Steam engine 1, Tesco lorry 0

i know its a duel carriageway, so the traction engine is allowed to use that road, but surely common sense should/would/maybe kick in to say, hmm mixing a 7mph traction engine with 50mph minimum traffic on an extremely busy section of road isn’t a good idea.

i’m not trying to defend any partys involved but would you, say for example, cycle along that said section of road?

The late great Fred Dinah will be turning in his grave.Why was the engine not on a low loader?

pretty sure he was on a sponsored trip to the Great Dorset Steam Fair.

tango boy:
Can’t understand why the owner of the Steam Engine used a Agency Driver :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

i reckon he pulled in too sharply after overtaking the Tesco truck :frowning:


tango boy:
Can’t understand why the owner of the Steam Engine used a Agency Driver :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

i reckon he pulled in too sharply after overtaking the Tesco truck :frowning:

and no hand signals were used either…


Looks like both drivers should have been OK.

Apparently they spent ten minutes trying to find a pulse for the HGV Driver, till they read what was written on the truck… :laughing:

Not the first time a Tesco lorry has done this. Back min the 90’s a driver from the Snodland RDC ran up the back of a living van being towed by a vintage Scammell on the M26 at Wrotham. Luckily no injuries but the 3 series Scania and the living van were badly damaged.

Is it true that a lot of the spares and autojumble available at Blandford are shall we say “hotter than a traction engines ashpan?”

The late great Fred Dinah will be turning in his grave.Why was the engine not on a low loader?

Thought his went everywhere under its own steam?

Own Account Driver:

The late great Fred Dinah will be turning in his grave.Why was the engine not on a low loader?

Thought his went everywhere under its own steam?

His traction engine did especially when filming his final series. I used to love his early programmes, topling those chimney stacks but he always hated doing it. The old burning tyres/pit props will always be more entertaining than someone doing a countdown and pressing a button.

Is it true that a lot of the spares and autojumble available at Blandford are shall we say “hotter than a traction engines ashpan?”

Not that I’ve noticed. Same rusty old tools and milk churns you get everywhere.

Majority of autojumblers are just hoarders trying to inject some superficial sanity into mental illness. Justifies filling every room in the house with chrome trim for an Austin Maxi cos if anyone asks ‘it’s for the autojumble’ so they sound a bit less nuts.


Own Account Driver:

The late great Fred Dinah will be turning in his grave.Why was the engine not on a low loader?

Thought his went everywhere under its own steam?

His traction engine did especially when filming his final series. I used to love his early programmes, topling those chimney stacks but he always hated doing it. The old burning tyres/pit props will always be more entertaining than someone doing a countdown and pressing a button.

Steeplejacks down the road from me, I think, 90% of their work is putting a lightning conductor down the side of some offices with a cherry picker.

The Tosco dri er will be loving every mouthfull…he gets off the transport manager :neutral_face:

Own Account Driver:


Own Account Driver:

The late great Fred Dinah will be turning in his grave.Why was the engine not on a low loader?

Thought his went everywhere under its own steam?

His traction engine did especially when filming his final series. I used to love his early programmes, topling those chimney stacks but he always hated doing it. The old burning tyres/pit props will always be more entertaining than someone doing a countdown and pressing a button.

Steeplejacks down the road from me, I think, 90% of their work is putting a lightning conductor down the side of some offices with a cherry picker.

The chimney at Shipton Quarry (now Earthline but was Blue Circle) is meant to be being blown down (they don’t like it being called blown up) on Bank Holiday Monday. It’s not being well publicised despite being a local landmark/eyesore depending on opinion.

I like seeing vintage stuff out and about (except for stationary putt putt engines pumping water around a barrel :laughing: ), someone down the road from us has a Robey steam roller. My son loves it when it comes up our road clanking and hissing pulling it’s living van and bowser it’s quite a sight. Even on dark winter nights when most traction engines are wrapped up in cotton wool they take this roller out, complete with paraffin lamps for a jolly around town. However I do find a lot of owners a bit up themselves, they’re worse than tractor drivers for not pulling over and letting traffic past but will let you know via a brass sign that “you are following a 1915 Aveling and Porter” (thanks for that). They also look at some rally visitors with disdain if your kids show an interest in their engine.
I was embarassed somewhat on the Witney Bypass a few years ago; I was hanging a job out and doing just under 50 when I was passed by a Super Sentinel steam lorry. Barely made any noise at all but the fireman was certainly working hard.

This reminds me of the occasion, many years ago, when a former colleague of mine - the late Howard Bradley - had ‘an incident’ with a steam shunting loco in a South Wales steelworks. I recall the laughs we had while filling in the insurance report; ‘details of other vehicle - 060 saddle tank steam locomotive - registration number unknown’!


the maoster:
A Tesco spokesperson earlier released the following statement; "We at Tesco’s are deeply and profoundly shocked at this incident. We value the safety of the travelling public and are quite rightly proud of our safety record. We can state categorically that none of our vehicles have ever attained the necessary speed required to run into another vehicle. Or indeed anything. We have recently installed a new vehicle wash in order to wash the backs of our vehicles after it became apparent that many flies and bugs were running into the back of our vehicles and potentially obscuring the rear lights and number plates.

We can assure the public that as a result of our own internal enquiry we shall be issuing all of our drivers with another three or four pieces of paper to fill in before and after each shift. We would like to state that eyewitness reports state that the steam engine was in fact reversing at high speed along the motorway.

Thank you for shopping with Tesco."

I like it alot :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

seth 70:
I like it alot :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Of course you do silly bollox, get back to work delivering our stuff…!

Own Account Driver:

The late great Fred Dinah will be turning in his grave.Why was the engine not on a low loader?

Thought his went everywhere under its own steam?

I don’t want to put coals on the fire but maybe the driver was absolutely steaming. Looks like a classic shunt.

James the cat:
I don’t want to put coals on the fire.

Fat lot of good you’d be to Thomas’ driver.