As you are aware the smoking ban kicked in up here in Scotland on Sunday :smiling_imp: With in our depot itself there has been a complete ban including the car park ( which SEI,SOI & now DHL said was not their responsibility if anything got damaged)but now that the ban is here the car park is now their’s :confused: :open_mouth: It’s not so bad for the dayshift driver’s that smoke as they are alway’s in and out of the truck doing various deliveries,but it must be a right pain for the trunk driver’s who smoke.The one’s that do smoke thought once they got to Carlisle they would be allowed to smoke :laughing: wrong :cry: They where quickly put right on that matter,because their vehicle is registered in Scotland even though they are in England they still remain under Scottish law’s and if stopped by police and are found to be smoking they are still liable for the 50 quid fine for the driver,and a 1500 quid fine for the company :open_mouth: To say they are not happy is a bit of an understatement.Due to the nature of our buisness they are not allowed to stop,unless they really need to ie feeling unwell etc.They must go straight from depot to depot with no diversion’s.( unless ordered to by depot manager) What have they done within your own depot’s or maybe some customers have went ott with this ban,( just like ours have) :question: :unamused:

Just to let all you lad’s know down south who work for DHL or are agency driver’s for them.As off June/July time this year all DHL depot’s and vehicle’s ( including company car’s) will have a smoking ban placed on them,even though it ain’t due to be enforced down south till next year. :wink: :laughing: so make the most of it while you’s can. :wink:

Just for the record, as far as I am aware the Police neither have the power or the paperwork (or the interest) to enforce this ban. Enforcement rests with the Local Authorities. The most an Officer could do, is to forward a statement to an Enforcement Authority, and as that would not be counted as a ‘Pro-active detection’, there is little incentive in doing so, unless, of course, a driver were to absolutely ‘rack’ someone off. :laughing:

Not doubting what you’ve been told Jim, but I find it hard to believe that (effectively) foreign laws could or would be enforced by English police in England.

I don’t buy the scottish registered in england malarky .
We have 3 units that were registered in scotland and then eventually sent down to us for when they get ousted when the fleet gets renewed .
Judging from what your saying kitkat if one ouf our drivers was smoking in one of them then he is going to get done because within the area of that cab you are in actual fact in scotland !!!
I don’t buy it …Not that i actually care anyway i haven’t smoked since january nor have the inclination to smoke anymore …
You bunch of smelly gits …

:laughing: :laughing:

And so I guess an englishman can go to scotland in his english registered truck and smoke like a chimney alongside scottish drivers who can’t?

Can a scot smoke in scotland if he is sat in any Non-scottish vehicle?

All seems like a load of [ZB] to me. nobody HAS to smoke, so ban it outright along with the sale of tobacco.

They where quickly put right on that matter,because their vehicle is registered in Scotland even though they are in England they still remain under Scottish law’s and if stopped by police and are found to be smoking they are still liable for the 50 quid fine for the driver,and a 1500 quid fine for the company

You only have to stop and think about that for a minute to see it is wrong. The law applies to Scotland not England so no offence has been committed by smoking in England, you cannot break a law that doesn’t exist. It may be that the company do not want the drivers smoking in their vehicles wherever they are but the English police cannot issue fines to the driver, or company.

Where the vehicle is registered is irrelevant otherwise drivers of non Scottish registered vehicles would be able to smoke in Scotland. They can’t, as seen from this quote from the Clearing the Air Scotland website.

What about lorries and vans travelling to Scotland from England and other countries?
The law applies to no-smoking vehicles travelling in Scotland, irrespective of their origin, and the required no-smoking signage should be displayed.

This one could go straight into the Top Ten of driver’s urban myths. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Hey lads,i’m only telling you’s what i’v been told by our managers and they got it from the local authorities.So don’t shoot the messenger :stuck_out_tongue: But i wouldn’t want to be the 1st caught not doing it,especially if you have a sign on your cab window stating no smoking wether your in Scotland or England.£50 + £1500=P45 I WOULD THINK :wink: Is it really worth being the experiment to see if it works. :bulb:

well i no i,m smokin .whereever i go this clean air in scotland crap needs to stop does all the air not move around the world or just stay there pmsl :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

We are not allowed to put stickers or anything distracting in our cabs :stuck_out_tongue:

So let them put that in their pipe and smoke it :smiley:

Nanny, I want a wee

i can see that going down a storm here in france, they would be coming out in force :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: (on strike not out the closet :laughing: :laughing: )
they would be on strike before you could say ciggarette :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:
break out the pitch forks, the peasants could very well be revolting :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

roadhog wrote:

All seems like a load of [ZB] to me. nobody HAS to smoke, so ban it outright along with the sale of tobacco

Selfish [zb] :open_mouth: I enjoy a smoke, same as some people enjoy a drink etc. etc. If you were to enforce your pathetic idea, think how much extra you would pay in taxes?


ok then what people dont realise that the smokers pay a big lump of tax so ok thay stop you smoking . in the pub in your work place . one you will be drinking beer at home . but thats no life . so at the end of the day who will pay the tax that will be lost .

Do you know what? I have smoked about 300,000 cigarettes in my life; so why is smoking considered to be harmful?

If I had drunk 300,000 whiskeys I would be dead.

If I had eaten 300,000 bars of chocolate I would be dead.

If I had ingested 300,000 pain tablets I would be dead.

If I had engaged in â– â– â–  300,000 times I would be dead.

But here I am, happy as a lamb.

Why is it that cigarettes - rather than other things that are clearly far more dangerous - get all the heat, eh?

That’s what I want to know.

If I had engaged in â– â– â–  300,000 times I would be dead

lucky but dead :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Why is it that cigarettes - rather than other things that are clearly far more dangerous - get all the heat, eh?

That’s what I want to know.

Quite simply, it’s the fact that other people are affected by the ‘passive smoking’ situation, and more importantly, if they have to share a space with a smoker they don’t get a choice as to whether they inhale second hand smoke or not.

I agree that if smoking was banned outright there would be a big shortfall of tax to be found from somewhere. I also think that the government probably don’t spend as much on ‘smokers’ healthcare as they take in tobacco taxes,


it is everyones right to a smoke free lifestyle, be at work or during their leasure time and that includes the residuals of smoking.

Rather than the blanket ban on smoking in public places (such as pubs) there maybe should have been some flexibility that would allow some pubs to trade as ‘smoker friendly’ establishments, so long as they had the same sort of warnings displayed that a packet of ■■■■ has.

That way, all of us ‘clean air’ lovers could easily avoid the dirty atmosphere that is nicotine clouds!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink: :wink: :wink:

If I had engaged in â– â– â–  300,000 times I would be dead.

I’ve done that and I’m not dead yet.

Oh hang on, maybe you’re not counting ■■■ when alone. :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :wink: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

All seems like a load of [ZB] to me. nobody HAS to smoke, so ban it outright along with the sale of tobacco.

don’t forget the tax revenue - £8000 Million according toASH :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

that would have to come from somewhere - £130ish for every person in the country - and I don’t have to pay it at the moment :laughing:

I’m a non smoker, and cigarette smoke messes with my asthma, but if people want to smoke I’m not going to stop them ! just not in my cab :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

Just for the record, as far as I am aware the Police neither have the power or the paperwork (or the interest) to enforce this ban. Enforcement rests with the Local Authorities. The most an Officer could do, is to forward a statement to an Enforcement Authority, and as that would not be counted as a ‘Pro-active detection’, there is little incentive in doing so, unless, of course, a driver were to absolutely ‘rack’ someone off. :laughing:

How is it if the Officer catches you by snipping a cigaret through the window,astry full,and smell in Cab?
it’s a official Law and Police may have a Copy of it


If I had engaged in â– â– â–  300,000 times I would be dead.

I’ve done that and I’m not dead yet.

Oh hang on, maybe you’re not counting ■■■ when alone. :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :wink: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

proof it

Oh hang on, maybe you’re not counting ■■■ when alone. :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :wink: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, according to a recent survey, 82% of women fake having an â– â– â– â– â– â– .

Men always have an ■■■■■■ although they sometimes have to pretend that there’s someone else there.