Stobart Training Centre

I am in the process of sorting out my training etc. It is becoming a minefield, different info of different people etc.!

I am seriously considering applying for the Stobart Training Center In Widnes. Has anyone done this, or works for stobart and willing to share their views?

Any Advice or info please


Do a search for it m8,there must be ten million pages of stobart crap on here,lets not go through the same old stuff again PLEASE I BEG YOU :cry: :cry:

Ignore what you read on here lad.Good company,good gear,half decent pay,regular work.
If it suits you,go for it.

Ignore what you read on here lad.Good company,good gear,half decent pay,regular work.
If it suits you,go for it.

cheers I will

what do you want to know,

as for decent stuff, i drove a stobie truck on sunday which had 980k on the clock, and tbh it was a wreck


Ignore what you read on here lad.Good company,good gear,half decent pay,regular work.
If it suits you,go for it.

cheers I will

If you fancy it - go for it by all means.

But it’s only fair to point out that out of the statements iankav made, two are definitely incorrect and one is debatable…

Ignore what you read on here lad.Good company,good gear,half decent pay…


Half indeed.



Ignore what you read on here lad.Good company,good gear,half decent pay,regular work.
If it suits you,go for it.

cheers I will

If you fancy it - go for it by all means.

But it’s only fair to point out that out of the statements iankav made, two are definitely incorrect and one is debatable…

Have you worked for them?

what do you want to know,

as for decent stuff, i drove a stobie truck on sunday which had 980k on the clock, and tbh it was a wreck

You still worked for them Sunday though.

It looks like we’ve got a Stobart fanboy. :laughing:


what do you want to know,

as for decent stuff, i drove a stobie truck on sunday which had 980k on the clock, and tbh it was a wreck

You still worked for them Sunday though.

Too right £19 a hour and £50 for driving there ,



Ignore what you read on here lad.Good company,good gear,half decent pay,regular work.
If it suits you,go for it.

cheers I will

If you fancy it - go for it by all means.

But it’s only fair to point out that out of the statements iankav made, two are definitely incorrect and one is debatable…

He stated 4, You missed one ■■

I am in the process of sorting out my training etc. It is becoming a minefield, different info of different people etc.!

I am seriously considering applying for the Stobart Training Center In Widnes. Has anyone done this, or works for stobart and willing to share their views?

Any Advice or info please

I did ,what do you mean applying for stobarts training centre :question: ,I’m assuming you state sorting out training ,training centre ,do you mean applying for the apprentiship they did offer ,not sure if they still do.
If your doing it too get your license ,why not ,better than paying for it ,then leave ( I guess they’ll have a clause included in some shape or form.
As for working for them ,I became very bitter and twisted in the end ,so best for me too leave commenting on the driving side too others

It looks like we’ve got a Stobart fanboy. :laughing:

Haha hardly,but I worked for them for 2 years and never had a problem with them.I swerved them for a year,because of other drivers telling me how bad they were,in the end through desperation for a job,I bit the bullet and decided to find out for myself.One of the best jobs Ive had,good money and tackle.Keep your head down and do the job,you’re left alone.Believe me there are far far worse employers in our area.

Ignore what you read on here lad.Good company,good gear,half decent pay,regular work.
If it suits you,go for it.

Please read the thread before replying. This is a thread about Stobart’s.

goign back to the original question what is such a nightmare??

other than stobrats :sunglasses:




Ignore what you read on here lad.Good company,good gear,half decent pay,regular work.
If it suits you,go for it.

cheers I will

If you fancy it - go for it by all means.

But it’s only fair to point out that out of the statements iankav made, two are definitely incorrect and one is debatable…

He stated 4, You missed one ■■

The one I ‘missed’ is possibly correct, so i didn’t comment on it. Depends on your opinion though! :laughing:

My brother in law works for them and he loves it. He does fuel for Tesco. I’m on the waiting list for a place at the academy but its between 2-3 months wait. So I’m considering my options of whether to go somewhere else if I can get in quicker.

Everyones experience is different. And their lasting opinion is down to personal experience. So where it could have been a nightmare for one person could be the perfect job for another. They dont sound too bad from what I hear. And they openly take new drivers who pass their assessment. Not a lot of companies will take drivers without experience from what I have seen.




Ignore what you read on here lad.Good company,good gear,half decent pay,regular work.
If it suits you,go for it.

cheers I will

If you fancy it - go for it by all means.

But it’s only fair to point out that out of the statements iankav made, two are definitely incorrect and one is debatable…

Have you worked for them?

No. I like to be paid a decent rate for the work I do, and I’m not even slightly interested in a new Scania with lairy graphics in lieu of decent payment.

I’d work there on my rates/terms as a S/E driver. But theirs are a complete joke.

So nothing there for me.

Phil - you’re right, everyone’s different. But Stobarts like new bods for one reason, They’re cheap. Lots of companies will take new drivers if you pass an assessment. Some will if you don’t. And when it’s really busy, and trucks aren’t earning when they should be, the ones who insist on 2 years normally will take anyone with a licence. It’s just right place, right time.





Ignore what you read on here lad.Good company,good gear,half decent pay,regular work.
If it suits you,go for it.

cheers I will

If you fancy it - go for it by all means.

But it’s only fair to point out that out of the statements iankav made, two are definitely incorrect and one is debatable…

Have you worked for them?

No. I like to be paid a decent rate for the work I do, and I’m not even slightly interested in a new Scania with lairy graphics in lieu of decent payment.

I’d work there on my rates/terms as a S/E driver. But theirs are a complete joke.

So nothing there for me.

Phil - you’re right, everyone’s different. But Stobarts like new bods for one reason, They’re cheap. Lots of companies will take new drivers if you pass an assessment. Some will if you don’t. And when it’s really busy, and trucks aren’t earning when they should be, the ones who insist on 2 years normally will take anyone with a licence. It’s just right place, right time.

I agree. There are a number of pro’s of working for Stobarts. And there would be a number of Pro’s working for someone else. Depends on time, circumstance, and place. But I don’t think they are a bad place to start. And if they work for someone nothing says they should leave. Plus the training in a Scania for £2400 isn’t a bad price. Especially if you were to hop in to the same wagon and gearbox after you passed. Would make that first day a little easier.