SOME of you should lose your licence

Essex Roundabout rules:

When a truck is in the middle of three lanes, suggesting he wants to go straight on, you must
(1) Overtake him around the wide outside left (if intending the 3 o’clock exit) and if you intend going straight on too, then
(2) take the inside lane, and carve the truck up that side.

I always thought it was actually illegal to overtake on roundabouts - let alone undertake as well “sandwich made of truck” he doth like it not. :imp: :angry:

Coming north on the M5 yesterday through the roadworks there was a white scania topline about 2 mts from the rear bumber of a small car with two young women in
the look on there face’s they were terrified, the bloke in the scania will one day rear end someone i hope its not a 40’ loaded container

To add my bit

Any professional driver that tail gates or uses the size of this ( truck / wagon / rig ) what ever you wanna call it… should be banned from driving… car drivers panic, make mistakes and some drivers over react… dangerous combination when your hauling all that weight…
And just remember this seems that a lot of HGV drivers seem to forget braking distances when they get behind the wheel, but this subject could go on… ie drivers that swerve out / lane hop without indication…

Thinking about it, in the past 2 weeks I’ve been nearly run of the road by some monkey in a Kingsmill truck… at the shepherd and flock roundabout… jumping from the left hand lane for Guildford into the 2nd lane over marked chevrons,then tried to cut me up to get into lane 3… then today some idiot pulled out on us from lane one a dual carriage way,…even though we was parallel with his trailer… no indication, don’t think he even checked his mirrors, due to my quick reactions and a near brown stain moment… well and truly shook me and the misses up, glad my kids found it funny though… but if he had hit our car, then lets just say … there’s a hospital 300 yards up the road and I hear intensive care is pretty much ok…

Middle lane ‘dawdlers’ do my head in too but there’s some right numpties out loose in the trucks like the two Dutch trucks I’d seen recently who’d decided they were exempt from the outside lane. The first one sat right up the @rse of the car in front of him, headlights flashing and trying to bully his way past with the other Dutch dim-wit sat close behind him too. The traffic was moving at a steady 50, it was very busy and the driver of the car, who was keeping a safe distance in front of him and doing nothing wrong couldn’t go anywhere even if he wanted to. Dangerous and selfish !!!

The biggest morons on the roads are van drivers, car drivers aren’t much better but unfortunately there’s plenty of idiots behind the wheel of a truck. Take an artic into Central London and see some of the f***-wits driving rigids up there !!!

I was on the roundabout by Canary Wharf last week, nearside lane, lights changed to green, started off slowly as I was fully loaded and heading for the second exit off when some brain dead rigid driver in a red Daf CF 6 wheeler (…TFS Flooring, I think) and in a rush thought he’d overtake me and take his exit (the one before mine) directly from the middle lane missing the front of my truck by a ■■■ paper. What’s all that about ■■? First class w*nker !!! :imp: :imp: :imp:

Maybe the drivers in the Dutch trucks were from Korea.
They were called Dim Wun One and Dim Wun Too.
Or they could have been from Neanderthal Land.
As we know foreign trucks are exempt from being fined in the average speed checks.
Some know this,but i have seen EE drivers adhering to the limit.


Be carefull.Traffic Commisioners often get chauffered around and note the firm and number plate and have the power to lose your licence on the basis of what they have witnessed.
Drivers have lost their licences while being on their phone while driving unaware that a TC has seen them.

Classic “mmtm” rubbish. Where do they get chauffeured around? Where exactly? You say “often” so how often? I can’t wait for your answer.

How do you think they get to public inquirys and that, the tc, the tc,s secatry and the tc,s aider are all driven around there area to there various meetings. You didnt think they thumbed it to there p i,s did ya.
Just look for the grey ford galaxy with blacked out windows on a motorway chances are you may have been seen by a tc. I know this as fact as a school friend is an aide to the scottish tc

Thanks Scotstrucker.It is not a my mate told me story.
The TC does not drive themselves.