Social Media - Facebook etc

Pulling up GV pages on your phone during an assessment is never going to end well, and having read the Facebook quote it’s not too surprising you suddenly became surplus to requirements. Let’s be honest, if you were the boss and you read that you’d be thinking ‘hmm. This one’s going to be a problem’.

If it had been me and I wanted the job I would have sat there and agreed with everything he said rather that have tried to argue with him.

Ive said No.
My reasoning being is that not every driver / driver trainer is fortunate to be a member of Trucknet (just slipping that in in case premod is on the cards).

Regarding the 15 mins before 6 hours then another 15min before 9 etc, I only know this as its been dissected ad infinitum on here, even my fellow damsels at my beloved company (who are great to work for and a jewel in the crown of logistics) keep going on about 30minutes before 6 hours. I just go with it as its a minor interpretational error. Other stuff like landing legs is just best to laugh off.

Now facebook is an absolute evil monster of Legion proportions, not only can it easily destroy relationships but cause havoc for folks who type stuff under the influence or at the heat of the moment.

Maybe its a chip on the shoulder agency folk have thinking they can just move onto the next contact but to insult a major player like UPS is futile and the agency wouldnt want to risk losing the contract. No good well ever come from letting of steam on facepalm and tnat moment of satisfaction by making the post is a long time forgotten when you are now unemployable on that contract.

Yes it could be argued that the driver trainer as a rep of UPS is a reflection of poor training but if this is the only fact he got wrong its a non issue and im sure UPS has the highest standards of driver training. To be fair even measured against my standards of elite driving they look OK.




Got 5 ‘No’s’ now, have you all given your reasoning?

I’m sure I’ve not seen 5 arguments for No!? :grimacing:

If you only wanted people to pat you on the back and say ‘you did the right thing mate’ then Trucknet probably isn’t the place!

I’ve not said that’s what I want have I Luke?

But if someone thinks no, it’d be a better discussion if they gave their reasoning.
I’m still happy enough that I did nothing wrong, even if it did cost me the job, it’s not the first job I’ve lost and won’t be the last.

You didn’t need to. You made it clear by insisting the people who said no justify it. Why not people who said yes as well?

Because, I assume anyone who voted yes thinks the same as I do, and will most likely join in any discussions started by those voting no.

I’m more interested in the discussion, don’t need pats on the back, what’s done is done, it’s all about the future.

Not insisting those who vote no ‘justify it’, just suggesting that discussions would work better if there were posts :wink:

Freight Dog:
Mine is no. Social media is a dangerous tool when (often often) abused. Surprised you went to social media about a new job to vent about training standards. Isn’t the theatre to do this within the work place?

Maybe? I thought I’d covered that by bringing it to HIS attention and showing him the actual rules in writing.

Could I have gone above his head? Most likely yes.

I post on Facebook and on here for other peoples opinions, so when I posted that on Facebook it got over 50 replies - that’s what I wanted to achieve and that’s what I achieved.

Sure, it cost me that work, not the end of the world though is it

Freight Dog:
To be fair to you Waynedl, I’ve read you post again and see you said you posted it under an HGV page on FB. So I’m guessing like a trucknet thing on FB? If you did post anonymously under a forum rather than as I initially (incorrectly) took it that you posted about it from your page then I can see your annoyance. It’s still a no from me as social media is a curse in a lot of ways and you don’t want to get yourself a bad name in local haulage by some chance. I can see why you’re annoyed though. I work for a firm with a social media policy tighter than a nun’s… I don’t name who I work for or post anything to do with them in a direct sense. Some have come a cropper as they do scan us.

No, on Facebook, it’s similar to Trucknet, but you’re logged in as your Facebook profile, not anonymous - but I’m not on here either, click my profile and it’ll tell you my name.

It is a closed group of 1400 members or so, with similar interests to discuss things - there’s actually a few of them, some are job / recruitment related, some are rules and regs related.

It wasn’t anonymous by any means, but it wasn’t publicly broadcasted on my wall either.

I understand some company rules about social media - imagine an idiot posting “I’ve just loaded with £4 million worth of Playstation 5’s, but running out of hours, where is safe to park on the A5” or whatever… That’s just bloody daft.
Slagging off of a company that might cost contracts etc, mad.
What I did though however, I don’t see how it can affect the company, it can only possibly affect one persons reputation, and he frankly deserves it.

Olog Hai:
Pulling up GV pages on your phone during an assessment is never going to end well, and having read the Facebook quote it’s not too surprising you suddenly became surplus to requirements. Let’s be honest, if you were the boss and you read that you’d be thinking ‘hmm. This one’s going to be a problem’.

If it had been me and I wanted the job I would have sat there and agreed with everything he said rather that have tried to argue with him.

I did that at the end, we’d discussed it during the assessment, then when parked up at the end was when I showed it him to discuss further.

AFTER this I’d passed btw.

I agree with your last line, and common sense says ‘keep schtum’, and it did cost me the work - I have other work today though, not the end of the world

Ive said No.
My reasoning being is that not every driver / driver trainer is fortunate to be a member of Trucknet (just slipping that in in case premod is on the cards).

Regarding the 15 mins before 6 hours then another 15min before 9 etc, I only know this as its been dissected ad infinitum on here, even my fellow damsels at my beloved company (who are great to work for and a jewel in the crown of logistics) keep going on about 30minutes before 6 hours. I just go with it as its a minor interpretational error. Other stuff like landing legs is just best to laugh off.

Now facebook is an absolute evil monster of Legion proportions, not only can it easily destroy relationships but cause havoc for folks who type stuff under the influence or at the heat of the moment.

Maybe its a chip on the shoulder agency folk have thinking they can just move onto the next contact but to insult a major player like UPS is futile and the agency wouldnt want to risk losing the contract. No good well ever come from letting of steam on facepalm and tnat moment of satisfaction by making the post is a long time forgotten when you are now unemployable on that contract.

Yes it could be argued that the driver trainer as a rep of UPS is a reflection of poor training but if this is the only fact he got wrong its a non issue and im sure UPS has the highest standards of driver training. To be fair even measured against my standards of elite driving they look OK.

Another 15 mins before 9■■

But your point is that you’ve learnt through the discussions, whether it be on here or on Facebook - my point exactly…

I agree with the chip on the shoulder though, I’ve worked since I was in school - got recruited by the firm I did my work experience at, and until being 20/21 was happy as a ‘nerd’ and only had a couple of jobs. Then I had a health issue due to stress at work (didn’t even know I was stressed), so jacked it all in and became a bin man.
After this, I literally have never decided what exactly it is I want to do, so I just move around - did years driving PCV on buses, coaches and taxi’s, then moved onto HGV, but I just jump around.
I’m now 38 (and a half) and have had somewhere in the region of, tbh I’ve no idea exactly, 200, 300 maybe jobs, I know I’d had 68 tax paying employers in the 10yrs upto June last year, so a hell of a lot.
I’m not 1 for moaning about the job, if I don’t like it, I’ll try and do something about it, if that doesn’t work then I leave - and yes, I’ve been pushed a good few times.
I’m not perfect, I’ve made ■■■■-ups, misjudgements and errors. I have a serious attitude problem, there’s no denying that.
But, I get the job done, safely, economically and efficiently - the last being the issue with the 30mins before 6hrs point…

Regards your last point, it wasn’t the only thing he’d got wrong through the day, another silly one he also said was “you must have a break of 30 mins before 6hrs, if using POA this can be extended to 8hrs”.
So I asked him what he meant, and he said upto 2hrs of POA could be used to extend the 6hrs to 8hrs?? Why only 2hrs I asked, and he said ‘because otherwise they could have you sat there all day on POA and not entitled to a break’… I told him that POA isn’t working time, so actually, they COULD have you sat there all day and not entitled to a break, nobody WOULD do it or put up with it, but legally yeah…

There was other stuff similar too, 14hrs was a long tim


Olog Hai:
Pulling up GV pages on your phone during an assessment is never going to end well, and having read the Facebook quote it’s not too surprising you suddenly became surplus to requirements. Let’s be honest, if you were the boss and you read that you’d be thinking ‘hmm. This one’s going to be a problem’.

If it had been me and I wanted the job I would have sat there and agreed with everything he said rather that have tried to argue with him.

I did that at the end, we’d discussed it during the assessment, then when parked up at the end was when I showed it him to discuss further.
AFTER this I’d passed btw.

I agree with your last line, and common sense says ‘keep schtum’, and it did cost me the work - I have other work today though, not the end of the world

Doesn’t really matter though. Put yourself in their shoes, they’re interviewing and assessing someone for a job and he pulls up stuff on his phone to show them that they’re wrong? Whether they are wrong or right the ball is very much in their court.

So, quite a few use it, some don’t. Each to their own.

Some firms have rules about using it, the one I did my assessment on Friday with had the rule - Do not name us on social media

I’ve seen an increase in the number of employers (all industries, not just logs/transport) writing stuff into contracts about social media conduct etc. Disproportionately so. One of the tenets of the Human Rights Act (boooo) is the right to a private and family life. Restricting your use of social media breaches that right.

In my opinion, so long as what you write is not unlawful (slander, intellectual rights, trolling, harassing etc), and does not bring the company into disrepute, you should have no qualms about what you do on social media.

Anything that promotes safety, undermines bad practice, educates - I’m all for it. And if you’re sacked for ‘whistle blowing’ I think you’d have a case of unfair dismissal to levy at the employer.

Olog Hai:


Olog Hai:
Pulling up GV pages on your phone during an assessment is never going to end well, and having read the Facebook quote it’s not too surprising you suddenly became surplus to requirements. Let’s be honest, if you were the boss and you read that you’d be thinking ‘hmm. This one’s going to be a problem’.

If it had been me and I wanted the job I would have sat there and agreed with everything he said rather that have tried to argue with him.

I did that at the end, we’d discussed it during the assessment, then when parked up at the end was when I showed it him to discuss further.
AFTER this I’d passed btw.

I agree with your last line, and common sense says ‘keep schtum’, and it did cost me the work - I have other work today though, not the end of the world

Doesn’t really matter though. Put yourself in their shoes, they’re interviewing and assessing someone for a job and he pulls up stuff on his phone to show them that they’re wrong? Whether they are wrong or right the ball is very much in their court.

I know what you mean mate, chances are, in his shoes, I’d have said “unfortunately, on this occasion, you’ve failed to meet the required standard” and then said - off the record, it’s because you’re a ■■■■■
But, he didn’t, after all this, he passed me.
In my poxy little head, it’s a good thing to have an excellent knowledge of the rules that we work to, so as an assessor and a driver picks up a few things, maybe, being open minded, that would have been a good thing :grimacing:

I have had many courses approved based purely on company policies for my customers, from loading to vehicle checks to drivers hours. As long as it is relevant to the syllabus it is acceptable.

I would rather that you were actually correct as it would stop certain [zb] from spreading any further.

Loading and vehicle checks then OK but with drivers hours they are an EU wide standard and are written into law. To teach anything else is to not teach the legal requirements. It can lead to drivers being confused and breaking the law. Quite how you got a course for driving hours passed which didn’t teach the EU Drivers Hours Regulations but rather your company’s take on them which carries absolutely no weight in law I do not know. I can only assume the person who signed it off knew nothing about drivers hours regs and expected the trainer to teach them correctly.

It’s a NO from me. Work stays at work, home stays at home.
If, and only if you want to moan about a company, keep it vague so you can’t be found. Or keep quiet.
Yes, the trainer may not have known his stuff, take it up with his boss, not Facebook.
None of my work colleagues are friends on Facebook, likewise, none of my drinking buddies are on my LinkedIn profile and never the two sites shall meet.
Cheers, time for a beer.

Here’s my original post… Identifiable, but not named as per agreement…

A, erm, well known parcel firm that has brown coloured uniforms that I’m not allowed to name on social media and loves American sayings winky emoticon

I voted no,

That’s as good as naming them , regardless of wether the trainer is right or wrong you’ve broken the agreement .

Denis F:

Here’s my original post… Identifiable, but not named as per agreement…

A, erm, well known parcel firm that has brown coloured uniforms that I’m not allowed to name on social media and loves American sayings winky emoticon

I voted no,

That’s as good as naming them , regardless of wether the trainer is right or wrong you’ve broken the agreement .

I didn’t break an agreement. As good as naming them isn’t naming them. They make the rules… They could’ve said ‘don’t name us or describe us in a way where someone may guess it’s us’…
But, the wording was “Don’t name UPS, but you CAN describe them for example, parcel firm known for wearing brown uniforms” etc… Their wording…

It’s a NO from me. Work stays at work, home stays at home.
If, and only if you want to moan about a company, keep it vague so you can’t be found. Or keep quiet.
Yes, the trainer may not have known his stuff, take it up with his boss, not Facebook.
None of my work colleagues are friends on Facebook, likewise, none of my drinking buddies are on my LinkedIn profile and never the two sites shall meet.
Cheers, time for a beer.

Yet, here you are, on a truck drivers forum…■■ :unamused:


It’s a NO from me. Work stays at work, home stays at home.
If, and only if you want to moan about a company, keep it vague so you can’t be found. Or keep quiet.
Yes, the trainer may not have known his stuff, take it up with his boss, not Facebook.
None of my work colleagues are friends on Facebook, likewise, none of my drinking buddies are on my LinkedIn profile and never the two sites shall meet.
Cheers, time for a beer.

Yet, here you are, on a truck drivers forum…■■ :unamused:

Indeed he is, I imagine this falls into his work sphere

Being diplomatic isnt being a kiss arse. People tend to listen a lot more when you don’t insult them

but the trainer was trying to TRAIN him. :grimacing: lol sorry education is the key, get it right FROM THE START AND ALL DRIVERS CAN SING FROM THE SAME HYMN SHEET! :sunglasses: even join a union and STICK TOGETHER. LOL :laughing: it’s not 1965 is it! :smiley: name and shame all on faceache, ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ :wink:

Good man .drivers are here .we are just unemployable in an industry that requires you to break all regulations to clock in

Good man .drivers are here .we are just unemployable in an industry that requires you to break all regulations to clock in

In their defence, if I followed everything they said, I wouldn’t have broken any regulations at all.

No offence of taking too much break as far as I’m aware.

It was just all the crap he spouted - which I’d have let slide had he been just a driver or assessor, but he was the dCPC instructor.
As I said, we’ve all wondered, ‘where the hell did that driver hear such crap’? So I posted to say… ‘I now KNOW where he heard it…’

Another one he came out with, when doing vehicle checks, you must check that your inner drive tyres have valve extensions on them - no problem… wait for it… ‘Because, if VOSA pull you, and they’re not fitted, they’ll ask if you’d checked your tyres this morning, and if they’re not there, they’d ask HOW you checked them’…
This was AFTER doing the vehicle checks, which included getting down and giving the inner tyre a ‘kick’ to see if it’s inflated… :unamused:


Denis F:

Here’s my original post… Identifiable, but not named as per agreement…

A, erm, well known parcel firm that has brown coloured uniforms that I’m not allowed to name on social media and loves American sayings winky emoticon

I voted no,

That’s as good as naming them , regardless of wether the trainer is right or wrong you’ve broken the agreement .

I didn’t break an agreement. As good as naming them isn’t naming them. They make the rules… They could’ve said ‘don’t name us or describe us in a way where someone may guess it’s us’…
But, the wording was “Don’t name UPS, but you CAN describe them for example, parcel firm known for wearing brown uniforms” etc… Their wording…

Now you’re moving the goalposts :grimacing:

Surely posting something that identifies the company is as good as naming them ?