Stobart European

Does anyone know anything about stobbies european operation.Dothey go to further reaches of continent or is it just Belgium and Holland.Are weekends away the norm etc?.just got letter for shortlist/interview…heard pay aint up to much. :neutral_face:

do you have a licence to drive a train■■? that might make things alot easier!! :laughing:

Don’t they also have a depot in Scandinavia?

i work as casual for warrington depot i think the shifts differ, but am sure theres a thurs 2 mon shift, that might be for the trampers though i wil try find out, the wage is 7.20ph with food subs of 12.50 p day and i think its 20 night out, weekend is different rates, you get worked!!

Cheers for that mate.Wasn’t to sure if they were so slave driverish on european side…tho;how naive of me,i’d be better off being a lollipop man…bloody scandalous rate of pay…i give up

for 60 hours at £7.20 plus tax free allowances after total deductions I work that out to be around £500 clear.

Mrs is a cleaner at a school,she gets £7.90 an hour.

the euro work might pay different but i doubt it, i think they must clear 600 but dont quote me on it. the hourly rate is a sham but the 12.50 is tax free if that makes you feel any better ( probably not) i think it averages your on 8.20 an hour, i work the weekends cos the rate is better and do mon.tues. there mad busy at the moment xmas rush but they are taking over alot of contracts and carnt blame overseas workers taking jobs cos i havent met a single one here, am trying to get on the tramping but been told they work you to your limit, but like most i need to work and have to do what i have too

ta for that dusty possible I may be taking too bleak a view on the sitch.Thats prob what comes of just ending a ten year stretch on containers on the OOCL contract.Truly awful shipping line.

is it true that they are cutting back on the european side now as most of it is coming on the train??

is it true that they are cutting back on the european side now as most of it is coming on the train??

I think the Trains that Stobart run in connection with Tesco are not an alternative to their own road transport but an alternative to road transport in general from their suppliers (which Stobarts don’t collect from). I always thought the majority of Stobarts work abroad consisted of mainly the NAFFI contract?

i can second the NAAFI contract, when i worked in the spar shops in Germany on RAF bruggen (Now an army base) Eddie Stobart used to pull up and tip and leave lol


is it true that they are cutting back on the european side now as most of it is coming on the train??

I think the Trains that Stobart run in connection with Tesco are not an alternative to their own road transport but an alternative to road transport in general from their suppliers (which Stobarts don’t collect from). I always thought the majority of Stobarts work abroad consisted of mainly the NAFFI contract?

am sure stobarts starting using the train orinally because they merged with a company who wanted to float on stock market and both needed each other for business sense, am sure the train is in conjunction with tesco because of the fruit importing fresher produce speedy delivery, i could try and find out am in work for five in the morning i might be able to ambush a tired driver,
oneof the bad things about stobbies is you dont kep the same tractor unit, i was in a trampers unit last week and all his gear was still in there all stacked up i felt like i was intruding,

im sure stobart european are on less than uk trampers but i think they get about £35 a night out.

il be surprised if you get passed lokeren though.

i did see one once heading for the ferry to greece in italy, but someone on here who works/ed for them doing euro work said it may have been for the rally team

on the NAFFI contract, they go overland to Basra.

on the NAFFI contract, they go overland to Basra.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: No we dont


on the NAFFI contract, they go overland to Basra.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: No we dont

you got in too early, someone would have claimed to have done it. :laughing:

Seen two in Paderborn in September.

When I first saw their trucks coming to Germany it was usually the Belgian registered motors. For the last couple of years I have only seen UK reg units with Brit drivers. I’m thinking the ‘you won’t get passed Lokeren’ doesn’t apply anymore.