because Uk POlice work not very good,little poor and penalty to small.police must hunting not just for car without insurance and tax.police must use much more unmarked car.check driving distance,speed and much more.police as well must more strong check parking.because in city people park for 5 minut anywhere.people drive car and stop at yellow boxes .must change as well penalty sistem.for some offences must give just money penalty at least one 1-2 time,but no point.but money penalty must be much more for 60 q.and second Police must not believed to they believe near to everyony,when stop drivers.if Uk Police carry on work in present stile,you can wait in future plenty andt plenty fatal accident.
Shut up. You’re more than likely full of vodka anyway. Talking rubbish like that
And. Tasty swan. From very good river we get pike for tomorrow dinner same time. Got Orys coming you see.
Rant of the week.Why do some lorry drivers bully other road users in the average speed camera road works narrow lanes on motorways.
Every day i have seen trucks inches behind cars,trying to make the cars move over to lane one or make them speed up.
Has anyone else noticed this?
What is the rush to get through the works when you can see miles of traffic ahead and know you aint getting nowhere for a while?
This how the public perceive us in a bad way.
If the car suddenly stopped,such as mechanical failure or the driver hits the brakes,there is no time to react.
Some must be going over the speed limit in the road works.
Just chill out,cruise control on at 47mph,a big gap and relax.
Could you live with youself killing a family?Then do the prison time for dangerous driving ?
because Uk POlice work not very good,little poor and penalty to small.police must hunting not just for car without insurance and tax.police must use much more unmarked car.check driving distance,speed and much more.police as well must more strong check parking.because in city people park for 5 minut anywhere.people drive car and stop at yellow boxes .must change as well penalty sistem.for some offences must give just money penalty at least one 1-2 time,but no point.but money penalty must be much more for 60 q.and second Police must not believed to they believe near to everyony,when stop drivers.if Uk Police carry on work in present stile,you can wait in future plenty andt plenty fatal accident.
Shut up. You’re more than likely full of vodka anyway. Talking rubbish like that
sorry but i don t drink alkohol in this life .not smoke.but if you support you police soft rulles you can wait many accident .because penalty to Germany ,France police much more active and penalty much biggers.foreigh drivers stop for 9 hours at hard shoulders ,but police don t come and don t give penalty.
Just chill out,cruise control on at 47mph,a big gap and relax.
I agree with the principal, but I think cruise control tends to be the root of the problem here. So many ‘drivers’ now just don’t seem to be able to get their head around driving on a motorway without cruise control engaged at all times. They have the cruise set to 80k and don’t want to be slowed down. Cruise control is there for open stretches of road, it’s not appropriate in busy stretches of motorway roadworks at rush hour where traffic is very dense. Leave it switched off and control that separation distance with your foot I say.
I used to frequent the M62 around Leeds when the roadworks were in full flow last year & before and the behaviour of many truck drivers was shocking. We’re the professionals, act like it FFS
Hogwash, cruise control is there for prolonged periods at a set speed, we actually LOSE MONEY based on the amount of time we spend in 12th gear and not on the cc.
You can’t really safely maintain a set speed most of the time in busy stretches of roadworks, without straying too close to other vehicles, so your not doing a “prolonged period at a set speed” are you? I’ve certainly rarely managed it and am always continually adjusting my speed as traffic merges etc. The fact turning the CC off might cost the company a few pence and go against their “use cruise control whenever you can” policy is irrelevant, i couldn’t care less, I do what I consider safest in the circumstances.
In the Commercial Motor, there have been reports of drivers being spotted on phones while TC was going past.
Beverly Bell has stated if she sees a driver on the phone,she will take the licence.
because Uk POlice work not very good,little poor and penalty to small.police must hunting not just for car without insurance and tax.police must use much more unmarked car.check driving distance,speed and much more.police as well must more strong check parking.because in city people park for 5 minut anywhere.people drive car and stop at yellow boxes .must change as well penalty sistem.for some offences must give just money penalty at least one 1-2 time,but no point.but money penalty must be much more for 60 q.and second Police must not believed to they believe near to everyony,when stop drivers.if Uk Police carry on work in present stile,you can wait in future plenty andt plenty fatal accident.
Shut up. You’re more than likely full of vodka anyway. Talking rubbish like that
And. Tasty swan. From very good river we get pike for tomorrow dinner same time. Got Orys coming you see.
Rant of the week.Why do some lorry drivers bully other road users in the average speed camera road works narrow lanes on motorways.
Every day i have seen trucks inches behind cars,trying to make the cars move over to lane one or make them speed up.
Has anyone else noticed this?
What is the rush to get through the works when you can see miles of traffic ahead and know you aint getting nowhere for a while?
This how the public perceive us in a bad way.
If the car suddenly stopped,such as mechanical failure or the driver hits the brakes,there is no time to react.
Some must be going over the speed limit in the road works.
Just chill out,cruise control on at 47mph,a big gap and relax.
Could you live with youself killing a family?Then do the prison time for dangerous driving ?
because Uk POlice work not very good,little poor and penalty to small.police must hunting not just for car without insurance and tax.police must use much more unmarked car.check driving distance,speed and much more.police as well must more strong check parking.because in city people park for 5 minut anywhere.people drive car and stop at yellow boxes .must change as well penalty sistem.for some offences must give just money penalty at least one 1-2 time,but no point.but money penalty must be much more for 60 q.and second Police must not believed to they believe near to everyony,when stop drivers.if Uk Police carry on work in present stile,you can wait in future plenty andt plenty fatal accident.
Shut up. You’re more than likely full of vodka anyway. Talking rubbish like that
i agree with a lot of what you say chap but like you i set my cruise control at 48 mph but even though i do that there is allways some muppet car driver[and some hgvs] who think they have the right to travel in the middle lane at 40 or 45 when it is nice and clear in the first lane,and they will not move over, so you undertake at 48 mph,i usually put my arm out and gesture to them[not rude i might add] to pull in to the first lane if they want to drive slowly but no they insist on sitting in the middle lane,you have probably seen it yourself,if they cannot use the roads properly then they should have their licence revoked
Agree all most completely, Stretch of road that annoys me with cars sitting in the middle lane at 40-50 mph is the new M74 between the M73/M8 both north and south bound. Its made even more painful by the fact the trucks I drive only do 50-52mph, a few times I have seriously considered using lane 3 to get past, but never have (52 mph in a outside lane!!! FFS). I don’t think they should have their licences revoked, that would be a bit severe. I would send them on a course, few hours in the passenger seat of a HGV to see how this selfish behaviour effects trucks and how much danger (rightly or wrongly) it puts them and other road users in. I would say… as part of the car test, there should be a module where the newly qualified driver or learner spends a day in the passenger seat of a truck and also some kind of motorcycle course, whether it be as a pillion or riding one round a enclosed area, just to heighten knowledge of the average driver.
I stay in the slow lane, irrespective of whatever speed the other lanes are flowing at
At the risk of repeating, could you tell us which is the “slow” lane?
The left hand lane… the one where drivers should always be at unless overtaking… If the traffic is travelling below the indicated maximum speed limit, the vehicles behind those in the left hand lane can either choose to travel at that speed (whilst keeping separation distances) or move into the other lanes to go past.
So you mean lane 1?
Which is lane 1, or do you mean the left lane, you see if your going to be clever make sure your facts are correct, there is no lane 1 2 or 3.
Just glanced through a few of the replies.Is it not a bit strange the thread is about dumb truck drivers bullying car drivers turns out to be all the car drivers fault.
Get a grip guys.
That sums it up Albion.The truck drivers that tailgate are thick.
Probably the ones that wear hiviz while eating in a transport cafe and sleep wearing hiviz making them super safe and invincible.
Which is lane 1, or do you mean the left lane, you see if your going to be clever make sure your facts are correct, there is no lane 1 2 or 3.
Lanes of multi lane roads are usually referred to by number by advanced drivers, (and many others)starting with lane 1 on the nearside.
Many people refer to slow and fast lanes on a motorway, although a technically inaccurate description, most people know and understand which lane they are referring to.
Guess somebody (Dafman) had to take over the role of resident pedant after Coffeeholic exited stage left.
I stay in the slow lane, irrespective of whatever speed the other lanes are flowing at
At the risk of repeating, could you tell us which is the “slow” lane?
The left hand lane… the one where drivers should always be at unless overtaking… If the traffic is travelling below the indicated maximum speed limit, the vehicles behind those in the left hand lane can either choose to travel at that speed (whilst keeping separation distances) or move into the other lanes to go past.
So you mean lane 1?
Which is lane 1, or do you mean the left lane, you see if your going to be clever make sure your facts are correct, there is no lane 1 2 or 3.
If you used your loaf dafman, lane 1 would be the 1st lane you come to when joining from a slip road.
Toby raises an interesting point.
Unless someone works from home its likely that they use a vehicle
to get to work and that car that you are bullying could contain anyone,
from a Nun who would forgive you, to a TC who would gladly nail your
nuts to a wall.
People form opinions from what they see on a daily basis and we all
get tarred with the same brush.
Driving a large vehicle does not give anyone the right to intimidate
another road user,no matter how crap their driving is.
Thanks Oatckake.When i see trucks inches behind cars,the truck driver revs up the engine to scare the driver.
They do this by dropping the speed.Then dip the accelerator.Then repeat until the car has moved over.
The driver in the car could be a Chief Constable or a TC.
In court ,how would they explain their actions.
Which is lane 1, or do you mean the left lane, you see if your going to be clever make sure your facts are correct, there is no lane 1 2 or 3.
Lanes of multi lane roads are usually referred to by number by advanced drivers, (and many others)starting with lane 1 on the nearside.
Many people refer to slow and fast lanes on a motorway, although a technically inaccurate description, most people know and understand which lane they are referring to.
Guess somebody (Dafman) had to take over the role of resident pedant after Coff
eeholic exited stage left.
Not really no but if your going to have a go at people because they say slow lane, make sure you know your facts, Born idle was trying to be clever but the Highway Code does not mention any lane numbers, just the left lane and ovetaking lanes.
I stay in the slow lane, irrespective of whatever speed the other lanes are flowing at
At the risk of repeating, could you tell us which is the “slow” lane?
The left hand lane… the one where drivers should always be at unless overtaking… If the traffic is travelling below the indicated maximum speed limit, the vehicles behind those in the left hand lane can either choose to travel at that speed (whilst keeping separation distances) or move into the other lanes to go past.
So you mean lane 1?
Which is lane 1, or do you mean the left lane, you see if your going to be clever make sure your facts are correct, there is no lane 1 2 or 3.
If you used your loaf dafman, lane 1 would be the 1st lane you come to when joining from a slip road.
Ps, is it Dafman of Daftman?
Oh god not heard that before, people may say lane 1 they also say slow lane but if your having a pop at people for saying slow lane you should really be using the description the Highway Code uses.
Does anyone else think that lorries should be able to use lane 3, overtaking lanes, fast lane, banned lane in roadworks? I definitely do
Maybe not the best idea in the world !! Imagine trying to get back over to the nearside lanes at the end of the roadworks when all those muppet cars that have sat at 40mph in a 50mph zone then decide to hoof it back to 70+mph whilst under taking you !!