Spelling lesson no 1

BAD time of the month!

Even ROB K IS S00000000 Anoyed now!!

Eye have a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write.
It shows me strait a weigh.
As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
and eye can put the error rite.
Its rare lea ever wrong.
Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My chequer tolled me sew.

Ooh goody, English lessons.:grimacing:
[Suggested corrections are in red.]

Owner Drivers:
when reading posts it is starting to annoy me that so many people use the wrong “there” and “their”.

When reading posts**,** it is starting to annoy me that so many people use the wrong “there” and “their**.**”

Owner Drivers:
I know ( notice it is know and not “now” or “no” ) that you don’t need to be a genius at english language to drive a truck but it is soooooo annoying when reading posts on tinternet…

I know ( not “now” or “no” ) that you don’t need to be a genius at English language to drive a truck**,** but it is soooooo annoying when reading posts on tinternet…

Owner Drivers:
when referring to belonging to someone use THEIR - the one with the “I” in it - refers to a person - it is “their” opinion - it is “their” vehicle.

When referring to belonging to someone use THEIR - the one with the “I” in it - refers to a person - it is “their” opinion - it is “their” vehicle.
Really?? IIRC, you might find that “their” is a plural and that his/hers might be more a more appropriate pronoun for “a person” (singular.)

I do agree with you that it can be annoying when people use “their” incorrectly, as in your post. :wink:
[Although it was ‘differently’ incorrect.]

Owner Drivers:
when refering to a position use THERE. as in tHERE - It was over “there” , they went “there”

When refering to a position**,** use THERE. As in tHERE - It was over “there**," they went "there.**”
[Punctuation (when used :wink: ) should be within any quote marks.]

:wink: I’ll leave out the minor errors, otherwise you might think I’m ‘nitpicking.’ :sunglasses:

Since your original post expressed some annoyance, you might find that you annoy yourself.
We wouldn’t want that to happen, so I found THIS for you. :smiley:

Owner Drivers:
Ok rant over…

Just as it was getting interesting. :grimacing:

Actually, I agree with mrpj. If it’s understandable, then let it be. :smiley:
It was fun though… :wink:


Since your original post expressed some annoyance, you might find that you annoy yourself.

Oh no - I am annoying myself - I need another lie down now… after I have hit myself over the head a few times with a hammer :laughing: .

Wheel Nut:
Eye have a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write.
It shows me strait a weigh.
As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
and eye can put the error rite.
Its rare lea ever wrong.
Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My chequer tolled me sew.

That is brilliant :laughing:

I agree with you OD’s

Doesn’t make my blood boil though!

Koop where Ownerdrivers had had ‘had’, had had ‘had had’; ‘had had’ was the correct answer.

Pick the bones out of that! :unamused:

Pub sign written incorrectly with an additional “had?”

I’m as cool as a cucumber but am amazed at the number of people who insert a comma in place of an apostrophe.
As in ‘John,s wagon’ instead of ‘John’s wagon’. :open_mouth: :laughing:

I’m as cool as a cucumber but am amazed at the number of people who insert a comma in place of an apostrophe.
As in ‘John,s wagon’ instead of ‘John’s wagon’. :open_mouth: :laughing:

That,s one of ohterry,s favourites. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

We should be more like the French as they are apparently better than us at everything. :laughing:

Rob K:

Not to worry Rob, since I’ve already had so much fun, I thought I’d leave you for this morning. :grimacing:

From my post in the ‘slow server’ topic:

I’m wondering whether it might be a local problem…

Your answer was:

Bobby K:
(Two can play that game. :wink: )

I wonder if it’s a local problem…


Your quoting of my post actually makes no grammatical sense. :laughing: :laughing:
Your answer was of such outstanding quality that I immediately understood where I’d gone wrong, so thanks for taking the time to post it.

Now for a lesson that you clearly need:
The word “if” is used for the ‘conditional,’ Did you see any sense of the conditional in my post? :wink:
No, of course you didn’t because you took it as a question, which was actually its intent. Therein lies the contradiction. :confused:

Rob K:
Pot, kettle, etc. ?

Yes indeed Rob, but your post responding to Owner Drivers also reminds me of glass houses and throwing stones. :wink:
Have a nice day. :smiley:

I love this example of using the correct punctuation.

It was taken from Dave’s link,

How to lose your friends.

I detest liars like you, I believe that honesty is the best policy.
I detest liars; like you, I believe that honesty is the best policy.


Rob K:

Not to worry Rob, since I’ve already had so much fun, I thought I’d leave you for this morning. :grimacing:

From my post in the ‘slow server’ topic:

I’m wondering whether it might be a local problem…

Your answer was:

Bobby K:
(Two can play that game. :wink: )

I wonder if it’s a local problem…


Your quoting of my post actually makes no grammatical sense. :laughing: :laughing:
Your answer was of such outstanding quality that I immediately understood where I’d gone wrong, so thanks for taking the time to post it.

Now for a lesson that you clearly need:
The word “if” is used for the ‘conditional,’ Did you see any sense of the conditional in my post? :wink:
No, of course you didn’t because you took it as a question, which was actually its intent. Therein lies the contradiction. :confused:

Rob K:
Pot, kettle, etc. ?

Yes indeed Rob, but your post responding to Owner Drivers also reminds me of glass houses and throwing stones. :wink:
Have a nice day. :smiley:

Edited for personal attack. [LT]

Edited out a quoted personal attack. [LT] Hi Rob K, That looks like a personal comment to me, but hey, I’m really not bothered and I’ll leave it to the Mods to decide.

Sticking entirely within the site rules, I’m looking at the posts rather than the person. :sunglasses:

In the ‘Website losing its appeal’ post, I saw the following posts from your good self:

Rob K:
It’s because there’s too many “I agree” merchants on here nowadays. I said it 12 months back that this site was turning into another all-fluffy & huggy one

So I didn’t agree, and I didn’t get all “fluffy and huggy,” so what merited your response?

Rob K:
You can’t even put an alternative viewpoint across anymore now without the one-hit wonder brigade jumping in calling you all names under the sun because you don’t agree with them

Gotcha, otherwise please don’t call me a name for agreeing 100% with you. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
I’m hardly a “one hit wonder” either, maybe I’ve even been in transport longer than you’ve been alive. :wink:

Rob K:
I can take the heat, but it seems that you can’t, as you continually whinge and complain whenever I sling some of your mud back at you.

I gave your posts a little polite friendly heat, fell off my chair laughing, and you come back at me with a comment about how interesting I am. WTF Rob? :confused:
Whereabouts was anybody discussing how interesting a person is??

Last, but by no means least there’s this nugget from another topic:

Rob K:
You really shouldn’t be making yourself so unwell from what a few people write on internet forums.

If your posts weren’t so contradictory, intimidating or bullying, you wouldn’t need one of these for comebacks at you. :wink:

So there ya go Rob; the pots, kettles, stones and glass houses are all neatly arranged, but what’s this flapping noise I hear??
Ahhh, it’s the sound made by pidgeons coming home to roost. :wink:
Have a nice day Rob. :smiley:

pic removed due to it showing a censored word, jb :wink:

so their!!!

oops computer playing up sending messages twice… :laughing:
Is that better? :wink: [LT]

Gentlemen please lets keep it civil.

Many moons ago when this was a smaller site complaints about punctuation and spelling were discussed time and time again. The general concensus was that it was deemed poor manners to correct the English skills of another poster on the grounds that it was a trucking site and the members didn’t want to put off lurkers that could have made a valuable contribution regarding input and information because of educational snobbery.

Gentlemen please lets keep it civil.

:open_mouth: Honest Ma’am, I did. . :open_mouth:

:open_mouth: Honest Ma’am, I did. . :open_mouth:


reminds me of glass houses and throwing stones.

Hear, hear. Edited for personal attack. [LT] :unamused:

This thread is now getting a yellow card Ladytrucker has this afternoon to keep it civil and has had to make another edit after she had asked
if it has to be edited again or it decends any further it will be locked without warning