So I've took a trunking job

Hello All, I’ve been reading through posts on this forum for a couple of weeks now and need some help so here goes my first post.

I’ve been on local deliveries now for a few year so have been out of the loop when it comes to Britains road network, I’ve recently took a trunking job starting mid afternoon running from Tyneside to Lutterworth magna pk. WOW the M1 has 4 lanes and miles and miles of pick and shovel from the M18 down to the A38 and what happend to Blyth and Worksop roundabouts? Anyway all that pick n shovel got me wondering if there is a better route when i know there are hold ups on the superslab, so I tried A1 to Newark then the A46 back on to the M1 at leicester forest, Impressive its nearly all dual carriage way now and only adds 10 mins to the motorway time.

I was also thinking of using the A614- A6097-A46 but cant remember the bridge heights on the 614/6097, if memory serves there was only 1 and over 15ft Am i correct in this?? any other time saving short cut tips for bank holidays and motorway snarls?

PS, running height is 14ft south, 15"4 to 16" north bound (I guess North bound I’ll have to use the M1 or the A46/A1 only?)


I love trunking jobs…:slight_smile:

If you mean the bridge at Ollerton on the A614, it’s 15’ 9" :slight_smile:

A1, A46, M1 most of the time at the moment, both up & down.

I hate that ‘20’ odd miles of narrow lanes between, Mansfield & the M18, half an hour of Pushy P R I C K s, trying to take your mirrors off. Grrrr.
That’s only during the times that its moving, it seems that 90% of the day its knackered with people Arse Ending each other. :unamused:

The only minor Bum Ache at Newark is that ‘Well Designed’ Poxy Roundabout as you come off the A1 south & no one slows down to let you out. :imp:

no one slows down to let you out. :imp:

Pull out on them #simples :smiley:


no one slows down to let you out. :imp:

Pull out on them #simples :smiley:

Agreed, Shut your eyes & floor it. :smiling_imp:

If you mean the bridge at Ollerton on the A614, it’s 15’ 9" :slight_smile:

Yes thanks, so there is only one low bridge on this route A614 A6097

The only minor Bum Ache at Newark is that ‘Well Designed’ Poxy Roundabout as you come off the A1 south & no one slows down to let you out. :imp:

Thanks I know I’m the one who asked for advice and I don’t want teach me Ganny but if south bound on the A1 and you know the bum ache roundabout will be busy you can take the junc before the A46 at N Muskham and run down the B6325/A616 which brings you out on the 3 roudabout on the Newark bypass.

Just wondering if Trunking is a good way to get experiance to get into Trucking , any thoughts on this guys , finish up with present employer next March ,non Trucking job at the mo



no one slows down to let you out. :imp:

Pull out on them #simples :smiley:

Agreed, Shut your eyes & floor it. :smiling_imp:

If they’ve got time to beep, they’ve got time to let you out.

Something once said to me by a co driver who pulled out onto a roundabout in rush hour traffic when there was absolutely no gap. And we were only in a car!


The only minor Bum Ache at Newark is that ‘Well Designed’ Poxy Roundabout as you come off the A1 south & no one slows down to let you out. :imp:

Thanks I know I’m the one who asked for advice and I don’t want teach me Ganny but if south bound on the A1 and you know the bum ache roundabout will be busy you can take the junc before the A46 at N Muskham and run down the B6325/A616 which brings you out on the 3 roudabout on the Newark bypass.

To tell you the truth, I’ve never tried that little short cut, (so many Bloody weight limits just off the A1) I tend to stick to the main routes. Thanks for the heads up, I’ll give it a go next time I’m up that way. :slight_smile:

Just wondering if Trunking is a good way to get experiance to get into Trucking , any thoughts on this guys , finish up with present employer next March ,non Trucking job at the mo

Any driving is experience, but Trunking can be a bit Samey- A to B, back to A, back to B, back to A etc. A lot of it is done at night & at our place the money is a bit better than days.
1 week on trunking & I reckon you will have learnt all about that particular job, apart from maybe breakdowns or blow outs (but they will happen at sometime during your driving career :wink: )

Just wondering if Trunking is a good way to get experiance to get into Trucking , any thoughts on this guys , finish up with present employer next March ,non Trucking job at the mo

I started doing retail deliveries (shopping precincts, underground service yards, reverses down alleys to back doors etc.) and reckon you learn more in a fortnight doing that, than in months of trunking. Most trunking jobs involve the same routes/drops/reverses night after night so your learning is limited.

I’d say do whichever job pays best though. A start is a start. Don’t be tempted to bend over for ■■■■■ wages just for experience.


Just wondering if Trunking is a good way to get experiance to get into Trucking , any thoughts on this guys , finish up with present employer next March ,non Trucking job at the mo

Any driving is experience, but Trunking can be a bit Samey- A to B, back to A, back to B, back to A etc. A lot of it is done at night & at our place the money is a bit better than days.
1 week on trunking & I reckon you will have learnt all about that particular job, apart from maybe breakdowns or blow outs (but they will happen at sometime during your driving career :wink: )

Cheers thanks for the input , done some driving Gritting the roads in the winter , not the biggest of vehicles but some experiance was better than none ,especially the urban area that I covered tight streets ect cheers mate


Just wondering if Trunking is a good way to get experiance to get into Trucking , any thoughts on this guys , finish up with present employer next March ,non Trucking job at the mo

I started doing retail deliveries (shopping precincts, underground service yards, reverses down alleys to back doors etc.) and reckon you learn more in a fortnight doing that, than in months of trunking. Most trunking jobs involve the same routes/drops/reverses night after night so your learning is limited.

I’d say do whichever job pays best though. A start is a start. Don’t be tempted to bend over for [zb] wages just for experience.

Cheers Rob thanks for the advice , hope I didn’t hijack the OP post

used to run up that road with a double decker. 16ft 3 inch. There is a 15Ft 9 Inch bridge but there is a detour round it, you went over a fjord was ok in the summer cos the stream was pretty low. run used to put on an extra 10 mins or so to my full run back to Darlo.

used to run up that road with a double decker. 16ft 3 inch. There is a 15Ft 9 Inch bridge but there is a detour round it, you went over a fjord was ok in the summer cos the stream was pretty low. run used to put on an extra 10 mins or so to my full run back to Darlo.

If you go through the ford (or over the fjord as cj47 says) on a day like today, make sure you boot it through or you will be roundly booed by the crowd of children waiting for a big splash.

Thanks again, is detour avoiding the bridge well signposted ?

Yes, mate. Its been along time since i done that run.

Yes, mate. Its been along time since i done that run

Same here I used to be on general haulage back in the day, I often used the 614 coming back from the south on a Friday, i’d sometimes even get off the M1 at the A610 (think thats junc 26 never been good at junc numbers just the road numbers) and cut across that way but it twas over 20yr ago hence the bridge height question.

I may be running down there today with a single curtain sider so I’ll go that way for a change, just have to remember there is no roundabout at the A57 Worksop anymore :unamused: