Split from the Eddie Stobart thread

Yeah,progamme about a pair of ■■■■■■ who run green and white trucks,who also employ a lard ■■■ P.A. and a ■■■■■■■■ called Mo.
Or was that on BBC1,I dunno.posting.php?mode=reply&f=16&t=62663#

WTF is going on ?


I’ve just re read the Stobart Trucks and Trailers thread, many references to Mo and co have been removed, these were opinions of one driver by fellow professionals, not many of them were very glowing references, so that would indicate that they were not impressed, it’s ok to slag off any of the Ice Road Truckers, but refer to a Stobart driver in a bad light and it gets removed, that’s not moderation, it’s censorship :unamused:

The same applies to the PA and her fat arse, you mods need a visit to specsavers if you think that is untrue, comments about that have been removed also, yet Lisa Kelly of Ice Road Truckers attracts plenty of ■■■■■■ innuendo in some of the comments she receives, yet that’s ok? Double standards my friends, or hypocracy, call it what you will :unamused:

I posted a picture of some pit lane totty, it’s gone, yet it’s far less risque than some people’s avatars, yet they’re ok? Hypocracy again :unamused:

The conclusion I’ve drawn from this is that Stobart have made a complaint, if that’s the case then they should’ve been told to [zb] off, even if they were sponsors of the site, free speech is free speech, that’s one of the fundamentals of this site, if they don’t like what they read about them, well tough, the way it’s going you may as well rename the site Stobartnetuk.com :cry:

I said the same thing a few posts up in a lot less words.

Whats the betting it will be in the magazine how positive this is for the industry■■?

My post was merged from another thread, if I had read that you’d said the same I would’ve quoted you and saved myself some typing :grimacing:

And now it’s ended up buried here! :laughing:

Mo is still a fat loudmouth ■■■■■■ just like that ■■■■ Rick Yemm on IRT but it’s ok to slag Rick eh? :laughing: