From the tail end of this storm they are expecting winds of 130KPH in the north of France.

I’m travelling from Bridgwater to Redditch Monday morning, at least the tailwind will help my mpg :wink:

Glass half full lol :slight_smile:

If one of the Royals had fell out of bed and drowned in the ■■■■-pot,you wouldn’t hear anything about a storm :exclamation:

I am planning a sponsored rowing boat trip from Dover to Calais tonight.What night out gear should i pack and which sat nav to get.
Ebay one or Tom Tim or Snoopy the dog one.
Are they water proof?If you see me on your ferry.Give a wave and throw some money in my bucket.

I have led the bird table down horizontally in the back garden. . that is the extent of my preparation.

Wear a crash helmet driving to prevent a bump on the head from the unstowed bottle jack when the wagon flips over.

I have led the bird table down horizontally in the back garden. . that is the extent of my preparation.


I got the cat in.Can’t have a blown over ■■■■■.

I’ve brought the plastic bins in. :smiley:

Yeah, working tonight, and Monday night…

You’re gonna have fun with that ! Good Luck !

Brace yourselves. There was a clip of a guy closing the windows on his green house on sky news. This is gonna be a bad one!!

High winds have already been reported in some areas, with a wind turbine collapsing in Devon on Saturday night.


Not really fit for purpose then was it?

Forecaster Michael Fish, who famously reassured viewers there was no “hurricane” on the way, said the weather over the coming days would not rival the Great Storm.

Oh bugger…!

Travel warnings as UK braced for severe storm and rain - BBC News

High winds have already been reported in some areas, with a wind turbine collapsing in Devon on Saturday night.


Not really fit for purpose then was it?

:open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I have led the bird table down horizontally in the back garden. . that is the extent of my preparation.

Bird Table you big softee…


I have led the bird table down horizontally in the back garden. . that is the extent of my preparation.

Bird Table you big softee…

I like ■■■■.

Sorry double post :blush:

I like ■■■■.
Great or bearded?


I like ■■■■.
Great or bearded?
Blue ■■■■ are nice

I’ve a strange sense of foreboding about this forecast.
I’m down to Witham for half six Monday a.m…followed by Thurrock.
If, when I leave the yard at 4 it feels unsafe, I’ll be ringing the gaffer.
My curtain sided wagon and drag is fully loaded…the load is about 2 tonnes max.
It’s bobbins when there’s really high winds.
Hopefully we’ll all be alreet.

You’ll be fine man, my anemometer is only showing gusts of 35mph at the moment of which I am very very close to Witham. Safe journey to you though in all seriousness.

Interesting to see Greater Anglia, has stated they will suspend all operations from tonight until 09:00 at the earliest tomorrow because of what the weather is going to be like. They’ve obviously got a better region forecast done by The Met Office earlier.

Poor old Michael Fish, always get the blame for the 87 storm, but he don’t control the weather and its only a prediction, its never a guarantee even with today’s supercomputers. And The Press always forgets his earlier forecasts the day before was to batten down the hatches there’s a bad storm a coming…Bill Giles changed that to say it was going to be a breeze and hence the forecasts were changed.

I think they are getting better but a lot of people expect the weather given to be given to the minute detail for exactly where they are…alas they can’t as this country has a lot of micro-climates and the computer models are just not clever enough to do that yet.

Be interesting to see what happens I’m off to Southwark at 05:30 I wonder how many will play nicely out there on the road then and how my little van handles that, as we carry jack ■■■■ in that. :unamused: :laughing:

Stay safe out there and steady!


I am planning a sponsored rowing boat trip from Dover to Calais tonight.What night out gear should i pack and which sat nav to get.
Ebay one or Tom Tim or Snoopy the dog one.
Are they water proof?If you see me on your ferry.Give a wave and throw some money in my bucket.

We rowed on the Tees this morning and it was more than a tad on the hairy side…! :wink: