Social Media - Facebook etc

Re the 30 minute thingy Wayne, I understand that the trainer wasn’t au fait with the regs, but perhaps he was stressing the company policy? Our driver trainer is well aware of the law, but when teaching DCPC classes he too will state that 30 mins be taken before 6 hours as that is company policy.

As for the legs I’m afraid he is a weapons grade wuckfit. :smiley:

A, erm, well known parcel firm that has brown coloured uniforms that I’m not allowed to name on social media and loves American sayings winky emoticon

Unfortunately that kind of identifies the company pretty much spot on as much as saying “those green wagons with girls names on” identifies Stobarts. I’m quite sure much of the public would work out it was UPS from that.

the maoster:
Our driver trainer is well aware of the law, but when teaching DCPC classes he too will state that 30 mins be taken before 6 hours as that is company policy.

But he’s not supposed to be doing that. The module is the working time directive and drivers hours, not what company policy is. He must teach you what is factually correct as stated in the various directives, acts and statutory instruments. The whole point of doing the DCPC training modules like this is so that you have skills you can use from one company to another and that you know the law.

Being diplomatic isnt being a kiss arse. People tend to listen a lot more when you don’t insult them

I know what you mean Luke, maybe it’s my upbringing, maybe I’m just an arse, but I say it as I see it - and yes, I’ve had a few smacks for it :smiley:

I wouldn’t post anything online that I wouldn’t say to the gaffers face. But as others have said, some others can be very easily offended at the slightest thing. As a result, my social media account is not linked to the work account in any way.

In this case, you’ve ruffled a delicate persons feathers and paid the price. But from what you have posted on other threads you seem like a guy who would rather be true to what he believes than follow a party he thinks is wrong. So you are better off out of it.

As I said, I’d discussed it with him, tried everything I could, when I showed it him in the GV262 in writing I expected a ‘well, you learn something everyday’ or similar, not a “You read it your way, I read it mine, so I’ll carry on teaching it this way”…
Yeah, I am a bit of an arse if that’s what you mean, some have met me at the charity event, some know me anyway, and all will tell you I’m an arse :smiley:

the maoster:
Re the 30 minute thingy Wayne, I understand that the trainer wasn’t au fait with the regs, but perhaps he was stressing the company policy? Our driver trainer is well aware of the law, but when teaching DCPC classes he too will state that 30 mins be taken before 6 hours as that is company policy.

As for the legs I’m afraid he is a weapons grade wuckfit. :smiley:

No, he was telling me that was the rules, and if I didn’t have 30 minutes before 6hrs I’d have an infringement - at least he didn’t go into the fines on that one


A, erm, well known parcel firm that has brown coloured uniforms that I’m not allowed to name on social media and loves American sayings winky emoticon

Unfortunately that kind of identifies the company pretty much spot on as much as saying “those green wagons with girls names on” identifies Stobarts. I’m quite sure much of the public would work out it was UPS from that.

I’ve worked for Crowfoots in the past :wink:

I was specifically told that I could describe them but not name them

Sorry Wayne if implied you weren’t 100% correct. You obviously were!

Its a no no who i work for,a few have been in bother especially when its the weekend and they go on facebook ■■■■■■ up :cry:

Write the truth and if they don’t like it then they can go to hell; the job can’t be a good one if you are working for people like that.
I write a blog and the company doesn’t always like it; but I tell the truth and they have to respect that.
Obviously I don’t give details of high value loads but as its mostly peat-moss I can say.


the maoster:
Our driver trainer is well aware of the law, but when teaching DCPC classes he too will state that 30 mins be taken before 6 hours as that is company policy.

But he’s not supposed to be doing that. The module is the working time directive and drivers hours, not what company policy is. He must teach you what is factually correct as stated in the various directives, acts and statutory instruments. The whole point of doing the DCPC training modules like this is so that you have skills you can use from one company to another and that you know the law.

Conor - I don’t think this is correct. The Training can be based on company policy as long as that is what was in the approved course in the first place and that it is made clear it is company policy.

I have had many courses approved based purely on company policies for my customers, from loading to vehicle checks to drivers hours. As long as it is relevant to the syllabus it is acceptable.

I would rather that you were actually correct as it would stop certain ■■■■■■■■ from spreading any further.

Surely the training should be the same no matter who teaches it and what company they work for.

It is a Driver’s Certificate of Professional Competency, not a UPS / DHL (Insert Company of Choice) Certificate of Professional Competency.

It is EU Wide and the syllabus (as such) should be the same EU Wide - not individually tailored to the company of choice.

Just my opinion of course, having never had to sit through a dedicated CPC course I wouldn’t actually know any different, other than my own personal knowledge gleamed from my extensive 2 and a half years of experience :smiley:

Got 5 ‘No’s’ now, have you all given your reasoning?

I’m sure I’ve not seen 5 arguments for No!? :grimacing:

Got 5 ‘No’s’ now, have you all given your reasoning?

I’m sure I’ve not seen 5 arguments for No!? :grimacing:

You asked was it ok to talk about it without naming the company. You never did that though. You just slagged them off, and although you say

I don’t think what I posted was bad, it wasn’t a personal insult against the guy,

I would say that…

.No wonder the country is [zb] with brains like this in charge.

is an insult. But you’re free to say what you like, you can’t get locked up for it. And they don’t want you there, they don’t have to have you.

Got 5 ‘No’s’ now, have you all given your reasoning?

I’m sure I’ve not seen 5 arguments for No!? :grimacing:

If you only wanted people to pat you on the back and say ‘you did the right thing mate’ then Trucknet probably isn’t the place!


Got 5 ‘No’s’ now, have you all given your reasoning?

I’m sure I’ve not seen 5 arguments for No!? :grimacing:

If you only wanted people to pat you on the back and say ‘you did the right thing mate’ then Trucknet probably isn’t the place!

I’ve not said that’s what I want have I Luke?

But if someone thinks no, it’d be a better discussion if they gave their reasoning.
I’m still happy enough that I did nothing wrong, even if it did cost me the job, it’s not the first job I’ve lost and won’t be the last.


Got 5 ‘No’s’ now, have you all given your reasoning?

I’m sure I’ve not seen 5 arguments for No!? :grimacing:

You asked was it ok to talk about it without naming the company. You never did that though. You just slagged them off, and although you say

I don’t think what I posted was bad, it wasn’t a personal insult against the guy,

I would say that…

.No wonder the country is [zb] with brains like this in charge.

is an insult. But you’re free to say what you like, you can’t get locked up for it. And they don’t want you there, they don’t have to have you.

I wouldn’t have said that was a ‘personal’ insult, it was a comment on his (lack of) skill / ability at his job.

I don’t think I slagged the company off either, where do you think I’ve done that?



Got 5 ‘No’s’ now, have you all given your reasoning?

I’m sure I’ve not seen 5 arguments for No!? :grimacing:

If you only wanted people to pat you on the back and say ‘you did the right thing mate’ then Trucknet probably isn’t the place!

I’ve not said that’s what I want have I Luke?

But if someone thinks no, it’d be a better discussion if they gave their reasoning.
I’m still happy enough that I did nothing wrong, even if it did cost me the job, it’s not the first job I’ve lost and won’t be the last.

You didn’t need to. You made it clear by insisting the people who said no justify it. Why not people who said yes as well?

Mine is no. Social media is a dangerous tool when (often often) abused. Surprised you went to social media about a new job to vent about training standards. Isn’t the theatre to do this within the work place?

Surely the training should be the same no matter who teaches it and what company they work for.

It is a Driver’s Certificate of Professional Competency, not a UPS / DHL (Insert Company of Choice) Certificate of Professional Competency.

It is EU Wide and the syllabus (as such) should be the same EU Wide - not individually tailored to the company of choice.

Just my opinion of course, having never had to sit through a dedicated CPC course I wouldn’t actually know any different, other than my own personal knowledge gleamed from my extensive 2 and a half years of experience :smiley:

In fairness, it was the original intention of the EU directive to provide quality training through third party training schools and colleges - they were probably slightly naive in thinking enough experienced, qualified people from the road transport industry could be found to teach it.

Where it went wrong, particularly in this country, is when the authorities panicked about getting enough drivers qualified and so started pushing employers doing the training and JAUPT waving coursed through without too much scrutiny.

You are right though there are far too many company unqualified driver trainers (often simply the biggest arse licking former driver) passing what is nothing more than standard company specific staff training off as DCPC. At least one company even has a JAUPT approved module on using the company’s handheld computer to collect PODs.

I wouldn’t post anything online that I wouldn’t say to the gaffers face. But as others have said, some others can be very easily offended at the slightest thing. As a result, my social media account is not linked to the work account in any way.

In this case, you’ve ruffled a delicate persons feathers and paid the price. But from what you have posted on other threads you seem like a guy who would rather be true to what he believes than follow a party he thinks is wrong. So you are better off out of it.


You’ve either just got to grin and bear the muppets to collect the pay cheque or keep looking for something muppet free mate.

To be fair to you Waynedl, I’ve read you post again and see you said you posted it under an HGV page on FB. So I’m guessing like a trucknet thing on FB? If you did post anonymously under a forum rather than as I initially (incorrectly) took it that you posted about it from your page then I can see your annoyance. It’s still a no from me as social media is a curse in a lot of ways and you don’t want to get yourself a bad name in local haulage by some chance. I can see why you’re annoyed though. I work for a firm with a social media policy tighter than a nun’s… I don’t name who I work for or post anything to do with them in a direct sense. Some have come a cropper as they do scan us.



Got 5 ‘No’s’ now, have you all given your reasoning?

I’m sure I’ve not seen 5 arguments for No!? :grimacing:

You asked was it ok to talk about it without naming the company. You never did that though. You just slagged them off, and although you say

I don’t think what I posted was bad, it wasn’t a personal insult against the guy,

I would say that…

.No wonder the country is [zb] with brains like this in charge.

is an insult. But you’re free to say what you like, you can’t get locked up for it. And they don’t want you there, they don’t have to have you.

I wouldn’t have said that was a ‘personal’ insult, it was a comment on his (lack of) skill / ability at his job.

I don’t think I slagged the company off either, where do you think I’ve done that?

You’re right. He’s got lack of skill and a job as a trainer. You’re skilled and they don’t want you. You’re the clever one. :smiley: