get those who criticise the tanker drivers for trying to maintain their term and conditions of employment, especialy when they then say that the tanker drivers are better off than them.

Surely the question isn’t “why should the tanker drivers get better terms and conditions than me, but why haven’t I got the terms and conditions of the tanker drivers?”

they are on 45k a year yet want more, comprende :wink:
Problem with the UK people always expect more :unamused:

The problem with Brits…They always show the green eyed monster and try and drag you down to their level :imp: Their own bloody worst enemy.

I’m not jealous of tanker drivers one bit. Good on them. Like most folk have been saying, they have fought for what they have today. But in these tough times, why can’t they just appreciate what they have right now and realise how lucky they are!!! :neutral_face:




I don’t really get those who criticise the tanker drivers for trying to maintain their term and conditions of employment, especialy when they then say that the tanker drivers are better off than them.

Surely the question isn’t “why should the tanker drivers get better terms and conditions than me, but why haven’t I got the terms and conditions of the tanker drivers?”

they are on 45k a year yet want more, comprende :wink:
Problem with the UK people always expect more :unamused:

The problem with Brits…They always show the green eyed monster and try and drag you down to their level :imp: Their own bloody worst enemy.

So the tanker driver know they are on more than 99% of the haulage industry yet think they are owed more, why? :confused:

The tanker driver want to maintain what they are getting.




I don’t really get those who criticise the tanker drivers for trying to maintain their term and conditions of employment, especialy when they then say that the tanker drivers are better off than them.

Surely the question isn’t “why should the tanker drivers get better terms and conditions than me, but why haven’t I got the terms and conditions of the tanker drivers?”

they are on 45k a year yet want more, comprende :wink:
Problem with the UK people always expect more :unamused:

The problem with Brits…They always show the green eyed monster and try and drag you down to their level :imp: Their own bloody worst enemy.

I’m not jealous of tanker drivers one bit. Good on them. Like most folk have been saying, they have fought for what they have today. But in these tough times, why can’t they just appreciate what they have right now and realise how lucky they are!!! :neutral_face:

Greedy barstewards, just like the tube drivers.
They now know how to get more so take advantage.