You should put yourself up for a PR job mate, you are definitely sold on these things.
There was a story yesterday of a fleet of electric plant vehicles being charged overnight,.everynight by, yep…a diesel generator.
(Not to mention Milliband and his team of clowns covering over a million and a half air miles going to these meetings (aka all expenses jollies) all over the world.)
Usual politician hypocricy and irony going on there.
You can say what you like mate, it is only a small minority who wants EVs, mostly right on pc practicing fleets.
The majority of normal people will be virtually forced into (or taxed into
) buying one on the future.
Meanwhile in Realworld or stark reality (if you ignore all the official line b/s of course) there is very little real NEED essentially, for all this type of sh, it is just pandering to the lefty greens,…(who nobody really likes anyway in reality, epic b/s swallowers the lot of them) …
Let’s face it, the world would be a better place without them
No need as explained in this analogy, of the environment being a field, and pollution effects being the grass.
Just go with it…
In the old days of Gardner engines, coal trains, and smog etc, the grass was up to our chins…out of control.
Nowadays engines are the cleanest they have ever been after the technology to achieve that, pollution is well in control, so the grass now is almost like a well kept competition putting green.
As I say…no NEED.
And especially do not listen to that absolute imbecile Milliband,.that guy is going to ruin what little industry this country has left.
He has already interfered with the Scottish oil industry and the power stations I remember reading somewhere.
So while him and his ilk wallow in their wealth, we will be all on our arses, unemployed with no money.
But hey, ying & yang…At least we will be breathing cleaner air in our poverty.