Steam engine 1, Tesco lorry 0

This reminds me of the occasion, many years ago, when a former colleague of mine - the late Howard Bradley - had ‘an incident’ with a steam shunting loco in a South Wales steelworks. I recall the laughs we had while filling in the insurance report; ‘details of other vehicle - 060 saddle tank steam locomotive - registration number unknown’!


Reminds me of my old dad back in the sixties. He was in the Rom River yard in Battersea (steel, reo) cold morning, windows fogged up in this old 5 pot atki. He went to move it and bosh! an 0-6-0 diesel shunter hit him. He told me he was bouncing round the cab like a pea in a referees whistle. :slight_smile:

One of our Foden tipper’s was struck by a railway engine at Shelton steel works, made a mess of the cab side!
