My take on this situation is that the stike is on the cards because, the senior management (fat cats) see that the plebs (drivers) under their control are earning a bit more than drivers in the rest of the industry. They see this as money which could be in their own pockets. So they try to change the terms and conditions of the plebs so that they (the fat cats) can have an even bigger house, car and even more comfortable retirement.
The plebs feel aggrieved because, lets face it, they actually are essential to the fat cats making money, so withdraw their services to point this out to the fat cats. Mr Cameron sees his fat cat mates in a bit of trouble so decides the best thing to do is to spend plebs tax money so that his fat cat mates can still buy a bigger house etc.
I voted Consevative in the last election and to be honest after the last budget am a bit embarrased about it, we’re really NOT in this together are we?
Hell who to vote for in the next election? Theyre all in it for themselves and their mates aren’t they.
Hell who to vote for in the next election? Theyre all in it for themselves and their mates aren’t they
the raving looney party…oh! hang on , we’ve already got them!
I don’t disagree with you but fail to see how that is relevant to wether the public would punish the army for doing the fuel deliveries.
I maintain that most people would see the army as merely obeying orders.
There is a huge difference in what the reaction would be if the army were to use lethal force on any strikers etc.
The level of force just depends on how the government see the situation.I’m not saying that the use of lethal force is on the table in this case but the option is always there in respect any type of serious threat to the government.
Such as in the case of mutiny by squaddies in such a case as this whereby instead of following orders they stand on the picket line in support of the strikers .Then the strikers try to stop them being arrested by the MP’s then a lot more of their mates in the army turn against the MP’s and their officers and those others in the army who still support the government etc etc who then turn against the mutineers.Then the army splits into for and against factions.It’s obvious where that scenario is going and that’s probably why the British will never be able to make a decent type of real democracy.
soon as you sign on the line you dont get a choice
always have a choice, just that the repercussions are a lot more severe
At least they can’t put you in front of the firing squad for it now…or can they?
Bit like when Boris Yeltsin took on the Russian establishment with the help of army mutineers none of who knew wether their mates would turn their guns on them or on the government.All done with the support of the British media and government.
I recall when the miners went on strike and the tanker drivers broke their picket lines to deliver gas oil to power stations
The tipper drivers also broke picket lines to deliver coal and iron ore to the steel works.
I don’t disagree with you but fail to see how that is relevant to wether the public would punish the army for doing the fuel deliveries.
I maintain that most people would see the army as merely obeying orders.
There is a huge difference in what the reaction would be if the army were to use lethal force on any strikers etc.
The level of force just depends on how the government see the situation.I’m not saying that the use of lethal force is on the table in this case but the option is always there in respect any type of serious threat to the government.
Such as in the case of mutiny by squaddies in such a case as this whereby instead of following orders they stand on the picket line in support of the strikers .Then the strikers try to stop them being arrested by the MP’s then a lot more of their mates in the army turn against the MP’s and their officers and those others in the army who still support the government etc etc who then turn against the mutineers.Then the army splits into for and against factions.It’s obvious where that scenario is going and that’s probably why the British will never be able to make a decent type of real democracy.
Steady on chaps, we’ve gone from a few disgruntled tanker drivers to civil war in a few posts!
Im pretty sure there are plenty of agency drivers out of work who have adr and would be happy to drive.
What is it with the highest earners in there industry that makes them think they are entitled to more■■?
45k a year for tanker drivers, stupid amount for tube drivers who just sit in a seat and hold one handle.
They strike once and get what they want so then continue to take the pee and do it again and again and again
I don’t disagree with you but fail to see how that is relevant to wether the public would punish the army for doing the fuel deliveries.
I maintain that most people would see the army as merely obeying orders.
There is a huge difference in what the reaction would be if the army were to use lethal force on any strikers etc.
The level of force just depends on how the government see the situation.I’m not saying that the use of lethal force is on the table in this case but the option is always there in respect any type of serious threat to the government.
Such as in the case of mutiny by squaddies in such a case as this whereby instead of following orders they stand on the picket line in support of the strikers .Then the strikers try to stop them being arrested by the MP’s then a lot more of their mates in the army turn against the MP’s and their officers and those others in the army who still support the government etc etc who then turn against the mutineers.Then the army splits into for and against factions.It’s obvious where that scenario is going and that’s probably why the British will never be able to make a decent type of real democracy.
Steady on chaps, we’ve gone from a few disgruntled tanker drivers to civil war in a few posts!
That’s probably what it would take to change things in this country.You can bet that if anyone threatened the establishment by calling for a referendum based system instead of the present dictatorship it would try to cling to power in just the same way that the so called Russian ‘Parliament’ did against Yeltsin.
I don’t disagree with you but fail to see how that is relevant to wether the public would punish the army for doing the fuel deliveries.
I maintain that most people would see the army as merely obeying orders.
There is a huge difference in what the reaction would be if the army were to use lethal force on any strikers etc.
The level of force just depends on how the government see the situation.I’m not saying that the use of lethal force is on the table in this case but the option is always there in respect any type of serious threat to the government.
Such as in the case of mutiny by squaddies in such a case as this whereby instead of following orders they stand on the picket line in support of the strikers .Then the strikers try to stop them being arrested by the MP’s then a lot more of their mates in the army turn against the MP’s and their officers and those others in the army who still support the government etc etc who then turn against the mutineers.Then the army splits into for and against factions.It’s obvious where that scenario is going and that’s probably why the British will never be able to make a decent type of real democracy.
Steady on chaps, we’ve gone from a few disgruntled tanker drivers to civil war in a few posts!
That’s probably what it would take to change things in this country.You can bet that if anyone threatened the establishment by calling for a referendum based system instead of the present dictatorship it would try to cling to power in just the same way that the so called Russian ‘Parliament’ did against Yeltsin.
I didn’t realise Kommune 1 was still going! Maybe you’d prefer the RAF to the army.
Look lads,IMO if there was to be an all out tanker drivers strike,the flow of fuel from the terminals would be reduced to a trickle.Priority would be given to supplying Police,Fire and Ambulance services and other deliveries would be directed to nominated filling stations used by doctors and the Utility services ect.Any excess capacity may then see limited supply to normal outlets.But I would question wether there would be enough “trained” Squaddies to even maintain these stratigic deliveries !! So I would think there would be a lot of “■■■■■■ off drivers” on this site once a tanker drivers strike started to bite and they ( general transport drivers) started to be laid off as normal fuel deliveries dried up.Then again,“fast eddie” may sieze upon the opertunity to come to the country’s aid in it’s “hour of need” and cut the bottom out of the fuel delivery rates and replace the regular contractors that currently deliver fuel !! Now that TUPE would defo make interesting study !!! Oh! never mind about striking for more money,the “fast one” would offer T &C’s that halved the tanker drivers wages !!! Alternatively,make “Carryfast” energy “Czar”,re-open the coal mines,nationalise the North Sea Oil and build 50 new Nuclear power stations ( in ■■■■■■■■■■ course !).Job sorted! Cheers Bewick.
I say good of them for trying to keep there terms and conditions as they are, anyone who does hazardous, will know, it’s a hell of a responsibility when your transporting dangerous cargo, be it petrol, or chemicals, it’s always on the back of your mind, what if something happens, a fire, accident, leakage, you never know, and for this point we all deserve a decent wage, otherwise it’s a race to the bottom, and WE ALL deserve better, than we’re currently getting…
First off, i am not blaming the Army, they have to do as instructed.
Secondly, there is a world of difference between covering ambulance or fire service duties, delivering fuel for emergency use, and delivering fuel to Tesco’s or BP so that Mr & Mrs middle class tory voter can fill their Rover 75 up!
What is it with the highest earners in there industry that makes them think they are entitled to more■■?
they are not asking for more.
They are trying to prevent the bosses from cutting their wages etc.
Wouldn’t you?
What is it with the highest earners in there industry that makes them think they are entitled to more■■?
they are not asking for more.
They are trying to prevent the bosses from cutting their wages etc.
Wouldn’t you?
Clearly a lot of people on here wouldn’t. I really don’t understand why but there you go.
Well, I would be quite happy to stand alongside the tanker drivers, and I would hope to see a few more of us do the same… we are getting shafted right left and centre and all we do is bend over even more…Now would be a good time to get our message across.
We will be if there is no fuel!
Army obeys - Either an economic recovery occurs, or the current situations today in Greece and Syria take hold instead. This would culminate in the army eventually being told that the UK public/workforce are terroists, and must be eliminated as part of the ongoing “war on terror”.
Army DISobeys - The establishment is ripped up and replaced as it was after France 1789, Russia 1917, America 1776 etc etc. This can either happen with relatively little bloodshed (Czech Revolution) or it can be like France where everyone considered to be part of the old order finds themselves in two bits in short order.
Armies disobeying have changed our world for the better more often than pretty much anything else if you think about it. It’s a brave step of course, going against all those vows etc. but we’d all be tinpot dictatorships in the world if every time there was some civil upset, the soldiers were just sent in by the government to crush any would-be rebellion!
What say you Citizen?
You really should all remember the last strike when Blair was in office,fuel depots blockaded etc.etc.I should think David Cameron is wetting himself that he might end up getting the Blair treatment.And I do state here I fully support the tanker drivers and I also support the Army who have been treated extremely badly by Government for many years,could be a good time for the Army lads to tell the government…‘Kiss our ■■■■’
Army obeys - Either an economic recovery occurs, or the current situations today in Greece and Syria take hold instead. This would culminate in the army eventually being told that the UK public/workforce are terroists, and must be eliminated as part of the ongoing “war on terror”.
Army DISobeys - The establishment is ripped up and replaced as it was after France 1789, Russia 1917, America 1776 etc etc. This can either happen with relatively little bloodshed (Czech Revolution) or it can be like France where everyone considered to be part of the old order finds themselves in two bits in short order.
Armies disobeying have changed our world for the better more often than pretty much anything else if you think about it. It’s a brave step of course, going against all those vows etc. but we’d all be tinpot dictatorships in the world if every time there was some civil upset, the soldiers were just sent in by the government to crush any would-be rebellion!
What say you Citizen?
The British establishment would absolutely zb themselves if they ever thought that they couldn’t rely on the army to do whatever the establishments wants it to do.The Bolsheviks and the French were just a murdering rabble so the Czech way is the way to go.
and I also support the Army who have been treated extremely badly by Government for many years,could be a good time for the Army lads to tell the government…‘Kiss our ■■■■’
truer than you think!
my son in law , in the army in a fairly senior position, voted tory (so did his wife) at the last election, solely on the promises made of better kit, housing etc.
Both have now said they regret it and will never vote tory again.
Seems to me that the only people making a profit out of the tories are the already rich…and of course those who are prepared to contribute £250,000 to Tory funds who get invited to tea
You really should all remember the last strike when Blair was in office,fuel depots blockaded etc.etc.I should think David Cameron is wetting himself that he might end up getting the Blair treatment.And I do state here I fully support the tanker drivers and I also support the Army who have been treated extremely badly by Government for many years,could be a good time for the Army lads to tell the government…‘Kiss our ■■■■’
A plan in which the public support the tanker drivers,which finally draws a line in the sand concerning the erosion of conditions throughout the economy in general and in which the tanker drivers and their union support the public,not just their members,concerning road fuel taxation and general government policies and the army just park the tankers across the gates and stand together with the tanker drivers and the public should do it.Then it’s just a case of the government has to stand down because it no longer has any authority and we build a new system based on referenda not a vote for a dictatorship every 5 years.