Tesco agency drivers

Agency in Doncaster per temps who do next home deliveries pay very good money
£9.59ph £14.38 after 8 hrs and on Saturday
£19.18 Sunday and £33.50 after 10hrs on Sunday

Tesco have been treating people like [zb] for many years, even their own, so why now all of a sudden would they think to change their ways…just because of an audit■■? They will carry on doing what they like & find a way legally to cover their backsides & carry on as per usual or give it to a 3rd party, let them deal with it…#to55pots

Maybe they are changing their ways because they have realised that Stobbarts are f**kin’ useless :laughing:

No one has answered the question, and called me wrong yet - where are the £20ph jobs?
Who’s getting £40k for a 48 hour week or less?

You can wait till the sky falls for that answer, I will help, as far as Tesco are concerned or anyone else for that matter they don’t exist.

Its all a “one against the other” drive by the firms themselves…

“Royal Mail/Stobarts/Tanker Drivers, and now Tesco all get £40kpa just for turning up, doing a 5 hour job and knock”. Yeh, Sure baz.

The truth is, doing a single 60 hour week might get you that wage “annualised” (ie you whack it hard for a single week, then multiply that pay by 52…)

Of course, it’s illegal to work 60 hours on duty EVERY week, so you’ll therefore never quite make it. :unamused:

Went into Tesco last night and there now has appeared pinned on the “drivers excecutive lounge” wall a notice from this SGS inspection/audit company.
It states they have been contracted by Tesco UK to make sure Tesco are adhering to some sort of Ethical employment code or other and asks ANY worker of ANY description who feels they are not being treated equally or fairly in ANY way to urgently get in contact with them.

One good thing is it specifically mentions PAY so I hear the phone has been red hot from Belfast about the agency drivers being “blackmailed” into signing the AWR Reg10 Swedish Derogation during Dec2011 and the usual cancelled/lack of shifts :exclamation: :exclamation: :sunglasses:

Remains to be seen if anything is done about it though :exclamation: :neutral_face:

What agency is supplying tesco Belfast? Anyone know?

What agency is supplying tesco Belfast? Anyone know?

Grafton have the most drivers in there and Jark have the contract too. :wink: