Split from the Eddie Stobart thread

Rob K:

The thread is back with most of the over the top content gone.
We have slackened off quite considerably on the moderation front over the last few months, simply because members were not extracting the urine and we could, however as the old saying goes, give some too much rope and eventually they will hang themselves.

This thread had gone way over the mark and has been stamped on… the message is simple don’t take the urine and we will quite happily ease of on the moderation, pee all over the forums and will will become stricter.

As for time, the moderators are all volunteers and as such their time is limited. I am not paid to moderate the forums all day, my role has many other facets most away from the forums. The Admin team will tell iyou it is quite rare for me to moderate posts… :unamused:

Why don’t you take your laptop to the pub with you when you go, then it wouldn’t a problem. :laughing:

:laughing: We do think alike Rob! “sometimes”

What about the xxxxxx and I want £600 per week thread? That was removed just when you know who was showing us all what he’s really like? I apologise for calling him a f…ng ■■■■■■ (no offense to those reading it) but removing it? A posted warning would’ve been better and leave the thread on. The only reason I wrote what I did was because calling Stevo-os mother a ■■■■■ was way off the mark but it would’ve been better to see what other responses would have come back?

Why don’t you take your laptop to the pub with you when you go, then it wouldn’t a problem.

Now theres an idea I could go along with :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: just have to get the club to install Wi-Fi first !!

I’ve just re read the Stobart Trucks and Trailers thread, many references to Mo and co have been removed, these were opinions of one driver by fellow professionals, not many of them were very glowing references, so that would indicate that they were not impressed, it’s ok to slag off any of the Ice Road Truckers, but refer to a Stobart driver in a bad light and it gets removed, that’s not moderation, it’s censorship :unamused:

The same applies to the PA and her fat arse, you mods need a visit to specsavers if you think that is untrue, comments about that have been removed also, yet Lisa Kelly of Ice Road Truckers attracts plenty of ■■■■■■ innuendo in some of the comments she receives, yet that’s ok? Double standards my friends, or hypocracy, call it what you will :unamused:

I posted a picture of some pit lane totty, it’s gone, yet it’s far less risque than some people’s avatars, yet they’re ok? Hypocracy again :unamused:

The conclusion I’ve drawn from this is that Stobart have made a complaint, if that’s the case then they should’ve been told to ■■■■ off, even if they were sponsors of the site, free speech is free speech, that’s one of the fundamentals of this site, if they don’t like what they read about them, well tough, the way it’s going you may as well rename the site Stobartnetuk.com :cry:

Blah… rules… blah… rule number x… blah… this is what you agreed to when you signed up… blah… if you don’t like it… blah blah blah.



But yes Mark, you are absolutely right and I have noticed the exact same hypocrisy. One rule for one again… :unamused:

Can’t see why there can’t be some consistency round here. :neutral_face:

If Stobart did indeed complain they have only themselves to blame. Shouldn’t have agreed to have cameras in your truck, in your offices and on individuals carefully selected because they have some “character” :unamused:

I was quite surprised by the hostility shown towards Stobart drivers :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

OK, so Stobart get work by undercutting local hauliers. It’s hardly the drivers’ fault. It’s a world away from what I’ve always done but at the end of the day they are simply drivers doing a job, and the BS they spout in a Tesco RDC is very little different to the BS you hear on the Pride of Calais about one-hitting it to a place in Italy which is apparently called “Prato, John”.

Surely when a company employs so many drivers, they can’t all be tossers?

There are plenty of websites to discuss your preferences about womens backsides… (Google is your friend)… this is a website about truck driving, the comments were off topic, and some went as far as ■■■■■■ fantasy… thats is unacceptable on here…

There is a big difference between criticism, reasoned arguement about a way of working or business model and discussion of a company and simply calling them all Tossers etc … same with individuals.

There is plenty of Criticism of Stobarts, the way the company is protrayed and the way individuals conducted themselves on the TV programme left in the thread… what there isnt is the name calling.

As for other threads …

We have slackened off quite considerably on the moderation front over the last few months, simply because members were not extracting the urine and we could, however as the old saying goes, give some too much rope and eventually they will hang themselves.

If content that is unacceptable is reported it is reviewed. If you find such topics please use the report post button located on every post

Do you know, I used to belong to the Ford Sierra forum and as well as the regular team of moderators, they used to have guest moderators who would do a week at a time. This honour was often gifted to those with a habit of questioning mod decisions and inevitably had the desired effect.

I vote for RobK for this honour, if it were ever implemented on here. I am sure it cannot be an easy task to be a TruckNet moderator :wink: and I am sure the arrangement would be instructional for all of us.

There are plenty of websites to discuss your preferences about womens backsides… (Google is your friend)… this is a website about truck driving, the comments were off topic, and some went as far as ■■■■■■ fantasy… thats is unacceptable on here…

There is a big difference between criticism, reasoned arguement about a way of working or business model and discussion of a company and simply calling them all Tossers etc … same with individuals.

There is plenty of Criticism of Stobarts, the way the company is protrayed and the way individuals conducted themselves on the TV programme left in the thread… what there isnt is the name calling.

As for other threads … If content that is unacceptable is reported it is reviewed. If you find such topics please use the report post button located on every post

But this is just your typical cop out and question avoidance. You’d make a great politician…

What about addressing Mark’s comments about the hypocrisy of deleting all negative comments about Stobbard’s and their drivers, but yet leaving the exact same thing untouched on the various Ice Road Trucker threads? You can’t expect an easy ride and no-one to say anything when you only choose to moderate the bits that take your fancy.

Was editing my post to include this while yours was posted Rob…

We have slackened off quite considerably on the moderation front over the last few months, simply because members were not extracting the urine and we could, however as the old saying goes, give some too much rope and eventually they will hang themselves.

Rob K:
But this is just your typical cop out and question avoidance. You’d make a great politician…

No cop out Rob, its quite clear,

I’ve just re read the Stobart Trucks and Trailers thread, many references to Mo and co have been removed, these were opinions of one driver by fellow professionals, not many of them were very glowing references, so that would indicate that they were not impressed, it’s ok to slag off any of the Ice Road Truckers, but refer to a Stobart driver in a bad light and it gets removed, that’s not moderation, it’s censorship :unamused:

The same applies to the PA and her fat arse, you mods need a visit to specsavers if you think that is untrue, comments about that have been removed also, yet Lisa Kelly of Ice Road Truckers attracts plenty of ■■■■■■ innuendo in some of the comments she receives, yet that’s ok? Double standards my friends, or hypocracy, call it what you will :unamused:

I posted a picture of some pit lane totty, it’s gone, yet it’s far less risque than some people’s avatars, yet they’re ok? Hypocracy again :unamused:

The conclusion I’ve drawn from this is that Stobart have made a complaint, if that’s the case then they should’ve been told to [zb] off, even if they were sponsors of the site, free speech is free speech, that’s one of the fundamentals of this site, if they don’t like what they read about them, well tough, the way it’s going you may as well rename the site Stobartnetuk.com :cry:

I said the same thing a few posts up in a lot less words.

Whats the betting it will be in the magazine how positive this is for the industry■■?

What about the xxxxxx and I want £600 per week thread? That was removed just when you know who was showing us all what he’s really like? I apologise for calling him a f…ng ■■■■■■ (no offense to those reading it) but removing it? A posted warning would’ve been better and leave the thread on. The only reason I wrote what I did was because calling Stevo-os mother a ■■■■■ was way off the mark but it would’ve been better to see what other responses would have come back?

Cheers Muckaway, at least we know what one of the removed posts was about. :laughing:

The conclusion I’ve drawn from this is that Stobart have made a complaint, if that’s the case then they should’ve been told to [zb] off, even if they were sponsors of the site, free speech is free speech, that’s one of the fundamentals of this site, if they don’t like what they read about them, well tough, the way it’s going you may as well rename the site Stobartnetuk.com

Funnily enough we did do something along those lines (just a touch more politly ) just last week to a company that demanded every refernce to them be removed from the forums, and their company name put in the word censor so they couldnt be discussed at all after they found some negative comments on here…

You’re way off the mark here Rikki! Stobarts willingly took part in a television programme so that makes them fair game! If you don’t want shot don’t stick your head up■■? If we can’t freely comment on a tv programme, within normal parameters of course, that stinks! People are entitled to express an opinion as long as it isn’t slanderous or libellous. And Mo is a fat loudmouth ■■■■■■!

44 Tonne Ton:
You’re way off the mark here Rikki! Stobarts willingly took part in a television programme so that makes them fair game! If you don’t want shot don’t stick your head up■■? If we can’t freely comment on a tv programme, within normal parameters of course, that stinks! People are entitled to express an opinion as long as it isn’t slanderous or libellous. And Mo is a fat loudmouth ■■■■■■!

An opinion yes to be insulting no… there is a difference ! :confused:

Taken from the thread:
Two pages of posts removed from this thread and many others edited…

If you want to discuss your ■■■■■■ fantasies do it elsewhere, not here, Threats against individuals or groups of people will be removed. (wether they are members here or not)

Off topic posts have been removed and will continue to be so

Calling people names wether they are members here or not are personal attacks and if complaints are recieved they will be removed.

Have an opinion by all means, but make it personal then it will be removed.

Can I say that I think Miliband, Clegg and Cameron are tossers? Pretty sure there wouldn’t have been a problem prior to this thread so what’s different about Mo the gob?

Some spare spades up here Rikki if that one you’ve got down there is starting to wear out. Just give us a shout yeah. :smiling_imp:

Rob K:
Some spare spades up here Rikki if that one you’ve got down there is starting to wear out. Just give us a shout yeah. :smiling_imp:

Dont need one Rob, thanks anyway :slight_smile:

44 Tonne Ton:
Can I say that I think Miliband, Clegg and Cameron are tossers? Pretty sure there wouldn’t have been a problem prior to this thread so what’s different about Mo the gob?

If posts were made about anyone and that simply consistes of that and /or if a complaint was recieved about it then probably yes … however, with the state of our industry and the contempt Messrs Millibrand, Clegg and Cameron have shown for it I doubt very much even if they were aware of it they would be bothered about a bunch of drivers vews about them on an internet forum :unamused: :unamused: :wink: :wink:

The reasons why it was moderated are well explained in this thread, It had gone way over the line, with everything from ■■■■■■ content, insults, threats, disparaging comments about people not even in the programme, not seen and some not so suitable innuendo’s about peoples private lives.

Yes as stated also above we have backed off a bit on the moderation front recently and given more leeway. However when things get out of hand like this thread did they will be heavily moderated.

We have backed off a bit but the boundaries were pushed way too far.

Now I am off to watch some TV and enjoy the rest of my evening… :grimacing: anything good on channel 5 tonight :grimacing: :grimacing: :laughing: