Southport atrocity

Is that too difficult to understand?
I don’t care whether an area is inhabited by a particular religious group. I do care whether it is well lit, clean etc.

So the post where you said
“But at the risk of being branded a racist myself (cgaf btw, the fact I know I actually and categoricaly am not, is enough for me)”
Is now cancelled?
Political discussions... - #1418 by robroy
I do note that you frequently talk about those who “tell it like it is”, as being somehow OK. They shouldn’t care if they upset others?
Different now it is Mr RR clutching at his pearls…again.

If someone took offence at what you said would you automatically apologise to them? Or if you believed you were right, would you not apologise?
If they started muttering about people losing their teeth etc, would you then feel more apologising?

I think your post where you said you treat people differently based on their nationality and choice of religion is racist and bigoted.
If you show me that it isn’t, I will apologise for calling you a racist and bigot.

Still don’t understand? I will (in spite of saying I wouldn’t) try again.
The irony is that many blame immigrants for violence, yet today we have more immigrants and less violence.
I deliberately did not suggest that there was a causal link.

What are you referring to?
I can imagine, but don’t want to put words into your mouth.

Let’s just say…what?
Dropping hints but too shy to say anything out loud?