
I love NASCAR, what does that make me?





I thought you would be, but I didn’t want to be presumptuous. Look where that got me :blush:


Why on earth would you write that?!? :confused:

Tongue firmly in cheek I do believe, if you look up quick enough you might see that plane over head… :smiley:




I thought you would be, but I didn’t want to be presumptuous. Look where that got me :blush:


No need to shout :laughing:

I love NASCAR, what does that make me?


“Tongue in cheek”… :laughing:

On the subject of hours, why are there so many heroes who want to work all hours of the day? If you can find and afford to live off a job of say 9-10 duty hours, so what? I do and ditched a 60 hour week and about £30 per week to have more time with my family and no manual handling/nights out etc.
You can work days, nights, weekends etc for what? To be just another number on a payroll listing. Work 'til you drop your employer wont give you a George Cross they’ll just find another mug to take your place.
I stopped believing in the “part of the team” ■■■■■■■■ a long time ago.

I stopped believing in the “part of the team” ■■■■■■■■ a long time ago.

Part of the team, you work for a supermarket or something…?:lol:

Of course it’s up to you if you want to work or if you need your beauty sleep. It’s also up to your boss (remember him he’s the bloke who puts food on your table) which positions he makes redundant should the need arise and your can’t do attitude would make you top of my list to ■■■■ off out the way as soon as I could.

Switch et al,
Your posts make me PMSL I thought I did a good line is sarcasm but you’ve given me a lesson. Excellent.

ROG ( assuming you’re not asleep)
We love you but shhhhh the OP is being a knob.

TT out :slight_smile:

Well we’re all entitled to our opinions. From the ridiculous through to the outrageous. Fair play to you having a rant, and like you say you didn’t stick up all the facts in the op. I thought you left coop, didn’t realise you had gone back. Different ball game. They have the ability to overcome it when a driver doesn’t want to have 9 off. I made my replies in the context of you working in a general firm. I apologise for implying you were lazy, tbh rog was pushing my buttons at the time

Thanks for apologizing as lazy i am not, in fact i have 2 days left of my week one of which is a rest day and 17 hours left on my card, i some times wish i could just do and 8 hour day but i like working and having a 2 year old and a new born i need to put food in their mouths so i work all the hours i can to get by as theres only one wages coming in.

So T T sorry for being a knob one day i wish i could be as good as you.





I thought you would be, but I didn’t want to be presumptuous. Look where that got me :blush:


No need to shout :laughing:

I think there’s every reason, you SEXIST HOMOPHOBIC RACIST PIG. Be gone with you :wink:

Tipper Tom:
Switch et al,
Your posts make me PMSL I thought I did a good line is sarcasm but you’ve given me a lesson. Excellent.

Why thank you, finally, good at something. Well, something other than being a moron :wink:


Tipper Tom:
Switch et al,
Your posts make me PMSL I thought I did a good line is sarcasm but you’ve given me a lesson. Excellent.

Why thank you, finally, good at something. Well, something other than being a moron :wink:

And having too many horses

“Tongue in cheek”… :laughing:

On the subject of hours, why are there so many heroes who want to work all hours of the day? If you can find and afford to live off a job of say 9-10 duty hours, so what? I do and ditched a 60 hour week and about £30 per week to have more time with my family and no manual handling/nights out etc.
You can work days, nights, weekends etc for what? To be just another number on a payroll listing. Work 'til you drop your employer wont give you a George Cross they’ll just find another mug to take your place.
I stopped believing in the “part of the team” ■■■■■■■■ a long time ago.

Best reply yet. Why work yourself to death for someone who couldn’t give a flying ■■■■ about you? I now work as long as I need to to pay my bills, rent etc but still have enough time with my family. I learned really quickly while on the buses that working 60+ hours per week may give you a fat pay packet, but when you’re too knackered to enjoy your day off let alone spend any decent time with your family, it REALLY isn’t worth it and it can totally bugger you up. And to Dan, massive credit to you putting your child first.

Think a lot of this topic comes down to 2 things:

  1. As has been discussed here many times before. If you’re out on the road, 9 off is fine. (Though for me personally its usually about 9 1/2 )
    9 at base is not enough. (assuming as with most, you are driving home from there & back again).

  2. There are (mostly)2 basic types of truck driver on TN. Those who work for road haulage co’s and small firms, then those who work out of supermarket distribution centres. We all know that they are one of the best paid, most perks, easiest jobs in haulage.


I stopped believing in the “part of the team” ■■■■■■■■ a long time ago.

Part of the team, you work for a supermarket or something…?:lol:

Close I was on for a flour miller we also got to hear “We’re entering an exciting time.” How can flour be exciting?

Close I was on for a flour miller we also got to hear “We’re entering an exciting time.” How can flour be exciting?

:lol: the amount of bs these office plonks come up with is unreal, they even think flour is exciting, ha. usually it’s things like supermarkets or retail that call themselves a team, colleagues, partners, associates etc, at our place it’s good old us against them:grin:


Close I was on for a flour miller we also got to hear “We’re entering an exciting time.” How can flour be exciting?

:lol: the amount of bs these office plonks come up with is unreal, they even think flour is exciting, ha. usually it’s things like supermarkets or retail that call themselves a team, colleagues, partners, associates etc, at our place it’s good old us against them:grin:

Lol, they’re just salesmen, dreaming up crap like that. Like when you go to ford, the salesman tells you the focus is the best car on the road, nothing touches it. Then 2 years later, he gets a job a vauxhall and he’s telling you the focus is crap :open_mouth:


Close I was on for a flour miller we also got to hear “We’re entering an exciting time.” How can flour be exciting?

:lol: the amount of bs these office plonks come up with is unreal, they even think flour is exciting, ha. usually it’s things like supermarkets or retail that call themselves a team, colleagues, partners, associates etc, at our place it’s good old us against them:grin:

Apparently I’ve got to think “team blue”, excuse me whilst I puke up :laughing: :laughing:
The only team I’m thinking of is “team bank balance” :wink:

“team blue”, excuse me whilst I puke up :laughing: :laughing:

Team blue, zb me:lol::lol::lol:

For the record, I imagine the OP to wear beige on a regular basis.

Please boys and girls, if you think wagon driving is long hours, either leave and go and ■■■■ your thumb in an office for 35 hours a week…or try farming, you’ll be begging to get back to sitting in a wagon, worrying about breaks, poa and rest periods.

There’s a difference between having a wind up, and getting on the ■■■■ of 90% of the posters. But I guess you thought you could dress it up after you re read the replies. Fyi, when making comical remarks, it’s good practice to insert the smilies that the good chaps who designed the board, kindly provided on the right, as used by myself and switch to name but 2. HTH