Tesco agency drivers

Big Truck:


Big Truck:
Anybody on here who works via agency in a DC still run by Tesco Distribution UK themselves rather than Stobbies :question:
Has the introduction of the AWR (Agency Working Regulations) changed anything over the last year or so :question:

If so:
are you after being given your shifts for the week coming still having to contend with getting LESS shifts (if full time agency) than the “comparable” full time Tesco drivers and still subject to having shifts cancelled at late notice :question: :question: :confused:

Reason I ask is we had one of those “Tesco Audit” people in the Belfast DC last week and she “interviewed” some of the dayshift agency drivers in an office in relation to “are they being treated equally under the AWR” compared to the Tesco drivers :question:
Obviously they all “gave off” about not getting enough shifts and the dreaded last minute txt/phonecall or “standing at the bloody window” :unamused: to be told “you shift has been cancelled”. :imp:

She stated to them that under AWR Tesco/Agency/Umbrella company were in contradiction of the AWR if they didn’t treat you equally to what daily/weekly hours the full time drivers worked PLUS cancelled shifts were illegal :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth:

Wonder will her “Audit report” change anything@ Tesco Distribution NI :question: :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused:

Tesco are binning there drivers because they were paying them 40k for doing 1 run (4/5 hrs) per day,and then your asking for the same :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused:
Why on earth do you think there going to do that :unamused: ,there getting x2/x3 as many runs/work out of the green machine/drivers for about 1/2 the wages(20 k),whilst the tesco drivers wouldn’t go out again,the green machines drivers are asking for more runs
Tipping a tri at rdc(drop on bay),picking up tesco tri and doing 4/5 shops,going into another tesco rdc,pick up tri and do another delivery,get back pick up there tri they’d left on bay in morning and then do collection,what did u lot used to do :question: ,1 delivery :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused:
U and the tesco drivers have been taking the ■■■■ big style for years,green machine drivers are showing you lot up as the work shy bone idle zb we all knew u were,ure all on borrowed time,you’ve been found out big style,I’d walk away with my tail firmly between my legs,no better than the bone-idle who sit on dole doing nothing,just you want 40k for doing nothing,beggars belief :unamused: :imp:

Your one of those “brown nose clean bum” type of drivers aren’t you :question: :question: :grimacing:

Things are a bit different@ Tesco Distribution NI,
agency drivers are given fairly similar work to the Tesco men and I have no problems with how I’m treated in that area and NOBODY does the ONE load and takes 4/5 hours to do it :exclamation: :exclamation:

You will make “snowballs in hell” before the “mighty” :unamused: “green machine” arrives in Northern Ireland and you can take that to the bank :exclamation: :exclamation: :sunglasses:

Take um to court then,you’ll have the judge /jury in fits of laughter when u tell um you
Don’t need to be the green machine mate,plenty of firms who will have that work,just won’t employ you work/shy lay abouts : :laughing: love to be a fly on the wall when you end up on general,planner gives u 15 hrs at £7 p.h,buuuuuuut I only want to do 4 hrs a day for 40k,methe bosses and the rest of the WORKERS :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: ,will be ■■■■■■■ ourselfes :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Big Truck:


Big Truck:
Anybody on here who works via agency in a DC still run by Tesco Distribution UK themselves rather than Stobbies :question:
Has the introduction of the AWR (Agency Working Regulations) changed anything over the last year or so :question:

If so:
are you after being given your shifts for the week coming still having to contend with getting LESS shifts (if full time agency) than the “comparable” full time Tesco drivers and still subject to having shifts cancelled at late notice :question: :question: :confused:

Reason I ask is we had one of those “Tesco Audit” people in the Belfast DC last week and she “interviewed” some of the dayshift agency drivers in an office in relation to “are they being treated equally under the AWR” compared to the Tesco drivers :question:
Obviously they all “gave off” about not getting enough shifts and the dreaded last minute txt/phonecall or “standing at the bloody window” :unamused: to be told “you shift has been cancelled”. :imp:

She stated to them that under AWR Tesco/Agency/Umbrella company were in contradiction of the AWR if they didn’t treat you equally to what daily/weekly hours the full time drivers worked PLUS cancelled shifts were illegal :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth:

Wonder will her “Audit report” change anything@ Tesco Distribution NI :question: :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused:

Tesco are binning there drivers because they were paying them 40k for doing 1 run (4/5 hrs) per day,and then your asking for the same :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused:
Why on earth do you think there going to do that :unamused: ,there getting x2/x3 as many runs/work out of the green machine/drivers for about 1/2 the wages(20 k),whilst the tesco drivers wouldn’t go out again,the green machines drivers are asking for more runs
Tipping a tri at rdc(drop on bay),picking up tesco tri and doing 4/5 shops,going into another tesco rdc,pick up tri and do another delivery,get back pick up there tri they’d left on bay in morning and then do collection,what did u lot used to do :question: ,1 delivery :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused:
U and the tesco drivers have been taking the ■■■■ big style for years,green machine drivers are showing you lot up as the work shy bone idle zb we all knew u were,ure all on borrowed time,you’ve been found out big style,I’d walk away with my tail firmly between my legs,no better than the bone-idle who sit on dole doing nothing,just you want 40k for doing nothing,beggars belief :unamused: :imp:

Your one of those “brown nose clean bum” type of drivers aren’t you :question: :question: :grimacing:

Things are a bit different@ Tesco Distribution NI,
agency drivers are given fairly similar work to the Tesco men and I have no problems with how I’m treated in that area and NOBODY does the ONE load and takes 4/5 hours to do it :exclamation: :exclamation:

You will make “snowballs in hell” before the “mighty” :unamused: “green machine” arrives in Northern Ireland and you can take that to the bank :exclamation: :exclamation: :sunglasses:

Take um to court then,you’ll have the judge /jury in fits of laughter when u tell um you
Don’t need to be the green machine mate,plenty of firms who will have that work,just won’t employ you work/shy lay abouts : :laughing: love to be a fly on the wall when you end up on general,planner gives u 15 hrs at £7 p.h,buuuuuuut I only want to do 4 hrs a day for 40k,methe bosses and the rest of the WORKERS :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: ,will be ■■■■■■■ ourselfes :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Your living in some sort of dreamworld as not as “handy” over here as maybe on the mainland@ Tesco :exclamation: :exclamation:

Your right but,
no interest in 15hr days@ £7/hour, far easier to make money elsewhere and I work to live NOT the other way around :exclamation: :exclamation: :grimacing:


it would be an “Industrial Tribunial”, no judge or jury needed :exclamation: :wink:

Big Truck:


Big Truck:


Big Truck:
Anybody on here who works via agency in a DC still run by Tesco Distribution UK themselves rather than Stobbies :question:
Has the introduction of the AWR (Agency Working Regulations) changed anything over the last year or so :question:

If so:
are you after being given your shifts for the week coming still having to contend with getting LESS shifts (if full time agency) than the “comparable” full time Tesco drivers and still subject to having shifts cancelled at late notice :question: :question: :confused:

Reason I ask is we had one of those “Tesco Audit” people in the Belfast DC last week and she “interviewed” some of the dayshift agency drivers in an office in relation to “are they being treated equally under the AWR” compared to the Tesco drivers :question:
Obviously they all “gave off” about not getting enough shifts and the dreaded last minute txt/phonecall or “standing at the bloody window” :unamused: to be told “you shift has been cancelled”. :imp:

She stated to them that under AWR Tesco/Agency/Umbrella company were in contradiction of the AWR if they didn’t treat you equally to what daily/weekly hours the full time drivers worked PLUS cancelled shifts were illegal :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth:

Wonder will her “Audit report” change anything@ Tesco Distribution NI :question: :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused:

Tesco are binning there drivers because they were paying them 40k for doing 1 run (4/5 hrs) per day,and then your asking for the same :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused:
Why on earth do you think there going to do that :unamused: ,there getting x2/x3 as many runs/work out of the green machine/drivers for about 1/2 the wages(20 k),whilst the tesco drivers wouldn’t go out again,the green machines drivers are asking for more runs
Tipping a tri at rdc(drop on bay),picking up tesco tri and doing 4/5 shops,going into another tesco rdc,pick up tri and do another delivery,get back pick up there tri they’d left on bay in morning and then do collection,what did u lot used to do :question: ,1 delivery :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused:
U and the tesco drivers have been taking the ■■■■ big style for years,green machine drivers are showing you lot up as the work shy bone idle zb we all knew u were,ure all on borrowed time,you’ve been found out big style,I’d walk away with my tail firmly between my legs,no better than the bone-idle who sit on dole doing nothing,just you want 40k for doing nothing,beggars belief :unamused: :imp:

Your one of those “brown nose clean bum” type of drivers aren’t you :question: :question: :grimacing:

Things are a bit different@ Tesco Distribution NI,
agency drivers are given fairly similar work to the Tesco men and I have no problems with how I’m treated in that area and NOBODY does the ONE load and takes 4/5 hours to do it :exclamation: :exclamation:

You will make “snowballs in hell” before the “mighty” :unamused: “green machine” arrives in Northern Ireland and you can take that to the bank :exclamation: :exclamation: :sunglasses:

Take um to court then,you’ll have the judge /jury in fits of laughter when u tell um you
Don’t need to be the green machine mate,plenty of firms who will have that work,just won’t employ you work/shy lay abouts : :laughing: love to be a fly on the wall when you end up on general,planner gives u 15 hrs at £7 p.h,buuuuuuut I only want to do 4 hrs a day for 40k,methe bosses and the rest of the WORKERS :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: ,will be ■■■■■■■ ourselfes :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Your living in some sort of dreamworld as not as “handy” over here as maybe on the mainland@ Tesco :exclamation: :exclamation:

Your right but,
no interest in 15hr days@ £7/hour, far easier to make money elsewhere and I work to live NOT the other way around :exclamation: :exclamation: :grimacing:


it would be an “Industrial Tribunial”, no judge or jury needed :exclamation: :wink:

I’m in a dreamworld,it’s u lot who think tesco are going to keep paying you 40k for doing not a lot of anything :exclamation: :,you got a way with it for long enough,you’ve now got the green machines drivers doing 3x as much as u for half the wage,don’t u think tesco have noticed that :wink: ,you’re days are numbered mate,welcome to the REAL world :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

Once again a simple question by the OP has turned into a rant.

40k and 4/5 hours a shift? where does this little gem come from?

Dozy what he’ll as it got to do with you how tesco drivers earnt their money they were on £9.74 ph that’s not mega money
20% night rate and time and half after 8.75 hrs so those who were on the higher end of the wages did their time at work doing unsociable hours having no home or family life and working sat/sun 4out of 6 weeks so go and spout your jealous bile elsewhere

Dozy what he’ll as it got to do with you how tesco drivers earnt their money they were on £9.74 ph that’s not mega money
20% night rate and time and half after 8.75 hrs so those who were on the higher end of the wages did their time at work doing unsociable hours having no home or family life and working sat/sun 4out of 6 weeks so go and spout your jealous bile elsewhere

No family life :question: :laughing: ,unsociable hours :question: :laughing: ,how the zb did you manage that on 3drops round notts :question: (1 in beeston,1 in chilwell,1 in Clifton) :blush: :wink: :angry: :laughing:
1 drop in dewsbury,I in Halifax :question: :laughing: :laughing:
4 drops round Mansfield :question: :laughing: :laughing:
I drop batley,1 drop Halifax,I drop huddersfiels : :question: :laughing: :laughing:
4drops round leeds :question: :laughing: :frowning:
1 drop Driffield :question: :laughing: :laughing:
1 drop Grimsby,I Lincoln,1 balderton :question: :laughing:
2 drops in Lincoln,1 in grimsby :question: :laughing: :laughing: etc,etc
:laughing: let’s look at it
Run from donny to beeston ,1 hr ish
Tip supermarket,lets say 1 hr
Drive to chilwell 20 mins
Tip shop 30 mins
Drive to Clifton 20 mins
Tip shop 30 mins
Drive back to donny 1 hr
20 mins round rsu
5 hrs :wink: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: u did unsociable hours on that,you didn’t see your family :laughing: :laughing: ,zb he’ll that would be all our Christmas come in one if we got any of those runs,makes you wonder how we ever get home on all the work we get given on general,
Ask any general lad his thoughts would be if boss /planner gave him a run from donny to notts with 3 drops,he’d be asking what do I do for the next 10 hrs :wink:
You can try and convince the stupid amongst us you were poorly paid,worked long hours,never saw your family etc etc,but I’m sure if that was true tesco wouldn’t of said bye,bye would they
No real sympathy for you,if us general lads had the pay,conditions you had we’d of bloody looked after the job,you didn’t,you lost it,now live with it

There’s no point having agency drivers if you haven’t got the flexibility of dropping them when it suits.

Once again a simple question by the OP has turned into a rant.

40k and 4/5 hours a shift? where does this little gem come from?

Not a rant at all,just cold hard facts,I wouldn’t mind the poor little souls roaring there eyes out if there lot was a bad one,but it’s quite the opposite,they’ve a bloody good number,well paid,don’t do a sight for it(see runs below),regular and agency and then they start roaring about there lot,there’s plenty of drivers who’s job warrant a good moan about there lot,but bloody tesco drivers,do me a favour :unamused: .
Zbhe’ll will be having a collection for them next :unamused: unsociable hrs,never see there families,tesco shop delivery drivers :unamused: ,what ever next :unamused:

We did the work we were given the runs you mentioned we’re 5/6 hr runs true but was it our fault there was nothing else to do after the guys who asked for 2nd runs earns the money I never said we were poorly paid I gave u the facts not the rumours when I started I was on £7.26 ph massive wages I know!
Most of us earnt in the region if £30k not the £40k the guys who put the hours in did earn very goog money but they put the hours in like everyone else does who earns good money
Looking after our job was a two way street we did favours for our planners and they looked after us why are you so angry about it
Just sounds like jealousy to me

If your max paid hours per week is 48, and there’s people getting £40k for it, then that’s around £20ph as an hourly rate.

Even Self-Employed contractors won’t be invoicing for this amount, so I suggest it’s all a load of crap just to make both the public and other outside drivers hate the Tesco full timers just before they all get the push via having their contracted hours cut to reflect the lesser hours on which their wheels are spinning whilst on duty…

Eg. If you’re really only doing 1x6 hour run a day, they’ll have you doing 5-6-5-6 patterns and your pay will be cut to around £20k for it.

Balance of probability suggests there are as many £40kpa drivers on duty 48 hours per week average working for ESL as Tesco or any other firm.

  • i.e. NONE. It’s all ■■■■■■■■ and it always was. :wink:

Err wrong where do you get max paid 48hrs from? We got paid for waiting ie poa
Day rate £9.74
Afters +15%
Nights +20%
OT after 8.75 hrs
Sat £16.34
Sun £23.64
Bank hol double time plus day in lieu
We worked most sat/sun and bank hols that’s where money was made

A not so untypical combination of events contributing to make an Agency day at a chilled RDC for a known face a while ago.

Arrive at lets say 6am. Loading is running late take a seat sorry I meant stand. 7am load ready 7.15 find unit. Walk around checks and drive round site to wash and clean screen. Walk back to traffic office queue at window to complete defect note for VMU walk back to unit, drive round site again to VMU. 8am repairs completed. Drive round site 8.15 found trailer after queuing for delivery contractors to manoeuvre onto loading bay, walk around check. Walk back to Traffic office for defect sheet (ABS warning) 8.30 arrive with trailer at VMU. At this point it is either a 10 minute delay for a new suzie or a walk back to the traffic office to give them the joyful news that it’s a trans-ship, which would mean at least a 45 minute delay and another walk around check on the second trailer to reveal…

8.45 leave site. 0930 arrive 1st delivery: “you’re late”. “And a good morning to you too”. Unload three cages of second delivery to make room to work. Deliver three cages of 1st delivery and raise bulkhead to access rest of 1st delivery. Lower bulkhead reload second delivery’s three cages and reload with RSU. 10am arrive second delivery. “you’re late”. “And good morning to you too”. Unload six cages of RSU after five minute argument about whether there is enough room to work in the back of the trailer to fold up shrouds and the need for any empty cage to put them in. 10.30 leave delivery after reloading two sets of RSU and ensuring 3rd delivery’s cages have not only been correctly identified, but also sorted to the correct side of the remaining bulkhead. 10.50 arrive third delivery.”Why are you late” “ And a good morning to you too”. 11 am start delivery following waiting for vehicles to move from delivery area… 11.20 ready to leave with a full load of RSU.

Now comes the question of a break. What was POA or had a break already been taken?
Diktat says that break can only be taken at a store or the RDC. Use loaf and drive to nearest large shop with known large parking area arrive 11.30. Leave 12.15.
13.00 arrive RSU queue for bay, tip RSU and reload cages. 13 45 arrive busy RDC traffic office having dropped trailer on allocated bay. Sit down and wait for second run.

14.00 second run given. Locate trailer which is all OK and leave site 14.20. Arrive at delivery 15.05 Report via Isotrak 2 in front. 17.30 on bay following booking 30 minute break while waiting.

18.15 leave store with full load of RSU. 19.00 arrive RSU tip , but don’t reload cages.

19.30. Finish work having dropped trailer, handed in all delivery notes, walked round site to collect agency fuel pump key, washed screen, topped up screenwash, filled in defect sheet and left unit at VMU (cab interior lights not working).

Tesco have been treating people like [zb] for many years, even their own, so why now all of a sudden would they think to change their ways…just because of an audit■■? They will carry on doing what they like & find a way legally to cover their backsides & carry on as per usual or give it to a 3rd party, let them deal with it…#to55pots

And still keep slipping horsemeat in their burgers :grimacing:

A not so untypical combination of events contributing to make an Agency day at a chilled RDC for a known face a while ago.

Arrive at lets say 6am. Loading is running late take a seat sorry I meant stand. 7am load ready 7.15 find unit. Walk around checks and drive round site to wash and clean screen. Walk back to traffic office queue at window to complete defect note for VMU walk back to unit, drive round site again to VMU. 8am repairs completed. Drive round site 8.15 found trailer after queuing for delivery contractors to manoeuvre onto loading bay, walk around check. Walk back to Traffic office for defect sheet (ABS warning) 8.30 arrive with trailer at VMU. At this point it is either a 10 minute delay for a new suzie or a walk back to the traffic office to give them the joyful news that it’s a trans-ship, which would mean at least a 45 minute delay and another walk around check on the second trailer to reveal…

8.45 leave site. 0930 arrive 1st delivery: “you’re late”. “And a good morning to you too”. Unload three cages of second delivery to make room to work. Deliver three cages of 1st delivery and raise bulkhead to access rest of 1st delivery. Lower bulkhead reload second delivery’s three cages and reload with RSU. 10am arrive second delivery. “you’re late”. “And good morning to you too”. Unload six cages of RSU after five minute argument about whether there is enough room to work in the back of the trailer to fold up shrouds and the need for any empty cage to put them in. 10.30 leave delivery after reloading two sets of RSU and ensuring 3rd delivery’s cages have not only been correctly identified, but also sorted to the correct side of the remaining bulkhead. 10.50 arrive third delivery.”Why are you late” “ And a good morning to you too”. 11 am start delivery following waiting for vehicles to move from delivery area… 11.20 ready to leave with a full load of RSU.

Now comes the question of a break. What was POA or had a break already been taken?
Diktat says that break can only be taken at a store or the RDC. Use loaf and drive to nearest large shop with known large parking area arrive 11.30. Leave 12.15.
13.00 arrive RSU queue for bay, tip RSU and reload cages. 13 45 arrive busy RDC traffic office having dropped trailer on allocated bay. Sit down and wait for second run.

14.00 second run given. Locate trailer which is all OK and leave site 14.20. Arrive at delivery 15.05 Report via Isotrak 2 in front. 17.30 on bay following booking 30 minute break while waiting.

18.15 leave store with full load of RSU. 19.00 arrive RSU tip , but don’t reload cages.

19.30. Finish work having dropped trailer, handed in all delivery notes, walked round site to collect agency fuel pump key, washed screen, topped up screenwash, filled in defect sheet and left unit at VMU (cab interior lights not working).

my heart bleeds for you :open_mouth:
you spend more time defecting vehicles and trailers than you do working :smiley:
These supermarket fleets must be seriously unroadworthy, altho its all on lease, no wonder the drivers dare not go above 45 mph on a motorway

A not so untypical combination of events contributing to make an Agency day at a chilled RDC for a known face a while ago.

Arrive at lets say 6am. Loading is running late take a seat sorry I meant stand. 7am load ready 7.15 find unit. Walk around checks and drive round site to wash and clean screen. Walk back to traffic office queue at window to complete defect note for VMU walk back to unit, drive round site again to VMU. 8am repairs completed. Drive round site 8.15 found trailer after queuing for delivery contractors to manoeuvre onto loading bay, walk around check. Walk back to Traffic office for defect sheet (ABS warning) 8.30 arrive with trailer at VMU. At this point it is either a 10 minute delay for a new suzie or a walk back to the traffic office to give them the joyful news that it’s a trans-ship, which would mean at least a 45 minute delay and another walk around check on the second trailer to reveal…

8.45 leave site. 0930 arrive 1st delivery: “you’re late”. “And a good morning to you too”. Unload three cages of second delivery to make room to work. Deliver three cages of 1st delivery and raise bulkhead to access rest of 1st delivery. Lower bulkhead reload second delivery’s three cages and reload with RSU. 10am arrive second delivery. “you’re late”. “And good morning to you too”. Unload six cages of RSU after five minute argument about whether there is enough room to work in the back of the trailer to fold up shrouds and the need for any empty cage to put them in. 10.30 leave delivery after reloading two sets of RSU and ensuring 3rd delivery’s cages have not only been correctly identified, but also sorted to the correct side of the remaining bulkhead. 10.50 arrive third delivery.”Why are you late” “ And a good morning to you too”. 11 am start delivery following waiting for vehicles to move from delivery area… 11.20 ready to leave with a full load of RSU.

Now comes the question of a break. What was POA or had a break already been taken?
Diktat says that break can only be taken at a store or the RDC. Use loaf and drive to nearest large shop with known large parking area arrive 11.30. Leave 12.15.
13.00 arrive RSU queue for bay, tip RSU and reload cages. 13 45 arrive busy RDC traffic office having dropped trailer on allocated bay. Sit down and wait for second run.

14.00 second run given. Locate trailer which is all OK and leave site 14.20. Arrive at delivery 15.05 Report via Isotrak 2 in front. 17.30 on bay following booking 30 minute break while waiting.

18.15 leave store with full load of RSU. 19.00 arrive RSU tip , but don’t reload cages.

19.30. Finish work having dropped trailer, handed in all delivery notes, walked round site to collect agency fuel pump key, washed screen, topped up screenwash, filled in defect sheet and left unit at VMU (cab interior lights not working).

my heart bleeds for you :open_mouth:
you spend more time defecting vehicles and trailers than you do working :smiley:
These supermarket fleets must be seriously unroadworthy, altho its all on lease, no wonder the drivers dare not go above 45 mph on a motorway


Once again a simple question by the OP has turned into a rant.

40k and 4/5 hours a shift? where does this little gem come from?

Not a rant at all,just cold hard facts,I wouldn’t mind the poor little souls roaring there eyes out if there lot was a bad one,but it’s quite the opposite,they’ve a bloody good number,well paid,don’t do a sight for it(see runs below),regular and agency and then they start roaring about there lot,there’s plenty of drivers who’s job warrant a good moan about there lot,but bloody tesco drivers,do me a favour :unamused: .
Zbhe’ll will be having a collection for them next :unamused: unsociable hrs,never see there families,tesco shop delivery drivers :unamused: ,what ever next :unamused:

Cold hard facts, which depot pays 40k for 25 hours a week?

15 hours Tuesday night and 13 last night and double figures in between Definitely not 4/5 , drivers don’t as a rule want to go home after 4/5 hours you are sent home as there is no work.
You can go home on 5 hours but if you do and there is a second run which you refuse you will probably be suspended for 3 days. Where does this crap come from.

Turns out the EMPLOYMENT LAW solicitor who told the Tesco agency drivers during audit that cancelled shifts and weekly shift/hours discrimination compared to Tesco drivers was illegal under AWR regulations was from this company:

I now have her email so watch this space :exclamation: :exclamation: :sunglasses:


Big Truck:


Big Truck:


Big Truck:
Anybody on here who works via agency in a DC still run by Tesco Distribution UK themselves rather than Stobbies :question:
Has the introduction of the AWR (Agency Working Regulations) changed anything over the last year or so :question:

If so:
are you after being given your shifts for the week coming still having to contend with getting LESS shifts (if full time agency) than the “comparable” full time Tesco drivers and still subject to having shifts cancelled at late notice :question: :question: :confused:

Reason I ask is we had one of those “Tesco Audit” people in the Belfast DC last week and she “interviewed” some of the dayshift agency drivers in an office in relation to “are they being treated equally under the AWR” compared to the Tesco drivers :question:
Obviously they all “gave off” about not getting enough shifts and the dreaded last minute txt/phonecall or “standing at the bloody window” :unamused: to be told “you shift has been cancelled”. :imp:

She stated to them that under AWR Tesco/Agency/Umbrella company were in contradiction of the AWR if they didn’t treat you equally to what daily/weekly hours the full time drivers worked PLUS cancelled shifts were illegal :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth:

Wonder will her “Audit report” change anything@ Tesco Distribution NI :question: :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused:

Tesco are binning there drivers because they were paying them 40k for doing 1 run (4/5 hrs) per day,and then your asking for the same :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused:
Why on earth do you think there going to do that :unamused: ,there getting x2/x3 as many runs/work out of the green machine/drivers for about 1/2 the wages(20 k),whilst the tesco drivers wouldn’t go out again,the green machines drivers are asking for more runs
Tipping a tri at rdc(drop on bay),picking up tesco tri and doing 4/5 shops,going into another tesco rdc,pick up tri and do another delivery,get back pick up there tri they’d left on bay in morning and then do collection,what did u lot used to do :question: ,1 delivery :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused:
U and the tesco drivers have been taking the ■■■■ big style for years,green machine drivers are showing you lot up as the work shy bone idle zb we all knew u were,ure all on borrowed time,you’ve been found out big style,I’d walk away with my tail firmly between my legs,no better than the bone-idle who sit on dole doing nothing,just you want 40k for doing nothing,beggars belief :unamused: :imp:

Your one of those “brown nose clean bum” type of drivers aren’t you :question: :question: :grimacing:

Things are a bit different@ Tesco Distribution NI,
agency drivers are given fairly similar work to the Tesco men and I have no problems with how I’m treated in that area and NOBODY does the ONE load and takes 4/5 hours to do it :exclamation: :exclamation:

You will make “snowballs in hell” before the “mighty” :unamused: “green machine” arrives in Northern Ireland and you can take that to the bank :exclamation: :exclamation: :sunglasses:

Take um to court then,you’ll have the judge /jury in fits of laughter when u tell um you
Don’t need to be the green machine mate,plenty of firms who will have that work,just won’t employ you work/shy lay abouts : :laughing: love to be a fly on the wall when you end up on general,planner gives u 15 hrs at £7 p.h,buuuuuuut I only want to do 4 hrs a day for 40k,methe bosses and the rest of the WORKERS :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: ,will be ■■■■■■■ ourselfes :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Your living in some sort of dreamworld as not as “handy” over here as maybe on the mainland@ Tesco :exclamation: :exclamation:

Your right but,
no interest in 15hr days@ £7/hour, far easier to make money elsewhere and I work to live NOT the other way around :exclamation: :exclamation: :grimacing:


it would be an “Industrial Tribunial”, no judge or jury needed :exclamation: :wink:

I’m in a dreamworld,it’s u lot who think tesco are going to keep paying you 40k for doing not a lot of anything :exclamation: :,you got a way with it for long enough,you’ve now got the green machines drivers doing 3x as much as u for half the wage,don’t u think tesco have noticed that :wink: ,you’re days are numbered mate,welcome to the REAL world :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

It will be another couple of months before I’ve even been there a year working full time hours, I have come and gone on a PT basis since 2009. :wink:
I’m on £10/hour so you need to change the battries in your calculator if you think I can earn anywere near £40k on agency@ Tesco NI :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused:

In Tesco NI ambient and chill DC’s are approx 25miles apart :open_mouth: and you can regularly see the Tesco trucks “horse only” going up/down the M2 to collect loaded trailers, not many hauliers like to price that amount of empty running into a long term contract, hence the reason 28 brand new Tesco VolvoFM410s arrived in January for ANOTHER 5yrs 24/7 use :exclamation: :exclamation: :sunglasses:

No one has answered the question, and called me wrong yet - where are the £20ph jobs?
Who’s getting £40k for a 48 hour week or less?

No one has answered the question, and called me wrong yet - where are the £20ph jobs?
Who’s getting £40k for a 48 hour week or less?

NOBODY@ Tesco Belfast that’s for sure :exclamation: :exclamation:

You CAN earn similar IF you work 5days/6days every other week AND some weekend days/nights just like you could earn £40k@ Stobbies etc doing the EXACT same thing :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth:
NONE of the agency drivers would get anywere near £40k no matter what hours they put in :exclamation: :blush: