
Good god this new version is a bit different. I’m not sure I like it.

The new version you were forced to download for free after a month of messages asking if you’d like to pay to upgrade. Takes some getting used to.

Don’t like it at all

Like any application that’s been completely revamped it does take a while to find where things are, but I’m starting to like it now I’m finding my way round it.

I want my £2 odd back lol

I had a free update

I’m still on the old one, had a few pop ups asking if I want to upgrade, can’t see the point, this one works well enough.

Do you know if I can downgrade back to the old one? This is driving me nuts!

Do you know if I can downgrade back to the old one? This is driving me nuts!

What is it about Tapatalk 4 that you dislike so much ?

I’m finding it OK, but to be fair I don’t use it much so that could be why.

Anyway, I don’t know what mobile device you use but if it’s an Android device Tapatalk 2 is still on Google Play.

There’s another update this morning which has an option to use “classic view”

I’ve tried to hide the ‘Stickies’ using the option in settings on Tapatalk but they are still there even tho it says they are switched off.

Guys, there is very little we can do this end around tapatalk, its a 3rd party application and for support you need to use the tapatalk support forum, we do have an issue with the Tapatalk configuration page not loading on the site, and will be looking into that, but that wont affect your normal use, only the size and types of files that can be uploaded by tapatalk, It should copy the existing forum rules for uploading attachments but for some reason isnt

I might be missing something obvious, but what if you want to have another look at an already viewed thread that nobody has added to?

As far as I can see, I can only view unread, or participated threads.

I might be missing something obvious, but what if you want to have another look at an already viewed thread that nobody has added to?

As far as I can see, I can only view unread, or participated threads.

In Tapatalk 4 you can choose:
âž½ Subscribed.

âž½ Participated.

âž½ Unread.

âž½ Timeline.

âž½ Browse (allows you to browse the individual forums on Trucknet-UK).

âž½ Search (doesn’t seem to do anything on my mobile :confused: )

The search is locked down- to logged in people only due to the DOS attack we had against the search engine- it shouldn’t however affect any logged in tapatalk members if it is let me know and we can take a look

The search is locked down- to logged in people only due to the DOS attack we had against the search engine- it shouldn’t however affect any logged in tapatalk members if it is let me know and we can take a look

I was logged in to TN on my mobile when I tried it.

To be honest it’s not something I personally care about as I’m not likely to use it anyway, I only tried it to see if it worked OK and it didn’t :slight_smile:


I might be missing something obvious, but what if you want to have another look at an already viewed thread that nobody has added to?

As far as I can see, I can only view unread, or participated threads.

In Tapatalk 4 you can choose:
âž½ Subscribed.

âž½ Participated.

âž½ Unread.

âž½ Timeline.

âž½ Browse (allows you to browse the individual forums on Trucknet-UK).

âž½ Search (doesn’t seem to do anything on my mobile :confused: )

Is that on android ?

On my iphone I’ve got the latest update 2.0.2 which shows

It’s Tapatalk 4 on Android

It’s Tapatalk 4 on Android


odd, there’s no “forums” option on android :confused: :confused: :confused:

Denis F:

It’s Tapatalk 4 on Android


odd, there’s no “forums” option on android :confused: :confused: :confused:

You select “Browse” to view the forums.