I remember applying to Morrisons a year back, and in my mind, I “was unsuccessful” despite clean licence, blah blah because in my mind (1) The pay was low enough that perhaps they don’t want malcontents that were expecting more working for them and (2) I told them I don’t want to aid and abet any WTD fiddles. Got shown the door of course. What else could it have been?
When one sees a headline rate of “£30k after 12 months” for ‘working nights’, then you’re not thinking 5-6-5-6 here, but something like 5x8 monday-friday, 4x10 sunday-wednesday or even 4x10 friday-monday. These last two would have been totally acceptable to someone like myself, because of the 4 day week aspect. I’m comfortable doing 10-12 hour shifts on a regular basis, but only like 15 hours on a casual rare basis - not every week, week in week out. 15,15,15,13,13,13 isn’t going to happen because you’re going to be driving with matchsticks holding your eyes open by week two, and it invoves some serious WTD fiddling to make it as full time job hours… Why lie about it if that’s what’s really on offer here? 
It all comes back to the classic ‘Salaried’ over ‘Paid by the hour argument’ - if you’re paid by the hour, you want a high hourly rate. If you’re salaried, you want as few, short shifts per week as your regular hours as possible. 15,15,15,13,13,13 for sub-£10ph cuts it about as well as a feather duster through titanium plate. IF “good” drivers get knocked back in favour of the “six points ok” crowd, then it’s all about “who’s prepared to break the law, risk the lives of the public, and not even be rewarded for it by the firm for whom times will always be hard, even during, and right through an economic recovery”. I hope that this isn’t the case with a high-profile firm like Stobarts, but having never worked for them even on agency, I’ll have to defer to those in the know.
Sittingbourne is only 10 miles from where I live and all…I’d JUMP at the chance of £30k for a 4x10 rolling week - any nights will do me… I’m not fussy about working weekends, etc.
Is there any way outsiders looking in like myself can find out what the real score is here, rather than just chuck the speculation ball about?