Some people never learn

C’mon dusty:-

East bound and down, loaded up and truckin’
a’we gonna do what they say can’t be done
We’ve got a long way to go and a short time to get there
I’m east bound just watch ol’Bandit run …

10-4 rubber ducky

I went past them early hours, wind had died well down as I didnt feel a thing but there was 1 below J38 (Which im led to believe has more or less closed the road for the last hour or 2 due to being recovered and another 2 up the shap who musta been running nose/tail as blown over same bit and then another up by Carlisle and 1 on the A66■■ I phoned the HA through the night as a friend was heading over and the HA guy on phone reckoned police were @ snow gates preventing lorries going across?

I went past them early hours, wind had died well down as I didnt feel a thing but there was 1 below J38 (Which im led to believe has more or less closed the road for the last hour or 2 due to being recovered and another 2 up the shap who musta been running nose/tail as blown over same bit and then another up by Carlisle and 1 on the A66■■ I phoned the HA through the night as a friend was heading over and the HA guy on phone reckoned police were @ snow gates preventing lorries going across?

Im not bitter & twisted… Just love a wind up… And any time im slowed down ANYWHERE I go its always due to a BEANO - FACT! Be as well taking all the BEANS off the road and let the real boys truck on and get teh job down c’mon

Seeing that you do most, if not all, of your work in England it’s hardly suprising you encounter the English on a daily basis is it :bulb:

I could suggest that if you have such a dislike of the natives ,it may be better for all concerned, if you were to crash the gate doing 98 and ■■■■ off back to wherever it is you come from, but as it’s only a wind up, I won’t, c’mon :wink:


Im not bitter & twisted… Just love a wind up… And any time im slowed down ANYWHERE I go its always due to a BEANO - FACT! Be as well taking all the BEANS off the road and let the real boys truck on and get teh job down c’mon

Seeing that you do most, if not all, of your work in England it’s hardly suprising you encounter the English on a daily basis is it :bulb:

I could suggest that if you have such a dislike of the natives ,it may be better for all concerned, if you were to crash the gate doing 98 and [zb] off back to wherever it is you come from, but as it’s only a wind up, I won’t, c’mon :wink:

SC is just jealous because he couldnt quite make a life in england so lives as close to england as he could without actually being their, tbh hes just a big southern jessie lol


Just had a look here … 05&ct=true

and there are 5 :open_mouth: seperate ongoing incidents of muppets/it’ll never happen to me overturned vehicles going on presently :unamused:

I thought the strong winds have been all over the travel news :confused:

are you immune from going over then? why are they muppets? what exactly would you have done 2 avoid it? tool.

Read the comments from Moose

if its that bad why not pull over or stop at services and say sod the load? why press on regardless?
if you get blown over in the services at least you can go and get a brew whilst someone sweeps up!

self employed o/d since 1997
on occasion i have stopped cos of wind (expense involved would be far more than a late load if owt did go ■■■■ up)!! most will be light load or even empty anyway so for me its a no brainer.

I would say a ‘tool’ is maybe someone who takes the hero approach and puts others at a ‘silly’ unnecessary risk ask Marty.

Marty B7:
But there were a lot of super-hero drivers out there tonight ( on minimum wage no doubt) driving like maniacs on the M74/M6
getting blown from one lane to another , totally out of control …but not slowing down !
Idiots !

If you feel that strongly pushed into doing it when you feel it is unsafe, just mention to the transport manager/owner where the buck stops with corporate manslaughter if it goes ■■■■ up :exclamation:

Unfortunately I have now passed 6 overturned lorrys within a 10 mile stretch of the M6. Advisory speed limit of 30mph in force yet 95% of the trucks that have passed me were doing 56+ Why■■? Probably see them later I expect.

Indeed, some people never learn.

Last time it was this windy, I phoned in and told em I wasn’t driving in it. Seeing 17 wagons on their side between Boroughbridge and J36 M1 several years ago made my mind up that its not worth it.

Its because of idiots too stupid to tell their bosses its not safe to drive in 60+MPH winds that means the rest of us are expected to go out.

Trucks have been blowing over for years. Doesnt matter what speed you do, if she’s going to go she’s going to go. As mentioned the slower the better if you do go over.

The open curtain thing is more of a debate.

Does slowing down make you immune ? no

Thursday night was the worst gales I’ve driven in in a while, was glad to get parked up around 9pm and head home although car journey was also interesting with fallen trees! The weather wasn’t to be underestimated…my motor was getting blown around even though running heavy, a lot worse on way home when empty. Glad I wasn’t heading south on the M6 or A66.

Use your own judgement…if it feels that bad especially in exposed bits just park up till it’s better ffs.

Was very windy on the Dartford crossing this afternoon, no problems for me but could feel the cab being buffeted by the wind, wouldve been a handful for the curtainsiders I bet.

Ive been off im glad i missed it all,back in Sunday

Thursday night was the worst gales I’ve driven in in a while, was glad to get parked up around 9pm and head home although car journey was also interesting with fallen trees! The weather wasn’t to be underestimated…my motor was getting blown around even though running heavy, a lot worse on way home when empty. Glad I wasn’t heading south on the M6 or A66.

Use your own judgement…if it feels that bad especially in exposed bits just park up till it’s better ffs.

Seems reasonable advice.

If it is mucho windy, in exposed areas you will fall over, regardless of speed or traffic office instructions.

There are loads of dead heroes and loads of dead whiners. Still dead though :laughing:

in all probability speed makes no difference whatsoever.

Wonder why airplanes need a run up if thats the case !!!

Stupidest thing is slowing down… Keep the pin down and go southbound and down… Notice how the numpties that were blown over were English? FACT Notice how the matrix signs flashing were put up by the English? FACT… ENGLISH panic at everything, Snow, Ice, Wind, Rain… Keep er country c’mon

Didn’t panic at Culloden, 1745

Nobody noticed scottish cruisers plates IRL Now you no why he never gos over 24t steel on the deck & a load of hanging beef. :unamused: :unamused:
Used the same stretch of road meself Thurs night one over just south of Tebay time I came back up there was another 3 al on the top nr Shap

FACT… ENGLISH panic at everything, Snow, Ice, Wind, Rain… Keep er country c’mon

Yeah, sure… I am terrified by all of them, aren’t I?

What an ignorant post.

This makes interesting reading, employers beware! … ement.html

Edit: spelling :blush:


I’ve just came down the same bit about 50 and passed the same trucks. do u think doing 30 will stop u going over ■■?

You can get blown over just as easy at 30 as at 50, the only reason they put 30 up is that if you go over the impact wont be as severe. Im sorta with bob on this i want to try and get by the exposed areas as quick as possible, the faster you get by it the chances of you going over are reduced. If you’re doing 30 you’re in the winds sights for longer.

Thats my thinking on it anyway.

I was told the same when I started in late 70s, took that advice ever since, it,s either been good advice or I,ve just been lucky.
I also used to tie the curtains and doors back , with a strap over roof for good measure, but a lot of modern trailers now are of flimsy build, or with no support posts, so I don,t do it now.

Unfortunately I have now passed 6 overturned lorrys within a 10 mile stretch of the M6. Advisory speed limit of 30mph in force yet 95% of the trucks that have passed me were doing 56+ Why■■? Probably see them later I expect.

My instructor back in 1981 advised me that it was more appropriate to keep the speed up whenever possible in high winds, or moreso if you were going past a spot noted for cross winds, his explanation is as follows:

When a truck is travelling it causes a slip stream down the sides of the vehicle, sudden gusts hitting the slip stream are significantly reduced as the slip stream drags it to the rear of the vehicle, it does not stop it 100% but it does reduce the initial impact to the vehicle, the slower the vehicle is going the less of the wind dispersal, the faster it is going the more it is dispersed.

Until I retired from driving 3 years ago I never overturned a truck once, despite driving in high winds on many occassions, maybe it was luck or maybe it was because I followed the instructors advice?

3 or 4 years ago I was pulling a double deck trailer to Edinburgh, I was flashed by the camera on the A1 just as you cross the bridge at cockburnspath, I submitted a letter along with the photograph of the sign warning of cross winds and the above explanation, and never heard another thing from them, which is un-usuall for the borders police.