The alternative Highway Code

items purchased from m/way service stations,must not be opened until you are travelling down the slip road :smiling_imp:

When merging with traffic already on the major road/motorway you are attempting to join, be sure to wait to the last possible minute before forcing your way into the path of an oncoming truck. This proves your manhood.

you may not proceed on a green signal,until you have finished updating your social networking account :smiling_imp:

Rule 69
Parking at least 1m from the kerb is compolsury when dropping off the sprogs outside the school,as is doing a convio exceptonnel impression as youre pink jogging bottomed arse takes up most of of the road ,whilst unloading from the o/s.

Sat Navs:

Swtich OFF on roads that have not been modified for years, such as the A21 or A22.

Switch ON when seeing signs such as “New Road Layout Ahead”.

You must never switch them off in country lanes. It put you there. Trust it’s judgement. 6-6 refers to six and a half metres, rather than a warning that Damien Thorn is around the next bend in a VOSA uniform. :wink: This in turn should be no problem for your 44 tonner with no rear-steer. :smiley:

When merging with traffic already on the major road/motorway you are attempting to join, be sure to wait to the last possible minute before forcing your way into the path of an oncoming truck. This proves your manhood.

Rule 54b (a) (iii) (1)

If your manhood is held cheaply enough, consider pulling out from the hard shoulder on the A30 off-slip road across another 5 lanes to join the right hand lane when passing heathrow airport on the M25. Don’t forget to toot your horn as you pass SAINTS and give them a cheery salute with your 6th finger, assuming you come from Norfolk. :grimacing: