Social Media - Facebook etc

So, quite a few use it, some don’t. Each to their own.

Some firms have rules about using it, the one I did my assessment on Friday with had the rule - Do not name us on social media

So, I had my training and assessment with their trainer/assessor/dCPC instructor.
He came out with some crap through the day, you know, the usual stuff like 30 mins break for 6hrs work, £30 per wind if legs aren’t fully up and VOSA pull you etc.
I picked him up on these and others, and tried to educate him, since he’s going to teach the drivers at the firm I thought that maybe he should teach them correct?
He wasn’t interested, even when shown the GV262, still argued his was correct and if I did less than 30 mins I’d get an infringement etc.

Later or the next day, I posted on a HGV page on Facebook about this, since we’ve all often asked ‘where did that driver hear such crap from?’ and to discuss it.
This is something I enjoy, hence I’m on here and on there and others, discussing rules and regs and training etc.

I was careful not to mention the company, but ‘someone’ (I was told it was the trainer but have no proof) reported me for it - result, no longer working there.

Question is:
Would you think it’s OK to talk about this and discuss it, without naming the company

Personally, I think it NEEDS discussing. Most of us who actually KNOW the rules, know them because of discussions and forums such as this

Also, in comments, feel free - I have thick skin :slight_smile:

If you didn’t mention the company how is it you no longer work there?

If I were you I would currently be wiping the floor with them, if you didn’t name the company then you did nothing wrong, they can’t claim slander or defamation of character as they weren’t named so have no grounds to finish you. Although it also highlights that the company don’t know the rules either as they have sided with the trainer who is clearly spouting bollox and waiting room diatribe!

If you didn’t mention the company how is it you no longer work there?

If I were you I would currently be wiping the floor with them, if you didn’t name the company then you did nothing wrong, they can’t claim slander or defamation of character as they weren’t named so have no grounds to finish you. Although it also highlights that the company don’t know the rules either as they have sided with the trainer who is clearly spouting bollox and waiting room diatribe!

Because, I was recruited temp - perm through agency, so they can get rid of you anytime they want for any reason they want, simply state “We don’t want you here anymore”.
Which is what he said.

Although, I like the poll being anonymous, but would appreciate your reasoning for clicking no - I know this would reveal who you are, but it is a discussion forum, so if there’s a reason you think no, surely it would be better if you could explain that, and I could argue my side, and see from there.

You never know, I might even concede :grimacing:

I have no problem discussing a company on social media, and will gladly name them for wrong doing, provided I have proof. As for the proof itself, I’d never reveal it online, as it might land somebody else in schtuck, or it could be wiped out before a slander action comes my way. But the evidence will always be given to police/solicitors or anyone else that bangs on my door. If circumstantial, mmtm type ■■■■■■■■, I’ll keep quiet, usually even refrain from commenting full stop

You’ll find most rules will have a clause similar to do not name us OR SAY ANYTHING THAT MAY GIVE OUR IDENTITY AWAY. By not naming them you’ve fulfilled one part but if they’ve been identifiable by what you’ve written it’s classed as the same thing.

Saying that, I do think things like this should be highlighted because as you say, it allows discussion and for others to maybe learn something they weren’t aware of - just look at the new post where a driver thinks they may have been caught by a camera doing 50 in a 50 and thought they can only do 40.
Did they mention this as the actual cause for not using you anymore?

Although, I like the poll being anonymous, but would appreciate your reasoning for clicking no - I know this would reveal who you are, but it is a discussion forum, so if there’s a reason you think no, surely it would be better if you could explain that, and I could argue my side, and see from there.

You never know, I might even concede :grimacing:

I clicked no! I share a lot online but have always been very careful to stay the right side of a fine line. If I have a problem it stays at work. The other issue is everyone reacts differently to social media and one mans minor gripe may be a unforgivable act of treason to another. So I just find it’s best for problems to be sorted face to face

If you’ve used your real name whilst discussing aspects of your company, you can unwittingly identify them. People who know you will know who you work for. Certain people love nothing more than to drop others in the crap (as you’ve found out).
Personally, I would never discuss any aspect of my employment on any open forum (this one has a degree of anonymity so doesn’t count) that my employer could read.

You’ll find most rules will have a clause similar to do not name us OR SAY ANYTHING THAT MAY GIVE OUR IDENTITY AWAY. By not naming them you’ve fulfilled one part but if they’ve been identifiable by what you’ve written it’s classed as the same thing.

Saying that, I do think things like this should be highlighted because as you say, it allows discussion and for others to maybe learn something they weren’t aware of - just look at the new post where a driver thinks they may have been caught by a camera doing 50 in a 50 and thought they can only do 40.
Did they mention this as the actual cause for not using you anymore?

The wording given to me was “You can say what you want about the company, but you can’t name them - you could however say ‘a worldwide parcel firm that have brown uniforms’ for example”
And that is a quote…

Yes, it was said that was the reason for not using me anymore. I was taken into the managers office and asked if I had issues with the training, I said ‘not issues, just, as discussed with the trainer, incorrect information being given’.
He then asked what my expertise was, as this trainer had been trained to ‘their’ standards and what expertise have I got to question him :unamused: :unamused:

I knew posting what I did was ‘touch and go’, but it stuck to their rules, but I was an agency driver…
Doesn’t bother me not working there, more the fact that someone is going to be passing bollox on as gospel to a bunch of trapped drivers, and when corrected you get dismissed.

I clicked no! I share a lot online but have always been very careful to stay the right side of a fine line. If I have a problem it stays at work. The other issue is everyone reacts differently to social media and one mans minor gripe may be a unforgivable act of treason to another. So I just find it’s best for problems to be sorted face to face

Luke, I agree, and stuff happens on a daily basis which if posted could show a company in a bad light, and I agree that needs to be avoided.
My post wasn’t against the company though, it wasn’t slagging off the company or anything like that…
I’ll try and find my original post and copy / paste it below - but as I said, it wasn’t a ‘slag off the company’ post, it was a ‘discuss this bollox I was told today’ post…

Never have work colleagues as contacts on your personnel social media account(s).
If need be setup a pseudonym account for use while at work if colleagues want to communicate with you on social media. That way you can separate/distance yourself from possible derisory comments that could be construed as defamatory to your employer

Captain Caveman 76:
If you’ve used your real name whilst discussing aspects of your company, you can unwittingly identify them. People who know you will know who you work for. Certain people love nothing more than to drop others in the crap (as you’ve found out).
Personally, I would never discuss any aspect of my employment on any open forum (this one has a degree of anonymity so doesn’t count) that my employer could read.

I know what you mean, but I’m not associated with the firm, it’s not down as my employer or anything like that, and as I’ve said above, I didn’t say anything against the firm.

I’ve never been one to hide behind a username - no offence - my name is Wayne, hence my username, and I won’t write anything that I won’t say to anyones face and won’t publicly attack anyone personally - if I’ve an issue online it’d go pm, if I’ve an issue with someone I know in real life, it is dealt with in real life (and no, I’m not saying I’m an ‘ard bastid’ or anything daft like that) where facial expressions and body language can say and do more than text on a screen.

I would never slag off a company I’m working for, I’m not shy to leave a firm, and if I don’t like something, I’ll have a word, see if it’s something that can be sorted, if not then I leave and go elsewhere. I’ve literally not a clue how many jobs I’ve had, but it’s well into 3 figures - possibly 200 or more?

But, social media, trucknet etc, at the end of the day, if I want, in my own free time, to use them for whatever reason - subject to potentially costing my company money, clients etc - then I will.
As I said, I’m not daft enough to post “I’ve got a few million quids worth of PS5’s in the back, running out of hours on the A5, which layby is best” or anything daft like that.
I’ve shifted some proper dodgy chemicals, the sort where you carry a card and don’t stop for anyone and if someone blocks you, you ram them and ■■■■ off, I’m not an idiot about what to post and what not to

Here’s my original post… Identifiable, but not named as per agreement…

So. Yesterday, I had to do a days ‘induction’ for a new job I’m starting.
14hrs gasp emoticon
I was out with their ‘driver trainer’ who is also their ‘dCPC instructor’
So, 14hrs, you chat… Oh yeah, I’ve found ‘THAT INSTRUCTOR!’
You must have 30 mins before 6hrs gasp emoticon
POA can extend that to 8hrs■■? No more than that?? If you were on POA all day, you’d have to have 30 mins before 8hrs??
Oh, and don’t forget to wind your legs all the way up, because if VOSA pull you … you know the rest don’t you guys??
No wonder the country is ■■■■■■ with brains like this in charge.
Oh, and I downloaded the GV262 onto my phone, got it to page 46, turned it sideways and zoomed in, so it was nice and clear to read, and he still wouldn’t ■■■■■■’ have it… FFS
A, erm, well known parcel firm that has brown coloured uniforms that I’m not allowed to name on social media and loves American sayings winky emoticon

Here’s my original post… Identifiable, but not named as per agreement…

So. Yesterday, I had to do a days ‘induction’ for a new job I’m starting.
14hrs gasp emoticon
I was out with their ‘driver trainer’ who is also their ‘dCPC instructor’
So, 14hrs, you chat… Oh yeah, I’ve found ‘THAT INSTRUCTOR!’
You must have 30 mins before 6hrs gasp emoticon
POA can extend that to 8hrs■■? No more than that?? If you were on POA all day, you’d have to have 30 mins before 8hrs??
Oh, and don’t forget to wind your legs all the way up, because if VOSA pull you … you know the rest don’t you guys??
No wonder the country is [zb] with brains like this in charge.
Oh, and I downloaded the GV262 onto my phone, got it to page 46, turned it sideways and zoomed in, so it was nice and clear to read, and he still wouldn’t [zb]’ have it… FFS
A, erm, well known parcel firm that has brown coloured uniforms that I’m not allowed to name on social media and loves American sayings winky emoticon

You’re probably not going to like what I have to say, but I’m not surprised they gave you the flick. You were rather derogatory towards their trainer and, by association, their training methods/company procedure.
By your reply to my previous post you seem like a pretty straightforward guy, hell I’d probably buy you a beer! Unfortunately thats not the world we live in anymore and we must always be mindful of what we say, especially on a public forum.

Additional: just read that back and it sounds condascending as hell, wasn’t meant to be. Fancy a beer? My round.

Captain Caveman 76:

Here’s my original post… Identifiable, but not named as per agreement…

So. Yesterday, I had to do a days ‘induction’ for a new job I’m starting.
14hrs gasp emoticon
I was out with their ‘driver trainer’ who is also their ‘dCPC instructor’
So, 14hrs, you chat… Oh yeah, I’ve found ‘THAT INSTRUCTOR!’
You must have 30 mins before 6hrs gasp emoticon
POA can extend that to 8hrs■■? No more than that?? If you were on POA all day, you’d have to have 30 mins before 8hrs??
Oh, and don’t forget to wind your legs all the way up, because if VOSA pull you … you know the rest don’t you guys??
No wonder the country is [zb] with brains like this in charge.
Oh, and I downloaded the GV262 onto my phone, got it to page 46, turned it sideways and zoomed in, so it was nice and clear to read, and he still wouldn’t [zb]’ have it… FFS
A, erm, well known parcel firm that has brown coloured uniforms that I’m not allowed to name on social media and loves American sayings winky emoticon

You’re probably not going to like what I have to say, but I’m not surprised they gave you the flick. You were rather derogatory towards their trainer and, by association, their training methods/company procedure.
By your reply to my previous post you seem like a pretty straightforward guy, hell I’d probably buy you a beer! Unfortunately thats not the world we live in anymore and we must always be mindful of what we say, especially on a public forum.

Additional: just read that back and it sounds condascending as hell, wasn’t meant to be. Fancy a beer? My round.

Lol, don’t worry about that mate, told you, thick skin :grimacing:

Everything written there is what he teaches as FACT.

He will tell drivers on a dCPC course, that “you must have a break of 30 mins before completing 6hrs work - using POA can extend this to 8hrs”, “You must wind your legs all the way to the top, if VOSA stop you, it’s £30 per wind of the handle”…

14hrs I was with him, not an hour like most assessments, so it was made 100% clear that he was talking bollox, asked him to show me ANYWHERE where it limited POA to 2hrs (what he said - hence the 8hr above), he argued that ‘if it wasn’t for that, you could be on POA all day and not be entitled to a break’ - to which I replied “Yep, you can - you WOULDN’T, but legally you can”

I don’t think what I posted was bad, it wasn’t a personal insult against the guy, who was ok, if a little bit of a ■■■■, nowhere near the worst person I’ve ever met, and it definitely never said anything bad about the company

As I’ve said above. How many drivers on here KNOW the rules? And how many of those know them because of posts or discussions on here?

So, there’s good in discussions and posts on social meda, people learn, another driver may have asked me what my problem was with what he’d said, then they could have been educated…

You could have phrased out somewhat better to be honest. I can see why someone got the hump!

You could have phrased out somewhat better to be honest. I can see why someone got the hump!

I’ve never been a diplomat, stick to rules no probs, drive a truck the way we’d like, no probs, kiss ■■■■? Nah, not happening

Being diplomatic isnt being a kiss arse. People tend to listen a lot more when you don’t insult them

I wouldn’t post anything online that I wouldn’t say to the gaffers face. But as others have said, some others can be very easily offended at the slightest thing. As a result, my social media account is not linked to the work account in any way.

In this case, you’ve ruffled a delicate persons feathers and paid the price. But from what you have posted on other threads you seem like a guy who would rather be true to what he believes than follow a party he thinks is wrong. So you are better off out of it.