Some people never learn

Unfortunately I have now passed 6 overturned lorrys within a 10 mile stretch of the M6. Advisory speed limit of 30mph in force yet 95% of the trucks that have passed me were doing 56+ Why■■? Probably see them later I expect.

Last time they’ll ignore it lol…

Just had a look here … 05&ct=true

and there are 5 :open_mouth: seperate ongoing incidents of muppets/it’ll never happen to me overturned vehicles going on presently :unamused:

I thought the strong winds have been all over the travel news :confused:

I’ve just came down the same bit about 50 and passed the same trucks. do u think doing 30 will stop u going over ■■?

Just had a look here … 05&ct=true

and there are 5 :open_mouth: seperate ongoing incidents of muppets/it’ll never happen to me overturned vehicles going on presently :unamused:

I thought the strong winds have been all over the travel news :confused:

are you immune from going over then? why are they muppets? what exactly would you have done 2 avoid it? tool.

I’ve just came down the same bit about 50 and passed the same trucks. do u think doing 30 will stop u going over ■■?

You can get blown over just as easy at 30 as at 50, the only reason they put 30 up is that if you go over the impact wont be as severe. Im sorta with bob on this i want to try and get by the exposed areas as quick as possible, the faster you get by it the chances of you going over are reduced. If you’re doing 30 you’re in the winds sights for longer.

Thats my thinking on it anyway.

I no why they put the 30 up but the previous posts imply it serves them right for not doing 30. as if that would help. we were behind a dark blue decker who was doing 35 going up shap. pulled off 4 a ■■■■ n when we came out he had gone over. he was going slow n it didn’t help. I just hope all the guys r ok.

Get on the CB’s and try and shelter the highsiders on the exposed bits . Have done it many a time coming off the A75 on to the M74 and down the M6 . Let them get alongside or get yourself along side them and break the wind for them.

if its that bad why not pull over or stop at services and say sod the load? why press on regardless?
if you get blown over in the services at least you can go and get a brew whilst someone sweeps up!

if its that bad why not pull over or stop at services and say sod the load? why press on regardless?
if you get blown over in the services at least you can go and get a brew whilst someone sweeps up!

Have you been unemployed long ? :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue:

self employed o/d since 1997
on occasion i have stopped cos of wind (expense involved would be far more than a late load if owt did go ■■■■ up)!! most will be light load or even empty anyway so for me its a no brainer.

I can remember either seeing an article/interview in a magazine, the speed does make a difference, something to do with air pressure(not in the tyres), like an aeroplane needs low v]air pressure to gain lift that sort of thing. Well its was something like that, i am at the bottom of a bottle of red wine so could be talking out mi arse :laughing: :laughing:

if anything the greater speed would cause higher pressure on the side opposite the wind thus making it less likely 2 go over. in practice I’m sure the amount of pressure is negligible, especially compared 2 that on the wind sidemeaning in all probability speed makes no difference whatsoever.


I’ve just came down the same bit about 50 and passed the same trucks. do u think doing 30 will stop u going over ■■?

You can get blown over just as easy at 30 as at 50, the only reason they put 30 up is that if you go over the impact wont be as severe. Im sorta with bob on this i want to try and get by the exposed areas as quick as possible, the faster you get by it the chances of you going over are reduced. If you’re doing 30 you’re in the winds sights for longer.

Thats my thinking on it anyway.

Rather get blown over at 30 than 56 anyday.

A lot of it has to do with what kind of weight you are carrying.

An M/T decker will blow over just as easily at 30mph rather than 50mph.

But there were a lot of super-hero drivers out there tonight ( on minimum wage no doubt) driving like maniacs on the M74/M6
getting blown from one lane to another , totally out of control …but not slowing down !
Idiots !

I kept it at 50mph and kept out of trouble …how hard is that ?

Stupidest thing is slowing down… Keep the pin down and go southbound and down… Notice how the numpties that were blown over were English? FACT Notice how the matrix signs flashing were put up by the English? FACT… ENGLISH panic at everything, Snow, Ice, Wind, Rain… Keep er country c’mon

Stupidest thing is slowing down… Keep the pin down and go southbound and down… Notice how the numpties that were blown over were English? FACT Notice how the matrix signs flashing were put up by the English? FACT… ENGLISH panic at everything, Snow, Ice, Wind, Rain… Keep er country c’mon

lol :smiley: so you stopped and asked there nationality? FACT no you didnt so you no the person is english that works the matrix sign? FACT no you dont. are you bitter and twisted? FACT yes :laughing:

Im not bitter & twisted… Just love a wind up… And any time im slowed down ANYWHERE I go its always due to a BEANO - FACT! Be as well taking all the BEANS off the road and let the real boys truck on and get teh job down c’mon

a beano :laughing: :laughing: could be worse could be a suebo

C’mon dusty:-

East bound and down, loaded up and truckin’
a’we gonna do what they say can’t be done
We’ve got a long way to go and a short time to get there
I’m east bound just watch ol’Bandit run …