Most days I travel through the 50mph limit on the M6 by Stafford, narrow lanes for works, average speed cameras, plenty of signs telling everyone what the speed is so no confusion. I stay in the slow lane, irrespective of whatever speed the other lanes are flowing at.
Typical speeds vary around the 45 to 50 mph range purely on traffic density, but you’ll still get the odd idiot in a hgv zooming up behind the vehicles in the slow lane, which sadly aint going to make the vehicles twenty cars in front speed up. They got the middle lane to go into if they want to go faster and risk their own licenses, but they just brainless morons that give all hgv drivers a bad name.
There is always one that has to start an argument over something.
How would i know where Beverly Bell or Nick Denton is going and what time,is that what you can not wait for an answer.
Next time you have a phone glued to your ear,and a TC sees you,do not blame me for a letter on the door mat with the licence in jeopardy.
Be carefull.Traffic Commisioners often get chauffered around and note the firm and number plate and have the power to lose your licence on the basis of what they have witnessed.
Drivers have lost their licences while being on their phone while driving unaware that a TC has seen them.
I can vouch for this,some years ago a driver for a firm I subbed for put a car up the verge on the Eastbourne road just happened to be the local TC “The Brigadier” on his way to the office(Ivy Terrace Eastbourne) suffice it to say the ■■■ hit the impeller!
There is always one that has to start an argument over something.
How would i know where Beverly Bell or Nick Denton is going and what time,is that what you can not wait for an answer.
Next time you have a phone glued to your ear,and a TC sees you,do not blame me for a letter on the door mat with the licence in jeopardy.
You said “often” so when exactly? Obviously if a tc sees something they will do something about it but you make out like you know more than us but you don’t. Who has lost their licence as a result of a tc seeing them on their phone? When did it happen? You seem to know so much and again I can’t wait for answers…
Just chill out,cruise control on at 47mph,a big gap and relax.
I agree with the principal, but I think cruise control tends to be the root of the problem here. So many ‘drivers’ now just don’t seem to be able to get their head around driving on a motorway without cruise control engaged at all times. They have the cruise set to 80k and don’t want to be slowed down. Cruise control is there for open stretches of road, it’s not appropriate in busy stretches of motorway roadworks at rush hour where traffic is very dense. Leave it switched off and control that separation distance with your foot I say.
I used to frequent the M62 around Leeds when the roadworks were in full flow last year & before and the behaviour of many truck drivers was shocking. We’re the professionals, act like it FFS
I never use CC, I use RES, set it to 81k when going through roadworks so foot can be kept flat to the floor when all is clear. When approaching a vehicle that is in the middle lane I would slow, move to lane 2, maintain a suitable gap and just wait, drop to match their speed. I do not like under-taking, even through roadworks, but I know there are plenty of drivers out there that have no problem with under-taking. Whilst in this situation, encroaching HGV’s do not see why I’m at 70k, so they presume I’m just hogging the middle lane so they go for the under-take.
None of us like being slowed by other road users (lane hoggers), but which is the best method for us ?
A/ Put pressure on the vehicle in front that refuses to move over to the left
B/ Under-Take
C/ Ride it out, your speed governed by another road user
I stay in the slow lane, irrespective of whatever speed the other lanes are flowing at
At the risk of repeating, could you tell us which is the “slow” lane?
The left hand lane… the one where drivers should always be at unless overtaking… If the traffic is travelling below the indicated maximum speed limit, the vehicles behind those in the left hand lane can either choose to travel at that speed (whilst keeping separation distances) or move into the other lanes to go past.
Be carefull.Traffic Commisioners often get chauffered around and note the firm and number plate and have the power to lose your licence on the basis of what they have witnessed.
Drivers have lost their licences while being on their phone while driving unaware that a TC has seen them.
I can vouch for this,some years ago a driver for a firm I subbed for put a car up the verge on the Eastbourne road just happened to be the local TC “The Brigadier” on his way to the office(Ivy Terrace Eastbourne) suffice it to say the ■■■ hit the impeller!
Bit of a difference between smashing that TC up the back door and into a grass verge and being caught eating a cornetto at the traffic lights.
I stay in the slow lane, irrespective of whatever speed the other lanes are flowing at
At the risk of repeating, could you tell us which is the “slow” lane?
The left hand lane… the one where drivers should always be at unless overtaking… If the traffic is travelling below the indicated maximum speed limit, the vehicles behind those in the left hand lane can either choose to travel at that speed (whilst keeping separation distances) or move into the other lanes to go past.
I stay in the slow lane, irrespective of whatever speed the other lanes are flowing at
At the risk of repeating, could you tell us which is the “slow” lane?
The left hand lane… the one where drivers should always be at unless overtaking… If the traffic is travelling below the indicated maximum speed limit, the vehicles behind those in the left hand lane can either choose to travel at that speed (whilst keeping separation distances) or move into the other lanes to go past.
So you mean lane 1?
The section of the M6 near Stafford I am referring to, hasn’t got ‘proper’ lanes at the moment, just temporary narrow lanes, no hard shoulder and some unforgiving heavy concrete blocks on the left of the main carriageway, that only give a few inches clearance to trucks. There have been a spate of accidents on that section over the last few weeks including many lorry only incidents. Still doesn’t stop a very small minority of idiots driving too close or ignoring the speed restrictions though.
I stay in the slow lane, irrespective of whatever speed the other lanes are flowing at
At the risk of repeating, could you tell us which is the “slow” lane?
The left hand lane… the one where drivers should always be at unless overtaking… If the traffic is travelling below the indicated maximum speed limit, the vehicles behind those in the left hand lane can either choose to travel at that speed (whilst keeping separation distances) or move into the other lanes to go past.
So you mean lane 1?
The section of the M6 near Stafford I am referring to, hasn’t got ‘proper’ lanes at the moment, just temporary narrow lanes, no hard shoulder and some unforgiving heavy concrete blocks on the left of the main carriageway, that only give a few inches clearance to trucks. There have been a spate of accidents on that section over the last few weeks including many lorry only incidents. Still doesn’t stop a very small minority of idiots driving too close or ignoring the speed restrictions though.
I see no excuse for sitting in lane 2 in a gay eurobox though. I use the M6 daily. I’ve been down to under 30 in lane 2 while Mister Beemer sits there, with one pair of wheels or the other on the white lines, waffling away on his hands free, gesticulating as though he’s on drugs, and the second he sees the speed restriction signs are lifted. It’s foot too the boards all the way to Thelwall, in readiness to ■■■■ off some more truckers.
Rant of the week.Why do some lorry drivers bully other road users in the average speed camera road works narrow lanes on motorways.
Every day i have seen trucks inches behind cars,trying to make the cars move over to lane one or make them speed up.
Has anyone else noticed this?
What is the rush to get through the works when you can see miles of traffic ahead and know you aint getting nowhere for a while?
This how the public perceive us in a bad way.
If the car suddenly stopped,such as mechanical failure or the driver hits the brakes,there is no time to react.
Some must be going over the speed limit in the road works.
Just chill out,cruise control on at 47mph,a big gap and relax.
Could you live with youself killing a family?Then do the prison time for dangerous driving ?
because Uk POlice work not very good,little poor and penalty to small.police must hunting not just for car without insurance and tax.police must use much more unmarked car.check driving distance,speed and much more.police as well must more strong check parking.because in city people park for 5 minut anywhere.people drive car and stop at yellow boxes .must change as well penalty sistem.for some offences must give just money penalty at least one 1-2 time,but no point.but money penalty must be much more for 60 q.and second Police must not believed to they believe near to everyony,when stop drivers.if Uk Police carry on work in present stile,you can wait in future plenty andt plenty fatal accident.
Rant of the week.Why do some lorry drivers bully other road users in the average speed camera road works narrow lanes on motorways.
Every day i have seen trucks inches behind cars,trying to make the cars move over to lane one or make them speed up.
Has anyone else noticed this?
What is the rush to get through the works when you can see miles of traffic ahead and know you aint getting nowhere for a while?
This how the public perceive us in a bad way.
If the car suddenly stopped,such as mechanical failure or the driver hits the brakes,there is no time to react.
Some must be going over the speed limit in the road works.
Just chill out,cruise control on at 47mph,a big gap and relax.
Could you live with youself killing a family?Then do the prison time for dangerous driving ?
because Uk POlice work not very good,little poor and penalty to small.police must hunting not just for car without insurance and tax.police must use much more unmarked car.check driving distance,speed and much more.police as well must more strong check parking.because in city people park for 5 minut anywhere.people drive car and stop at yellow boxes .must change as well penalty sistem.for some offences must give just money penalty at least one 1-2 time,but no point.but money penalty must be much more for 60 q.and second Police must not believed to they believe near to everyony,when stop drivers.if Uk Police carry on work in present stile,you can wait in future plenty andt plenty fatal accident.
Shut up. You’re more than likely full of vodka anyway. Talking rubbish like that
If the cars moved over into lane 1 instead of middle lane hogging then they wouldn’t get tailgated, but no they just sit there, what happened to the lane hogging fine?
If the cars moved over into lane 1 instead of middle lane hogging then they wouldn’t get tailgated, but no they just sit there, what happened to the lane hogging fine?
Not of course forgetting the selfish muppets that don’t have the power to get past another truck so just sit there blocking the middle lane for eons. They too are equal candidates for the lane hogging fine too surely?
I have zero idea why professional drivers would want to risk their licenses by speeding, tailgating, shooting across lights when they are well on red etc., but it is something I see every day. If drivers in general think they are above the law and their timed loads take precedence over road safety, then the law exists to remove the vocational licenses of the persistent offenders.
What a load of sanctimonious twaddle this thread is. I want to do my job, turn around and come back. If I sat through our current network of roadworks and closures being a total gent to every full on knob cheese that sits clogging up said network, I could quite easily put another hour on my day. Every matrix sign should put up the “move to the left” message unless there is an actual hazard up ahead.
I don’t care if other people put their rubbish in the bin. I put my rubbish in the bin in my cab, so let’s crack on eh?
I don’t care if other people put their rubbish in the bin. I put my rubbish in the bin in my cab, so let’s crack on eh?
But the matrix signs say put your rubbish in the bin. Other people do.
Well surely if other people are putting my rubbish in the bin then I don’t need to
I don’t care if other people put their rubbish in the bin. I put my rubbish in the bin in my cab, so let’s crack on eh?
But the matrix signs say put your rubbish in the bin. Other people do.
Well surely if other people are putting my rubbish in the bin then I don’t need to
That’s what I thought lol , people who operate the signs need shooting. Half the time they are wrong and cause more problems.