Southport atrocity

An earlier reply to one “Narc”.

@robroy Still going on about being called a “racist”?

What about this post? Do I not make my reasoning clear?

Do you not clearly state that you treat British different to other nationalities?
And that you single out Islam as opposed to any other/all religions?

Is there summat wrong with my reasoning?

You drive down a road, stop at red traffic lights moving off when they turn green, but pass the next set at red…are you a red light jumper? I say yes.
I don’t think saying that you stopped at one is the same as saying you didn’t jump the other. No defence at all.
Treating your daughter’s brown friend well, does not mean you don’t behave like a racist and bigot elsewhere.

I wouldn’t feel safe.
I would have a higher than normal expectation of violent white blokes with shaved heads, chucking bricks and rocks around.

Ta. Seems you appreciate what I am suggesting.
I do not say (really) that immigrants, and nationality, nor religious group are generally more/less law abiding/peaceful than another.

I don’t think that whether a particular area is mostly inhabited by a particular group is much as an indicator for safety.
Muslim countries seem to have areas with higher crime, and areas with lower crime. Casablanca and Tangier have areas that I would hesitate to wander around in the dark, but in neither place would I expect to be accosted by drunks. I can’t say that about some “white areas” of UK cities.
I don’t see that the inhabitants of an area make much difference.