SOME of you should lose your licence






Born Idle:

I stay in the slow lane, irrespective of whatever speed the other lanes are flowing at

At the risk of repeating, could you tell us which is the “slow” lane?

The left hand lane… the one where drivers should always be at unless overtaking… If the traffic is travelling below the indicated maximum speed limit, the vehicles behind those in the left hand lane can either choose to travel at that speed (whilst keeping separation distances) or move into the other lanes to go past.

So you mean lane 1?

Which is lane 1, or do you mean the left lane, you see if your going to be clever make sure your facts are correct, there is no lane 1 2 or 3.

If you used your loaf dafman, lane 1 would be the 1st lane you come to when joining from a slip road.

Ps, is it Dafman of Daftman?

Oh god not heard that before, people may say lane 1 they also say slow lane but if your having a pop at people for saying slow lane you should really be using the description the Highway Code uses.

Yeah it was childish of me resulting to name calling.


Get out of the way in ya car/truck and do 45/6/7/8/9 or whatever in the slow/inside lane,
It’s 1 of my pet hates people dawdling in the middle lane, especially in road works, the old bill should be watching the road works and nicking people for it…

Telephone number sized fines for tail gating in Germany.

Does anyone else think that lorries should be able to use lane 3, overtaking lanes, fast lane, banned lane :unamused: in roadworks? I definitely do

No because what would then happen is after the roadworks have ended, you would wind up with three lorries all lumbering along within the same 0.1mph instead of just two, as if it’s perfectly acceptable to hold up goodness knows how many other drivers for the sake of a few seconds. As happens on dual-carriageways every day.

Does anyone else think that lorries should be able to use lane 3, overtaking lanes, fast lane, banned lane :unamused: in roadworks? I definitely do

A recipe for more chaos.

The sensible drivers stick to the defined speed limit (usually 50mph) through those roadworks, as they know those average speed cameras are there to protect the guys working on said roadworks and are thus rigidly enforced. The ‘clever drivers’ that think they know better will wonder what the brown envelope is on there doorstep a few days hence. :unamused:

I stay in the left hand lane, bang on whatever the speed limit is and Mr Numpty behind can ride as close as they want. Irrespective of whether they are driving a truck, a bus, a car or a motorbike I won’t be intimidated into getting points on my own license. Same goes for every other type of speed limit I go through nowadays.

I do however agree that the middle lane hoggers doing less than the permitted speed limit that have no other vehicles in front of them, should pull over to the left hand lane, to let faster moving vehicles pass, even if it is only by 5mph.

This thread must be a bit of a non event for our colleagues in the US given that the don’t appear to have any lane discipline over there. They don’t have lane hoggers as the just under or overtake as required. It’s quite a shock to be on an eight lane highway and see them doing their own thing in whatever lane suits. Mind you I didn’t see much indicating, flashing of lights or laying on the horn either so maybe that’s the way to go.

Undertaking is legal in the US. Well, at least the bits I’ve been to. Seems to work well as far as I can see.

Does anyone else think that lorries should be able to use lane 3, overtaking lanes, fast lane, banned lane :unamused: in roadworks? I definitely do

I dont, most of the roads work the lanes are too narrow for trucks to use lane 2, can you imagine three daft truck drivers side by side through road works? Can just imagine the resulting accident now. Personally through road works I think trucks should be limited to lane one only.

Undertaking is legal in the US. Well, at least the bits I’ve been to. Seems to work well as far as I can see.

think you have to slow down when passing anything on the shoulder and they have double points and fines if caught speeding in roadworks in some states


Undertaking is legal in the US. Well, at least the bits I’ve been to. Seems to work well as far as I can see.

think you have to slow down when passing anything on the shoulder and they have double points and fines if caught speeding in roadworks in some states

Yes that’s true too. And in many places they are well on top of speeding. I got stopped on holiday, but he was friendly and let me off being a tourist.

Aren’t trucks speedos calibrated, whereas cars are not? So car driver thinks he is doing 50 but real speed is lower.

Aren’t trucks speedos calibrated, whereas cars are not? So car driver thinks he is doing 50 but real speed is lower.

Yes, BUT that is no excuse for sitting 3 inches from the car infront is it?

I saw a GBA driver doing just this yesterday, people like that should lose his/her driving licence immediately. Pathetic behaviour.

I went through the stretch on the M1 32-28 yesterday at 85km/h on cruise (yes the truck was calibrated) and i lost count of the lorries flying past me

Trubster.I see this tailgating in roadworks every day.Should not be driving a truck and are not safe on a Zimmer frame.You should tell GBA about the muppet you saw.

a13 this morning 9am… Multi vehicle shunt in the fast lane near five bells junction.

I only get annoyed by such people because it don’t seem fair they can afford to buy, insure, and smash up a jag without consequence when I can get banned from site for merely talking to a TM the wrong way, let alone doing something wrong on a road! :imp: :imp:

Trubster.I see this tailgating in roadworks every day.Should not be driving a truck and are not safe on a Zimmer frame.You should tell GBA about the muppet you saw.

I will be doing so.







Born Idle:

I stay in the slow lane, irrespective of whatever speed the other lanes are flowing at

At the risk of repeating, could you tell us which is the “slow” lane?

The left hand lane… the one where drivers should always be at unless overtaking… If the traffic is travelling below the indicated maximum speed limit, the vehicles behind those in the left hand lane can either choose to travel at that speed (whilst keeping separation distances) or move into the other lanes to go past.

So you mean lane 1?

Which is lane 1, or do you mean the left lane, you see if your going to be clever make sure your facts are correct, there is no lane 1 2 or 3.

If you used your loaf dafman, lane 1 would be the 1st lane you come to when joining from a slip road.

Ps, is it Dafman of Daftman?

Oh god not heard that before, people may say lane 1 they also say slow lane but if your having a pop at people for saying slow lane you should really be using the description the Highway Code uses.

Yeah it was childish of me resulting to name calling.


Errr thanks but none needed honestly, I just enjoy playing devils advocate. You have pm

The 3 lanes on a dual c 'way/motorway are…
Granny Lane
Sandwich Lane
Suicide Lane

Anyone middle lane hogging or going round roundabouts without indicting should be dragged outta their vehicles and kicked to death at the side of the road in my opinion :grimacing:

HAHA!! :laughing: :laughing: Bit extreme, but its a plan! :laughing: :laughing:

Lane One; Nissan Micras.
Lane Two ; John Deere and Massey Ferguson.
Lane Three ; Rep mobiles;Audi,Bmw’s with five shirts hanging of a coat hanger,off the peg in the back window.
One clean shirt for every day of the week.