slip roads

anyone else have problems with these [zb] car drivers, when joining the motorway from the slip road or the services, plod on at the same speed, forcing you to move over or brake, then they shoot off at 80mph, do these people read the highway code, or have they changed the rules, i still have right of way don’t i … :unamused:

If it needs stars…blah…blah…L. :unamused:

Ahhh totally agree Steve they are plonkers :imp: …and yes i believe that you do have right of way as they are wanting to come on to your carriageway. What ive started doing is moving to the middle lane if safe to do so, before i get to a slip road :exclamation: :laughing:

Its mainly new drivers who have little or no experience of joining another road via a slip road and do not understand that the broken white line at the end of the slip road is in fact a give way line.
I blame the inadequate driving test not much different to the test I passed in 1967.
Also driving instructors who surely could find a dual carriageway with slip roads to train young drivers.
There is a lot to be said for some form of motorway training for the driving test… :exclamation: :exclamation:

I agree Smee.

When I passed my car driving test 6 years ago it included only small amounts of dual carriageway driving and during the training I probably only saw a couple of sliproads.

Its dangerous for them to say motorways aren’t to be covered in the car training or test. My girlfriend passed her test 4 years ago and refuses to go on a motorway in her car because she doesn’t feel prepared for it.

Thats just how they churn them out these days!


When i passed my test 22 years ago there was no need to go on the motorways because there was a third of the amount of cars on the roads? Or was it that it had not been intrduced into the test…TIME… aneathetises the brain :laughing: :laughing:

forcing you to move over or brake

Your not, so don’t!

The broken white line between the slip road and the main carriageway is a ‘Give Way’ sign to those wishing to join the flow of traffic from the right. ie they give way to you.

Why do so many drivers pull out infront of me to let some rep mobile speed off into the distance and make them look such a prat sitting out there overtaking nothing.

To tell the truth, I dont even let trucks out of a slip road anymore because they’ll sit beside you for miles and miles making you look an eejit stuck out in lane 2 holding up all the other traffic!

its not so much that im moving out to let someone in■■? its to give me an extra few seconds to see what is happening at the slip road before i glide back over to the nearside. Makes it safer if Mr Nutter wants to stretch his ST220’s legs and try and get to the end of theb slip road before i do. After all he doesnt know and cant see if im just about to let another 40 footer in front of me??

What ive started doing is moving to the middle lane if safe to do so, before i get to a slip road

Thats even worse! Its never safe to just move over to another lane for nothing. It cause me to either slow down or to try and overtake you when you might have moved for no good reason! Your on the main carriageway, so just continue on your journey FFS

Like i said Zeb, If its safe to do so! If i can get into the middle lane without causing any other road user to brake or change their course then it has to be safer than sitting in the nearside lane being dogmatic in thinking i have a right to be here and wait for Mr ST220 to take silly risks that endanger me and other road users?

i have had enough of these pratts who make an a~se out of me when i let them onto the motorway so i don’t even bother moving over now

But most lorry/truck drivers are the most dogmatic people I know.
How many conversations do you hear about ‘bloody trucks sitting side by side for miles’ just because 1 driver wont ease off his cruise control for a second or 2 to give way to another truck! Jeez, I’m glad I drive a van nowadays, it’s much easier.
Theres a couple of other threads on here about truckstops but who are the people who ■■■■ in the car parks, damage toilets and showers and despoil facilities provided for them? Lorry drivers are their own worst enemys sometimes. Even when stopping places are provided, drivers do their utmost not to pay for them or use them properly.

I have not got a problem with cars pulling out in front of me but its the ones who pull out and don’t get going instead they choose to dice with death… :imp:

i have had enough of these pratts who make an a~se out of me when i let them onto the motorway so i don’t even bother moving over now

Exactly as it should be!

I only let trucks out now, balls to the car drivers, they have the ability to go faster than me but sit there in a daze for about a mile until they realise where they are. Run em’ up the hard shoulder. :imp:

I move in to the middle if its safe to do so…for cars and trucks…But some times i whished the hell i hadn’t…like the times when you pull in to the middle lane to let trucks in…yet they can’t be ased to back off the limiter to let you get back in,so you spend the next few minutes playing kiss chase up the friin motorway…WHY bother??[/b]

same here - I don’t even bother letting cars out. To date, I have had 2 cars rolling stright onto the hard shoulder, one into a set of cones, and one doing the emergency stop on the slip, cus they can’t be ■■■■■■■ bothered to see that there is a bloody artic next to them!

One women even pulled up and her passenger started giving some out of the window, I got mine down and said what is the problem, she said that I was indicating and you should let me out - told her to get ■■■■■■ and reread the highway code as that line is to giveway to oncoming traffic - ie me in lane 1!

Stevie Mc:
Like i said Zeb, If its safe to do so! If i can get into the middle lane without causing any other road user to brake or change their course then it has to be safer than sitting in the nearside lane being dogmatic in thinking i have a right to be here and wait for Mr ST220 to take silly risks that endanger me and other road users?

Are for you real?

Why don’t you go back and read what you’ve wrote. :bulb: :unamused:

If you bothered to engage your brain and think about it, it’s people like you that create the problem in the first place by moving over. Once you start doing that then they expect you to do it every time and of course when you don’t, that’s when the ■■■■ hits the fan. If everyone just drove with common sense, ie. not moving over umpteen lanes every time a slip road appears on the horizon in case someone might be coming down it then none of this would be an issue. Those on the slip road would have a far better understanding of what the craic is and the majority would know that they either need to get their toe down or ease off and slot in behind instead of sitting alongside til they’re on the hard shoulder wondering why the ■■■■ you haven’t shifted your arse into lane 2 for them. :unamused:

I have had umpteen near misses when on the carriageway & approaching slip roads on m-ways & dual-c/ways.
the way I see it is if I can move over safely to let a car or truck on I will. but the other day I let a truck on at j19 m6 & it happened, instead of him slowing just 1km an hour to let me back in he was a powerfull blighter & was up to 56 in no time & undertook me! why?
I once asked a copper, and he said if you are coming onto the m-way & you can’t get on because 2 lanes are full of traffic, you can if the hard shoulder is clear use it until a gap appears! So thats what I do it’s alot safer than breaking & joining traffic at 40-50mph.

I have had umpteen near misses when on the carriageway & approaching slip roads on m-ways & dual-c/ways.
the way I see it is if I can move over safely to let a car or truck on I will. but the other day I let a truck on at j19 m6 & it happened, instead of him slowing just 1km an hour to let me back in he was a powerfull blighter & was up to 56 in no time & undertook me! why?
I once asked a copper, and he said if you are coming onto the m-way & you can’t get on because 2 lanes are full of traffic, you can if the hard shoulder is clear use it until a gap appears! So thats what I do it’s alot safer than breaking & joining traffic at 40-50mph.

Hmm, penny might drop one day then eh? :bulb:

If I can for a Truck I will move over,If I cant,then I cant.
Its up to them if they want to put their foot down or not,I used to be the one to move over before,but was left in lane 2 looking like a ■■■■■■■ I dont bother as much nowadays.
If someone in a car cant be bothered to speed up to more than 30mph on a sliproad when they could go faster if they had a brain and an ounce of common sense,then I wont move over cause im busy dealing with what is actually on the carriageway. :wink:
many a time i’ve slowed down or as a last resort flashed them out,but this confuses them 9 times out of 10 and they end up braking to a standstill at the end of the sliproad.
So by me just carrying on,on the limiter,with no intention of moving over,Im stopping any confusion that may arise by leaving the decision to them.