Tesco agency drivers

Anybody on here who works via agency in a DC still run by Tesco Distribution UK themselves rather than Stobbies :question:
Has the introduction of the AWR (Agency Working Regulations) changed anything over the last year or so :question:

If so:
are you after being given your shifts for the week coming still having to contend with getting LESS shifts (if full time agency) than the “comparable” full time Tesco drivers and still subject to having shifts cancelled at late notice :question: :question: :confused:

Reason I ask is we had one of those “Tesco Audit” people in the Belfast DC last week and she “interviewed” some of the dayshift agency drivers in an office in relation to “are they being treated equally under the AWR” compared to the Tesco drivers :question:
Obviously they all “gave off” about not getting enough shifts and the dreaded last minute txt/phonecall or “standing at the bloody window” :unamused: to be told “you shift has been cancelled”. :imp:

She stated to them that under AWR Tesco/Agency/Umbrella company were in contradiction of the AWR if they didn’t treat you equally to what daily/weekly hours the full time drivers worked PLUS cancelled shifts were illegal :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth:

Wonder will her “Audit report” change anything@ Tesco Distribution NI :question: :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused:

The Tesco woman could be wrong. The agencies could be using the “Swedish Derogation” and under that the agency workers aren’t entitled to equal terms with permanent staff. Under the derogation where there is no work in a week the agency have to still pay the worker an agreed minimum wage but the agency worker cannot turn down any work offered or they forfeit that payment.

Under the AWR you get the same terms but not the same hours, if there is no work you cannot make them give you work. If you have got a "Swedish Derogation contract you will have signed it some time before reaching 12 weeks work at Tesco and could have guaranteed hours but these may not be at Tesco. You are also guaranteed pay but most contracts say not until the 2nd week without work.

Tesco have been treating people like ■■■■ for many years, even their own, so why now all of a sudden would they think to change their ways…just because of an audit■■? They will carry on doing what they like & find a way legally to cover their backsides & carry on as per usual or give it to a 3rd party, let them deal with it…#to55pots

The swedish derogation part of the AWR ONLY relates to signing away your rights to equal PAY it does not cover signing away your rights to equal working hours PERIOD.
It mentions numerous times within the AWR that after twelve wks the agency worker is entitled to be treated “as if they had been recruited direct” by the hirer in this instance its Tesco.

It also says to establish equal treatment for “duration of working time” you can use a “comparitor” in other words a full time Tesco driver.
My “comparitor” works 5nine hour shifts per week and is paid 8hours as breaks are unpaid with NEVER having to contend with cancelled shifts.

Therefore if I’m now according to the AWR to be “treated as if I’ve been recruited direct” should I not be legally given the same total shifts\weekly hours as I’m supposed to be a full time agency driver :question: :neutral_face:

Then your contract will say how many hours you will work

At the depot I “work” at( he he),The poles latvians martians get ■■■■■■ off after 10 weeks and they ship in another load of jokers or they sign up as their own company and work self employed.

After a few weeks the same faces roll around again.

Suits me fine plenty of overtime putting in new clutches,bumpers,tail lifts,light clusters,steps,air lines,abs sockets,front corners,mavis rails,landing legs,5th wheel arms,wheel arches,wheels,mirrors,fuel tanks,cabs,marker lights etc etc etc…

who gives a ■■■■ anymore not tesco not them and sure as hell not me.

Bring on the Rumanians I will be a millionaire this time next year Rodders!

Then your contract will say how many hours you will work

That’s the problem for all of us Grafton/Jark agency drivers, its doesn’t :exclamation: :exclamation: :imp:

My understanding of the AWR Art10 Swedish derogation “pay between assignments model” is its only allowed to be used LEGALLY if your moving between assignments as an agency worker on a regular basis.
Your@ Tesco for a month, then Sainsburys for 6weeks then Asda for another short period, there are agency drivers who’ve were “press-ganged” into signing the Swedish derogation in Tesco NI canteen Dec2011 who have worked there for 5+yrs solid :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth:
Quote from Art10 AWR:
“The pay between assignments derogation is designed to be used where an agency worker has a contract of employment with an agency and is paid during the weeks when the worker is not assigned to a hirer. It is because of this pay WHEN THE WORKER IS NOT ASSIGNED, that the regulations provide for the derogation from equal treatment on PAY” :exclamation: :exclamation:

I have yet to hear of ANY agency worker in NI who has EVER been subject to having to be paid between assignments.

It is plain to see that the AWR Art10 “Swedish derogation” is being used by the Hirer/Agency to avoid having to pay the agency worker EQUALLY after the 12wk qualifing period and I can’t understand why an agency driver who works under the Art10 Swedish derogation contract hasn’t challenged this through as Industrial Tribunial,
have they no balls :question: :exclamation: :exclamation: :blush:

The Tesco woman could be wrong. The agencies could be using the “Swedish Derogation” and under that the agency workers aren’t entitled to equal terms with permanent staff. Under the derogation where there is no work in a week the agency have to still pay the worker an agreed minimum wage but the agency worker cannot turn down any work offered or they forfeit that payment.

You haven’t ACTUALLY read the AWR Art10 “Swedish Derogation” have you :question: :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused:

I should’ve stayed with tesco Belfast.

Big Truck:

Then your contract will say how many hours you will work

That’s the problem for all of us Grafton/Jark agency drivers, its doesn’t :exclamation: :exclamation: :imp:

My understanding of the AWR Art10 Swedish derogation “pay between assignments model” is its only allowed to be used LEGALLY if your moving between assignments as an agency worker on a regular basis.
Your@ Tesco for a month, then Sainsburys for 6weeks then Asda for another short period, there are agency drivers who’ve were “press-ganged” into signing the Swedish derogation in Tesco NI canteen Dec2011 who have worked there for 5+yrs solid :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth:
Quote from Art10 AWR:
“The pay between assignments derogation is designed to be used where an agency worker has a contract of employment with an agency and is paid during the weeks when the worker is not assigned to a hirer. It is because of this pay WHEN THE WORKER IS NOT ASSIGNED, that the regulations provide for the derogation from equal treatment on PAY” :exclamation: :exclamation:

I have yet to hear of ANY agency worker in NI who has EVER been subject to having to be paid between assignments.

It is plain to see that the AWR Art10 “Swedish derogation” is being used by the Hirer/Agency to avoid having to pay the agency worker EQUALLY after the 12wk qualifing period and I can’t understand why an agency driver who works under the Art10 Swedish derogation contract hasn’t challenged this through as Industrial Tribunial,
have they no balls :question: :exclamation: :exclamation: :blush:

On Swedish Derogation the pay between assignments is for any time you have no work they agree to pay you at a rate equal to your average over last 12 weeks basic pay based on the hours in your contract which could be 1. Most don’t pay until 2nd week without work which is unlikely to happen.
It does not matter how long you worked for a company it only counts 12 weeks from oct 11.
Once you sign Swedish derogation you then lose your rights under the awr so the only way you could go to a tribunal would be to not sign then when you get no work claim you have suffered after asking for your rights at a tribunal


Big Truck:

Then your contract will say how many hours you will work

That’s the problem for all of us Grafton/Jark agency drivers, its doesn’t :exclamation: :exclamation: :imp:

My understanding of the AWR Art10 Swedish derogation “pay between assignments model” is its only allowed to be used LEGALLY if your moving between assignments as an agency worker on a regular basis.
Your@ Tesco for a month, then Sainsburys for 6weeks then Asda for another short period, there are agency drivers who’ve were “press-ganged” into signing the Swedish derogation in Tesco NI canteen Dec2011 who have worked there for 5+yrs solid :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth:
Quote from Art10 AWR:
“The pay between assignments derogation is designed to be used where an agency worker has a contract of employment with an agency and is paid during the weeks when the worker is not assigned to a hirer. It is because of this pay WHEN THE WORKER IS NOT ASSIGNED, that the regulations provide for the derogation from equal treatment on PAY” :exclamation: :exclamation:

I have yet to hear of ANY agency worker in NI who has EVER been subject to having to be paid between assignments.

It is plain to see that the AWR Art10 “Swedish derogation” is being used by the Hirer/Agency to avoid having to pay the agency worker EQUALLY after the 12wk qualifing period and I can’t understand why an agency driver who works under the Art10 Swedish derogation contract hasn’t challenged this through as Industrial Tribunial,
have they no balls :question: :exclamation: :exclamation: :blush:

On Swedish Derogation the pay between assignments is for any time you have no work they agree to pay you at a rate equal to your average over last 12 weeks basic pay based on the hours in your contract which could be 1. Most don’t pay until 2nd week without work which is unlikely to happen.
It does not matter how long you worked for a company it only counts 12 weeks from oct 11.
Once you sign Swedish derogation you then lose your rights under the awr so the only way you could go to a tribunal would be to not sign then when you get no work claim you have suffered after asking for your rights at a tribunal

The ONLY rights you lose by signing the Reg10 Swedish derogation is the right to EQUAL PAY not your rights to EQUAL anything else by way of “BASIC WORKING AND EMPLOYMENT CONDITIONS”.
This is CLEARLY written within the AWR Art10, show me were it says anything about losing the rest of your equal working rights in Art10 APART from PAY :question: :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused:

Working for ASDA/Tesco/Sainsburys/M+S/Supervalu/Centra etc etc in NI via any of the driving agencies your NEVER on “pay between assignments” as there are ALWAYS shifts available its just sometimes its 2/3 week instead of the normal 4/5 and its the last minute cancellations which really do my head in which according to the AWR SHOULD NOT be happening if your supposed to be “treated as if you’ve been recruited direct” by the hirer after the 12wks AND the use of a “comparitor” :wink:

You only get day one rights such as car parking not full rights

You only get day one rights such as car parking not full rights

Read regulation 5 AND regulation 6 of the AWR and come back and comment please :exclamation: :exclamation: :sunglasses:

I will try to put it simple for you, you work for an agency they don’t want you to have any rights so get you to sign a regulation 10 or Swedish derogation contract that means you work for them so lose all your rights to just about everything. If you want to keep your rights hand it back in but you may not get work as no agency has to give you work. If you want me to read please put link up.

In practice, you’ll either be swamped out with more work than you can handle (a refusal offends!) or you’ll be used for bits and pieces for 12 weeks, then dropped for 8 weeks so you’ll never qualify for parity pay. :frowning:

Big Truck:
Anybody on here who works via agency in a DC still run by Tesco Distribution UK themselves rather than Stobbies :question:
Has the introduction of the AWR (Agency Working Regulations) changed anything over the last year or so :question:

If so:
are you after being given your shifts for the week coming still having to contend with getting LESS shifts (if full time agency) than the “comparable” full time Tesco drivers and still subject to having shifts cancelled at late notice :question: :question: :confused:

Reason I ask is we had one of those “Tesco Audit” people in the Belfast DC last week and she “interviewed” some of the dayshift agency drivers in an office in relation to “are they being treated equally under the AWR” compared to the Tesco drivers :question:
Obviously they all “gave off” about not getting enough shifts and the dreaded last minute txt/phonecall or “standing at the bloody window” :unamused: to be told “you shift has been cancelled”. :imp:

She stated to them that under AWR Tesco/Agency/Umbrella company were in contradiction of the AWR if they didn’t treat you equally to what daily/weekly hours the full time drivers worked PLUS cancelled shifts were illegal :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth:

Wonder will her “Audit report” change anything@ Tesco Distribution NI :question: :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused:

Tesco are binning there drivers because they were paying them 40k for doing 1 run (4/5 hrs) per day,and then your asking for the same :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused:
Why on earth do you think there going to do that :unamused: ,there getting x2/x3 as many runs/work out of the green machine/drivers for about 1/2 the wages(20 k),whilst the tesco drivers wouldn’t go out again,the green machines drivers are asking for more runs
Tipping a tri at rdc(drop on bay),picking up tesco tri and doing 4/5 shops,going into another tesco rdc,pick up tri and do another delivery,get back pick up there tri they’d left on bay in morning and then do collection,what did u lot used to do :question: ,1 delivery :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused:
U and the tesco drivers have been taking the ■■■■ big style for years,green machine drivers are showing you lot up as the work shy bone idle zb we all knew u were,ure all on borrowed time,you’ve been found out big style,I’d walk away with my tail firmly between my legs,no better than the bone-idle who sit on dole doing nothing,just you want 40k for doing nothing,beggars belief :unamused: :imp:

Tesco have been selling nags to the public, so why would they give a monkeys about how some agency driver is being treated. Morals are way way behind profit there

I will try to put it simple for you, you work for an agency they don’t want you to have any rights so get you to sign a regulation 10 or Swedish derogation contract that means you work for them so lose all your rights to just about everything. If you want to keep your rights hand it back in but you may not get work as no agency has to give you work. If you want me to read please put link up.

Just found this on Google:

Any clearer on your rights other than PAY now when signing a AWR Regulation10 agreement with agency :question: :question: :confused:
A ruling on what “duration of working time” means would help, as I’ve been told by “Employ-E” umbrella company that it refers to daily shift hours only but funny it doesn’t say that in AWR :exclamation: :neutral_face:

I’m asking to be treated equally/fairly on weekly working hours, is that a crime against humanity :question: :unamused:


Big Truck:
Anybody on here who works via agency in a DC still run by Tesco Distribution UK themselves rather than Stobbies :question:
Has the introduction of the AWR (Agency Working Regulations) changed anything over the last year or so :question:

If so:
are you after being given your shifts for the week coming still having to contend with getting LESS shifts (if full time agency) than the “comparable” full time Tesco drivers and still subject to having shifts cancelled at late notice :question: :question: :confused:

Reason I ask is we had one of those “Tesco Audit” people in the Belfast DC last week and she “interviewed” some of the dayshift agency drivers in an office in relation to “are they being treated equally under the AWR” compared to the Tesco drivers :question:
Obviously they all “gave off” about not getting enough shifts and the dreaded last minute txt/phonecall or “standing at the bloody window” :unamused: to be told “you shift has been cancelled”. :imp:

She stated to them that under AWR Tesco/Agency/Umbrella company were in contradiction of the AWR if they didn’t treat you equally to what daily/weekly hours the full time drivers worked PLUS cancelled shifts were illegal :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth:

Wonder will her “Audit report” change anything@ Tesco Distribution NI :question: :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused:

Tesco are binning there drivers because they were paying them 40k for doing 1 run (4/5 hrs) per day,and then your asking for the same :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused:
Why on earth do you think there going to do that :unamused: ,there getting x2/x3 as many runs/work out of the green machine/drivers for about 1/2 the wages(20 k),whilst the tesco drivers wouldn’t go out again,the green machines drivers are asking for more runs
Tipping a tri at rdc(drop on bay),picking up tesco tri and doing 4/5 shops,going into another tesco rdc,pick up tri and do another delivery,get back pick up there tri they’d left on bay in morning and then do collection,what did u lot used to do :question: ,1 delivery :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused:
U and the tesco drivers have been taking the ■■■■ big style for years,green machine drivers are showing you lot up as the work shy bone idle zb we all knew u were,ure all on borrowed time,you’ve been found out big style,I’d walk away with my tail firmly between my legs,no better than the bone-idle who sit on dole doing nothing,just you want 40k for doing nothing,beggars belief :unamused: :imp:

Your one of those “brown nose clean bum” type of drivers aren’t you :question: :question: :grimacing:

Things are a bit different@ Tesco Distribution NI,
agency drivers are given fairly similar work to the Tesco men and I have no problems with how I’m treated in that area and NOBODY does the ONE load and takes 4/5 hours to do it :exclamation: :exclamation:

You will make “snowballs in hell” before the “mighty” :unamused: “green machine” arrives in Northern Ireland and you can take that to the bank :exclamation: :exclamation: :sunglasses: