Split from the Eddie Stobart thread

The last 10 page thread has been removed as it descended into personal attacks, threats and abusive posts.

lets try again without the above

The last 10 page thread has been removed as it descended into personal attacks, threats and abusive posts.

lets try again without the above

Moderation on this site is ridiculous. :unamused:

You either get :

  1. No moderation at all and threads are left for weeks to descend into chaos and attacks (recent ROG threads being a good example of this)


  1. Moderation that is akin to an atomic bomb going off where entire threads are wiped off the face of the planet in seconds because of a couple of petty name-calling posts.

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Kind of defeats the whole point of the word “moderator”, ie. someone that moderates things.

How difficult would it have been to simply delete the offending akabar and jase posts, send them a quick PM warning them to desist and let the thread carry on? Or is that too simple? :unamused:

Rob K:

The last 10 page thread has been removed as it descended into personal attacks, threats and abusive posts.

lets try again without the above

Moderation on this site is ridiculous. :unamused:

You either get :

  1. No moderation at all and threads are left for weeks to descend into chaos and attacks (recent ROG threads being a good example of this)


  1. Moderation that is akin to an atomic bomb going off where entire threads are wiped off the face of the planet in seconds because of a couple of petty name-calling posts.
    Good point “Rob K” but who knows----- we may be seeing a “Fast Eddie” advert on the site shortly!!! Bewick.
    :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Kind of defeats the whole point of the word “moderator”, ie. someone that moderates things.

How difficult would it have been to simply delete the offending akabar and jase posts, send them a quick PM warning them to desist and let the thread carry on? Or is that too simple? :unamused:

Good luck rikki,you’ve only got another 5 weeks of this series to contend with.
I’d like to apologise for my outburst but when someone threatens you and your work collegues due to the company you work for then I react as to me that is threatening behaviour and as far as I’m concerned it should have been nipped in the bud,I mean why attack mo s wife■■? WTF has she got to do with stobarts■■?
I choose to work for stories because I earn decent money(I haven’t had my money drop due to the recission),I’ve got a decent motor and if I gave a problem I can get it sorted. I’ve always said,the people who know the most about stobarts have never worked for them.

I’ve always

Am i wrong but does this form of moderation seem to use a chain saw instead of a hacksaw purely personall point of view.

I agree Rob, there were a lot of good points made on that particular thread, some were made by people who just cannot accept how business works, some were made by people who have an issue with any company, whether it be Widdowsons, Wincanton or Weatherspoons.

Moderation is ok, in moderation :stuck_out_tongue:

Wheel Nut:
I agree Rob, there were a lot of good points made on that particular thread, some were made by people who just cannot accept how business works, some were made by people who have an issue with any company, whether it be Widdowsons, Wincanton or Weatherspoons.

Moderation is ok, in moderation :stuck_out_tongue:


Maybe I should put my name down for mod and show them how it’s done? :open_mouth:

phil the book:
Am i wrong but does this form of moderation seem to use a chain saw instead of a hacksaw purely personall point of view.

purely a personal point of view but i side with PHB , surely the PA branches etc etc of the stobart tree could of been cut off instead of taking a chain saw to the trunk of the tree?? i realise you guys have a life apart from moderating this site but it just mean people will have to re-type what they have already said about the programme, have fun buycrider :exclamation: :exclamation: :laughing: :laughing:

Rob K:

Wheel Nut:
I agree Rob, there were a lot of good points made on that particular thread, some were made by people who just cannot accept how business works, some were made by people who have an issue with any company, whether it be Widdowsons, Wincanton or Weatherspoons.

Moderation is ok, in moderation :stuck_out_tongue:


Maybe I should put my name down for mod and show them how it’s done? :open_mouth:

Nah, poachers turned gamekeepers or drivers turned managers always seem to be ■■■■■■■■■■


As it happens I was about to go out for a meeting when the post was removed… it was/is my intention to move the posts that were on topic into this thread, which I will do when I have time, and the posts off topic here will be moved to a new topic.

I do have other things to do than babysit threads you know :slight_smile:

Rob K:

The last 10 page thread has been removed as it descended into personal attacks, threats and abusive posts.

lets try again without the above

Moderation on this site is ridiculous. :unamused:

You either get :

  1. No moderation at all and threads are left for weeks to descend into chaos and attacks (recent ROG threads being a good example of this)


  1. Moderation that is akin to an atomic bomb going off where entire threads are wiped off the face of the planet in seconds because of a couple of petty name-calling posts.

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Kind of defeats the whole point of the word “moderator”, ie. someone that moderates things.

How difficult would it have been to simply delete the offending akabar and jase posts, send them a quick PM warning them to desist and let the thread carry on? Or is that too simple? :unamused:

Would we still have had the same amount of moderation if the topic had been a debate on Little sid’s 2 truck Transport rather than the mighty green machine■■?

As it happens I was about to go out for a meeting when the post was removed… it was/is my intention to move the posts that were on topic into this thread, which I will do when I have time, and the posts off topic here will be moved to a new topic.

I do have other things to do than babysit threads you know :slight_smile:

Nah, it’s ok, don’t go to all that trouble on our account Rikki! :wink:

As it happens I was about to go out for a meeting when the post was removed… it was/is my intention to move the posts that were on topic into this thread, which I will do when I have time, and the posts off topic here will be moved to a new topic.

I do have other things to do than babysit threads you know :slight_smile:

Why go to the time and hassle of moving over 200 posts :open_mouth: into a new thread when you can just remove akaday and jase’s posts and send them a friendly PM telling them to STFU with the personal attacks on the forums? You would go far working for local council or central government as they all like to make things as complicated and OTT as possible. :unamused:

Rob K,didnt you make an attack on Stobart drivers■■?
Calling us all a “load of tossers” wasnt it?,or words to that effect■■?
So please dont single me and akadays spat out as you are as bad.

Dont patronise me 44tonne ton! i dont need love and affection FELLA!

Rob K,didnt you make an attack on Stobart drivers■■?
Calling us all a “load of tossers” wasnt it?,or words to that effect■■?
So please dont single me and akadays spat out as you are as bad.

Dont patronise me 44tonne ton! i dont need love and affection FELLA!

There’s a big difference between bad mouthing a company and its employees vs. having a full-on spat with another forum member threatening to punch his lights out. From a site rules perspective, the former is allowed, the latter isn’t. And just for the record, my “they’re all a load of tossers” thoughts apply to Tesco drivers and RM drivers as well. That’s my opnion and I’m entitled to it. If you don’t like it - tough. No-one is forced you to read any post/thread.

Rob K,didnt you make an attack on Stobart drivers■■?
Calling us all a “load of tossers” wasnt it?,or words to that effect■■?
So please dont single me and akadays spat out as you are as bad.

Dont patronise me 44tonne ton! i dont need love and affection FELLA!

Oh I get the feeling you do! X x x

Moderation? More like censorship, I’m with Rob K, the removal of the thread was a heavy handed approach and completely unnecessary, there were some interesting contributions from many of the posters, I’m not impressed at all :unamused:

And to say that ‘I do have other things to do than babysit threads’ is not an answer, if you’re going to be a moderator and you can’t devote the time required, well perhaps you shouldn’t be a moderator, now Rikki, this is the one and only time I’ve felt this way, for the sake of the site, please rethink your strategy, the whole point of the forums are to get people’s opinions, a moderator should be unbiased :bulb:

The thread is back with most of the over the top content gone.
We have slackened off quite considerably on the moderation front over the last few months, simply because members were not extracting the urine and we could, however as the old saying goes, give some too much rope and eventually they will hang themselves.

This thread had gone way over the mark and has been stamped on… the message is simple don’t take the urine and we will quite happily ease of on the moderation, pee all over the forums and it will become stricter.

As for time, the moderators are all volunteers and as such their time is limited. I am not paid to moderate the forums all day, my role has many other facets most away from the forums. The Admin team will tell iyou it is quite rare for me to moderate posts… :unamused:

The thread is back with most of the over the top content gone.
We have slackened off quite considerably on the moderation front over the last few months, simply because members were not extracting the urine and we could, however as the old saying goes, give some too much rope and eventually they will hang themselves.

This thread had gone way over the mark and has been stamped on… the message is simple don’t take the urine and we will quite happily ease of on the moderation, pee all over the forums and will will become stricter.

As for time, the moderators are all volunteers and as such their time is limited. I am not paid to moderate the forums all day, my role has many other facets most away from the forums. The Admin team will tell iyou it is quite rare for me to moderate posts… :unamused:

Why don’t you take your laptop to the pub with you when you go, then it wouldn’t a problem. :laughing: