Strong winds

I wonder what the lorry driver was thinking when his truck got blown over on the frairton bridge at perth. Goin by the pics on fb he a lucky driver

I must admit, after a discussion in the past, I often wonder just how strong those barriers on bridges are, even if you’re not blown over as such, you can still be blown in such a way that you’re going to hit the buggers, will they stop a 44t?

Starting later this evening when it’s supposed to have died down, but I’m lucky as i will be taking 26 pallets of toilet rolls south.


You should be OK for tonight and not have to share any of them out.
Driving rain started here now.

Take care on Windy Hill all!

another one over

Glad im off today didnt fancy bringing an empty decker over the old severn bridge later lol, fixed deck aswell better off indoors :smiley: :smiley:

3 over on the M6 already apparently. 9-10, 38-39 and 44-45.

Our new Luton van. He got blown off the dual carriageway, over the barrier and landed on the slip road below. He got out with no injuries and only has brown pants to show for his little adventure.

■■■■ that is not a pretty sight. Anyone on that slip road at the time probably needs a new pair too!

Windy hill was okay this morning the crossing over scammonden resovoir was dodgy tho lol

I had the complete 40ft of aluminium roof blown off a fully freighted curtainsider back in the 80’s on top of Stainmore A66 … whoosh, gone right across the dual carriageway, never to be seen again.

just driven a car down from Edinburgh to blackpool left at 7am and just home by 1.
was nasty on a702 and m74.
got worse by gretna. a Fergusons on its side at metal bridge.
1 over south of jnc 40
then shap. gave it a miss as i needed to in to kendal.
was worst 30mins of my day, following a 7.5ton bed wagon try to stay shiny side up going over a6 shap fell!
think the poor driver needed a change of pants. never seen so many near flips in 1 mile!

keep it safe guys.

Looking on HA site, M1 J29 2 gone over, M62 J37, A1M J41 a couple, Barton bridge, Thelwall, M18, A500, M6 several, M42. Stay safe.


I wonder what the lorry driver was thinking when his truck got blown over on the frairton bridge at perth. Goin by the pics on fb he a lucky driver

I must admit, after a discussion in the past, I often wonder just how strong those barriers on bridges are, even if you’re not blown over as such, you can still be blown in such a way that you’re going to hit the buggers, will they stop a 44t?

i must admit too i wouldnt want too be the one who tries them out

I had the complete 40ft of aluminium roof blown off a fully freighted curtainsider back in the 80’s on top of Stainmore A66 … whoosh, gone right across the dual carriageway, never to be seen again.

Bet the Gypo’s found it, that’s why you never saw it again !

I dont think Id have to much trouble with nearly 70t of crane ballast on my trailer but you never know, thats why im glad to be on a 24 break watching foam mats flying about our southampton yard lol, @Waynedl: I have also wondered this but rather not find out although as Im restricted to 40 and these barriers can cope with cars hitting them at 70+ they must be able to take quite a wallop


I wonder what the lorry driver was thinking when his truck got blown over on the frairton bridge at perth. Goin by the pics on fb he a lucky driver

I must admit, after a discussion in the past, I often wonder just how strong those barriers on bridges are, even if you’re not blown over as such, you can still be blown in such a way that you’re going to hit the buggers, will they stop a 44t?

I’ve often wondered that about the barriers on the QE2 bridge. There are clips on YouTube of barrier tests but it’s a very controlled test at light angles.
There was a report in the paper of a Maserati breaching a barrier over a viaduct on the M6 last month. If a 2 ton car can do it, I hope I never have to find out.

Our Luton van has been blown over in East Kilbride so they’ve decided to keep the rest of us in the yard till it dies down. Downside is we’ve been sent out in the yard to pick up all the rubbish that’s blown around.

I do wonder sometimes why it take something actually to happen before “they indoors” decide it’s not a good idea. :unamused: I would have thought the Met Office warnings, coupled with the fact that ScotRail wasn’t planning on running much, nor were the airlines, if anything at all of a service wasn’t just a tiny clue.

Plus, I wouldn’t be sending staff out in a hoolie for I might have to paying a load of money out should something be blown on top of them.

My wife said, “why on earth are they sending all these trucks out when they know ■■■■ well what the weather`s doing”?

Sheesh, Women eh? They don`t know jack.

…hang on. Why ARE they sending them out? One driver killed already!

As per the HSE regs, you are responsible for your own safety. If I truely felt that it was too windy to drive and that carrying on would put me in danger then Id stop and to hell with what my boss says, never been in that position thankfully. Just remember that its difficult to get blown over in the wind when your sat at a desk with a phone strapped to your ear.

Because people want their Christmas presents , I wonder if they will have drone bans when Amazon takes off lol



I wonder what the lorry driver was thinking when his truck got blown over on the frairton bridge at perth. Goin by the pics on fb he a lucky driver

I must admit, after a discussion in the past, I often wonder just how strong those barriers on bridges are, even if you’re not blown over as such, you can still be blown in such a way that you’re going to hit the buggers, will they stop a 44t?

I’ve often wondered that about the barriers on the QE2 bridge. There are clips on YouTube of barrier tests but it’s a very controlled test at light angles.
There was a report in the paper of a Maserati breaching a barrier over a viaduct on the M6 last month. If a 2 ton car can do it, I hope I never have to find out.

me too.
being based in essex we use it alot. Went over today at 230pm, quite blustery, enough to keep me in lane 2 :wink:
I often look at the barriers and wonder what sort of impact they could handle?