cornish trucker:
Selfish [zb] :open_mouth: I enjoy a smoke, same as some people enjoy a drink etc. etc. If you were to enforce your pathetic idea, think how much extra you would pay in taxes?


Whatā€™s selfish about wanting to live longer and healthier?

When I was 9, I saw my gran coughing herself to death. she only had a half of one lung that was functioning, cancer had taken hold of the rest. she actually drowned, because fluid built up in her one remaining, partly functioning lung. nice eh?

If you want to smoke, do it in your own little bubble, without a filter, and enjoy it. but donā€™t pollute non-smokers air.

Oh, and paedophiles enjoy abusing kids. one persons enjoyment is never an excuse for someone elses suffering.

Denis F:
donā€™t forget the tax revenue - Ā£8000 Million according toASH :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

that would have to come from somewhere - Ā£130ish for every person in the country - and I donā€™t have to pay it at the moment :laughing:

but in years to come, how much would the NHS save by not having to treat smoking related illness? yea, it may take a while, but its got to be worth it in the long term.

As it stands, smokers are happy to burn Ā£35-Ā£70 each week. it just goes up in smoke. those people clearly have that amount of disposable income, as do people with mobile phones, gas-guzzling cars etc. weā€™re not a poor nation, weā€™re a nation of must-haves, so theres plenty of financial scope for people to pay a bit more tax. I donā€™t want to pay more tax, but I would if it meant an end to smoking.

theres also the global implications of smoking. the mass shipping of tobacco around the world. yea, ships and planes will continue to move around, but if we can limit their numbers by not importing a substance which has been proved to cause cancer, heart disease etc, then we should do it.

Smoker mustnā€™t go to Scotland


Denis F:
but in years to come, how much would the NHS save by not having to treat smoking related illness? yea, it may take a while, but its got to be worth it in the long term.quote]

WELL IT WOULDNT BE Ā£8000,000,000 per year would it!!!1

oh and with the 5% above inflation rise in tobacco taxes per year (supposedly to make people stop smoking) would take forever to make it even out againā€¦and the government would put up tax on god knows what.

one last thingā€¦if as people have said ā€œban smoking altogetherā€, well ban every vehicle that runs on combustable fuel too as they are a high contibutor to the smokers and passive none smokersā€¦but that dont get added to the figures does it!!!

rant over.

Harry Monk:
Yes, according to a recent survey, 82% of women fake having an ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā€¦

Dunno why they bother, itā€™s not as if blokes care and the energy expended in faking it could be put to much better use, running the hoover round afterwards for example. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Iā€™ll get me coat. :wink:

PMSL Coffeeholicā€¦soooo true :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

WELL IT WOULDNT BE Ā£8000,000,000 per year would it!!!

Iā€™ve no idea, iā€™m neither an actuary, an accountant or a financial analyst.

one last thingā€¦if as people have said ā€œban smoking altogetherā€, well ban every vehicle that runs on combustable fuel too as they are a high contibutor to the smokers and passive none smokersā€¦but that dont get added to the figures does it!!!
rant over.

look, nobody is born a smoker. you took the decision to smoke, but the secondhand smoke is causing people to die prematurely of smoking related diseases who have never smoked. that is unfair. Its not about stopping people smoking just for the hell of it, if it was injectable like heroin but obtainable like cigs, I wouldnā€™t have a problem with it because I wouldnā€™t have to suffer it.

Unfortunately, vehicles are a part of life now, and until hydrogen powered vehicles are affordable (zero emmisions - the only by-product is water), weā€™re stuck with trying to reduce the emmisions as much as possible.

Unfortunately, vehicles are a part of life now, and until hydrogen powered vehicles are affordable (zero emmisions - the only by-product is water), weā€™re stuck with trying to reduce the emmisions as much as possible.

Well unfortunatly SMOKING is a part of life for smokers at least and until they reduce the tar/nicotine but still make it smokableā€¦or until they make a patch that is able to deliver the required dose that smokers are used toā€¦not that want to give up!!!

i will not give up until i am forced toā€¦OH and may i just say that i am very considerate of non-smokers, i dont smoke around non-smokers and when i stay at my mothers (who is a ex-smoker and worse than anyone who has never smoked) i go outside in the garden no matter what the weather is like.

One last thingā€¦am i right in assuming that one person smoking one cigarette outside is polluting your air more than one car driving past you??
Or 100 people smoking 1 cigarette (which as i know your bad at maths is 100 cigarettes in total) are polluting your air more than 100 cars driving past you??
That is [zb], but the govā€™t dont want to do reports on that and if they doā€¦they DO NOT even remotly say it is a high contributer to deaths due to smoke inhalation, all they go on about is ozone layer, building decay etc!!!

Iā€™ve no idea, iā€™m neither an actuary, an accountant or a financial analyst.

its common senseā€¦or dont you have any idea how much money Ā£8000,000,000 actually is!!!

Small one. L. :wink:

Whatā€™s selfish about wanting to live longer and healthier?

When I was 9, I saw my gran coughing herself to death. she only had a half of one lung that was functioning, cancer had taken hold of the rest. she actually drowned, because fluid built up in her one remaining, partly functioning lung. nice eh?

If you want to smoke, do it in your own little bubble, without a filter, and enjoy it. but donā€™t pollute non-smokers air.

Oh, and paedophiles enjoy abusing kids. one persons enjoyment is never an excuse for someone elses suffering.

Ha! A Jeremy Kyle guest if ever i saw one!!

Or 100 people smoking 1 cigarette (which as i know your bad at maths is 100 cigarettes in total) are polluting your air more than 100 cars driving past you??

I never said I was bad at maths, I merely implied I didnā€™t want to be drawn into the whole taxation/revenue debate as thereā€™s a lot more to it. for example, you quoted that 8,000,000,000 is paid to the treasury by smokers, and t
e treasury would loose that if people stopped smoking. So those ex-smokers wouldnā€™t spend the extra Ā£50/week on anything else? maybe a car, holiday, other pastime, meals out etc. unless every smoker saves all of the money they would have spent on cigs, revenue will still be generated. therefore your statement that the government would loose that Ā£8,000,000,000 is incorrect.

I know the value of money, which is why I donā€™t burn it.


Or 100 people smoking 1 cigarette (which as i know your bad at maths is 100 cigarettes in total) are polluting your air more than 100 cars driving past you??

I never said I was bad at maths, I merely implied I didnā€™t want to be drawn into the whole taxation/revenue debate as thereā€™s a lot more to it. for example, you quoted that 8,000,000,000 is paid to the treasury by smokers, and t
e treasury would loose that if people stopped smoking. So those ex-smokers wouldnā€™t spend the extra Ā£50/week on anything else? maybe a car, holiday, other pastime, meals out etc. unless every smoker saves all of the money they would have spent on cigs, revenue will still be generated. therefore your statement that the government would loose that Ā£8,000,000,000 is incorrect.

I know the value of money, which is why I donā€™t burn it.

if we would prefer to have the Ā£50/week instead of smoking we would give up wouldnt we?? exactly!!!

with regard to smokers spending the money they spend on tobacco products on other thingsā€¦that is crap as the revenue gained on other items (and i believe that is anyother item you can purchase/pay for) it wouldnā€™t be anywhere near what they get from tobacco!!!1

Smoking kills .

yeah but cars/vehicles kill alot more people!!!

:confused: im not a smoker and my family when visit me all smoke out side i even give them an umberella in case of rain or snow arnt i kind but it is not all to smoking that afecks our lungs its viehecles every type but if the councils did not keep chopping the trees down to make way for moore roads we would probobly have some nice air to breeth . and just in case we have some sarcastik people in hear you dont get mutch call for trees in pubs and lorrys haha :wink: .but if we had plenty trees we would have nice air to breeth and as for cancer related to smoking is not all true as some peopl get cancer eaven if they never had a ā– ā– ā–  :confused:

that is true a frend of mine fell of a bike never smoked but cos of the fall thay found cancer . so its not all about smoking in the end its just .away of people haveing fun like going out to the pub . now that the pubs can open 24 /7 so thay stop you smoking in them .that is just one thing . and no smoking in you van or truck next it will be in your car. then your home big brother is watching you .