Spelling lesson no 1

Sorry, but…
when reading posts it is starting to annoy me that so many people use the wrong “there” and “their”.

I know ( notice it is know and not “now” or “no” ) that you don’t need to be a genius at english language to drive a truck but it is soooooo annoying when reading posts on tinternet…

when referring to belonging to someone use THEIR - the one with the “I” in it - refers to a person - it is “their” opinion - it is “their” vehicle.

when refering to a position use THERE. as in tHERE - It was over “there” , they went “there”

Ok rant over…

bloody hell so what :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

‘in soft tone voice’ - There, Their They’re…

a long walk me thinks…

surely there’s much more important things to get high blood pressure about :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

jessicas dad:
bloody hell so what :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

Agree, as long as people understand the post I don’t see a problem either.

Denis F:
surely there’s much more important things to get high blood pressure about :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

maybe it’s all those other things that got me on the edge to start with and it was the their’s and there’s that is starting to push me over and make me go round and round…

Owner Drivers:

Denis F:
surely there’s much more important things to get high blood pressure about :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

maybe it’s all those other things that got me on the edge to start with and it was the their’s and there’s that is starting to push me over and make me go round and round…

Go on mate - BLOW OFF SOME STEAM - this is the place to do it - amongst your mates in a safe place :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

PS you omitted “they’re”


PS you omitted “they’re”


Oh no you have done it now - i need a lie down…

WTF :question: :question: :question: :question: for goodness’ sake man, will you not calm yourself down and have another Pimms?! There’s more important things to worry about. :unamused:

(for the love of God, no-one tell him how much diesel costs these days…it could be the end for him!) :wink:

Owner Drivers:

Denis F:
surely there’s much more important things to get high blood pressure about :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

maybe it’s all those other things that got me on the edge to start with and it was the their’s and there’s that is starting to push me over and make me go round and round…

Just relax and ignore them, theirs always some that don’t even no what there saying never mind what there writing.

There is always somebody who no’s better! :wink: HA HA!!! Couldn’t resist pulling your leg! :unamused:
Regards Smokinbarrels :smiley:


Go on mate - BLOW OFF SOME STEAM - this is the place to do it - amongst your mates in a safe place :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Owner Drivers:

better :question: :question:

Owner Drivers:

You missed out “an r”

dunno wot t prob is tbvfh :wink:


Owner Drivers:

Denis F:
surely there’s much more important things to get high blood pressure about :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

maybe it’s all those other things that got me on the edge to start with and it was the their’s and there’s that is starting to push me over and make me go round and round…

Oh no she`s off again about round and round (roundabout day) :smiley:

I agree with you OD’s

Doesn’t make my blood boil though!

Koop where Ownerdrivers had had ‘had’, had had ‘had had’; ‘had had’ was the correct answer.

Pick the bones out of that! :unamused:

the thing with the english language is it makes no sense at all. Their there they’re all sound the same but have totally different meanings.
On the internet there is a new language developing which doesn’t respect the old spelling and grammar rules. You’ve got to get used to it.

Owner Drivers:
Sorry, but…
when reading posts it is starting to annoy me that so many people use the wrong “there” and “their”.

I know ( notice it is know and not “now” or “no” ) that you don’t need to be a genius at english language to drive a truck but it is soooooo annoying when reading posts on tinternet…

when referring to belonging to someone use THEIR - the one with the “I” in it - refers to a person - it is “their” opinion - it is “their” vehicle.

when refering to a position use THERE. as in tHERE - It was over “there” , they went “there”

Ok rant over…

Says Miss Perfect herself who can’t even manage to start new sentences with a capital letter.

Pot, kettle, etc. ?