Steam engine 1, Tesco lorry 0

Looks like both drivers should have been OK.

The steam engine obviously came across the one thing on the road that’s slower :laughing:

Steam road roller - so, full chat, heel to the steel etc - 7mph? :open_mouth:

On a dual, especially the A3/A27 join = madness. It’s Wacky Races there at the best of times.

Aren’t these things supposed to have an ■■■■■■?

I didn’t think a Tesco lorry would do that much damage at the speed they normally travel at.

Steam road roller - so, full chat, heel to the steel etc - 7mph? :open_mouth:

On a dual, especially the A3/A27 join = madness. It’s Wacky Races there at the best of times.

Aren’t these things supposed to have an ■■■■■■?

No, but it would have had an orange flashing beacon on the back to alert other road users of a slow moving vehicle, which the Tesco truck would have seen had he not been in shock at catching something slightly slower moving than him.

There is discussion about this on the Traction Talk forum (you need to be a member to view it) and the general opinion regarding vintage steam engine’s etc on dual carriageways is that driver’s of following vehicles usually see them in good time as they indicate early enough but then just misjudge the speed difference, 40+ mph in some cases with an LGV or 60+ with a car! :open_mouth: I suppose the same could be said about JCB’s and tractors, plenty of those have been rammed up the arse in the past? No point having a following ‘■■■■■■ vehicle’ as that would also be travelling at the same speed and, in the instance in question, could have resulted in serious injury for its occupants. The roller itself looks undamaged as the water bowser and living van took the impact.


A Tesco spokesperson earlier released the following statement; "We at Tesco’s are deeply and profoundly shocked at this incident. We value the safety of the travelling public and are quite rightly proud of our safety record. We can state categorically that none of our vehicles have ever attained the necessary speed required to run into another vehicle. Or indeed anything. We have recently installed a new vehicle wash in order to wash the backs of our vehicles after it became apparent that many flies and bugs were running into the back of our vehicles and potentially obscuring the rear lights and number plates.

We can assure the public that as a result of our own internal enquiry we shall be issuing all of our drivers with another three or four pieces of paper to fill in before and after each shift. We would like to state that eyewitness reports state that the steam engine was in fact reversing at high speed along the motorway.

Thank you for shopping with Tesco."


the maoster:
A Tesco spokesperson earlier released the following statement; "We at Tesco’s are deeply and profoundly shocked at this incident. We value the safety of the travelling public and are quite rightly proud of our safety record. We can state categorically that none of our vehicles have ever attained the necessary speed required to run into another vehicle. Or indeed anything. We have recently installed a new vehicle wash in order to wash the backs of our vehicles after it became apparent that many flies and bugs were running into the back of our vehicles and potentially obscuring the rear lights and number plates.

We can assure the public that as a result of our own internal enquiry we shall be issuing all of our drivers with another three or four pieces of paper to fill in before and after each shift. We would like to state that eyewitness reports state that the steam engine was in fact reversing at high speed along the motorway.

Thank you for shopping with Tesco."


There is discussion about this on the Traction Talk forum (you need to be a member to view it) and the general opinion regarding vintage steam engine’s etc on dual carriageways is that driver’s of following vehicles usually see them in good time as they indicate early enough but then just misjudge the speed difference, 40+ mph in some cases with an LGV or 60+ with a car! :open_mouth: I suppose the same could be said about JCB’s and tractors, plenty of those have been rammed up the arse in the past? No point having a following ‘■■■■■■ vehicle’ as that would also be travelling at the same speed and, in the instance in question, could have resulted in serious injury for its occupants. The roller itself looks undamaged as the water bowser and living van took the impact.


They should have a vehicle following with a moving arrow to the right, like wot plod and wombles have, big orange digital thing.

Would save the living van being used as a crumple zone.

Loving the comments , mad barstuards :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Loving the comments , mad barstuards :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I nearly ran into the back of you on Wednesday morning Drift. Well, actually I didn’t but it was about 7am on the M60 anti-clockwise near Bredbury and you were trapped behind the worlds slowest curtain side rigid. At least I think it was you! :smiley:

Regardless of what speed the tractor thing was doing it’s the tesco drivers fault 100%,would it be a cyclists fault if the driver has smashed into the back of him because the cyclist wasn’t going fast enough?
Poor observations.

the maoster:

Loving the comments , mad barstuards :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I nearly ran into the back of you on Wednesday morning Drift. Well, actually I didn’t but it was about 7am on the M60 anti-clockwise near Bredbury and you were trapped behind the worlds slowest curtain side rigid. At least I think it was you! :smiley:

It couldnt have been me, I was in bed in North Wales with a hangover Wednesday :laughing:
Two weeks off and my wagon has been parked up (at least I thought it was :open_mouth: )
Was it an artic?
I love that motorway as it pays me hours and hours of overtime :laughing:

Nah mate, tall cab Scanny rigid, silver with a fork truck on the back, that was what made me think it could have been you.

Hey ho, one less for the “who’s seen who?” Thread. :smiley:

Sounds like mine, close though :laughing:

it’s the tesco drivers fault 100%
Poor observations.

Of course it is, it’s always tesco to55p07’s fault as they have zb for brains…[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
1 less axor to slow us all down too, happy Friday indeed [emoji16]

The late great Fred Dinah will be turning in his grave.Why was the engine not on a low loader?

16 replies so far and no mention of agency, must be a record :laughing: :laughing:

Can’t understand why the owner of the Steam Engine used a Agency Driver :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

tango boy:
Can’t understand why the owner of the Steam Engine used a Agency Driver :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

:laughing: :laughing: