slip roads

i had a car side swip me when i drove artics was on the A14 near cambridge and the bloke started raving about i should have given way to him as he was joining the duel carrageway.when police arrived they gave him a ticket for inconsiderate driving…also why we are on slip roads has anyone seen the rise in people on phones near the end of them…I nearly took i car out at the wekend while in my truck gave him a blast of hooter,that made him jump a bit :smiley:

anyone else have problems with these [zb] car drivers, when joining the motorway from the slip road or the services…

Yep, deal with these ■■■■ jockeys every junction of the M50. Fact of life. :unamused:

anyone else have problems with these [zb] car drivers, when joining the motorway from the slip road or the services, plod on at the same speed, forcing you to move over or brake, then they shoot off at 80mph, do these people read the highway code, or have they changed the rules, i still have right of way don’t i … :unamused:

If it needs stars…blah…blah…L. :unamused:

Its up to them to select a safe and convenient place to join the motorway.

Therefore, as its up to them, I stay where I am and sod 'em.

Why the [zb] do they come all the way down the slip, knowing you are there yet still don’t hang back or take the space in front o you?? Arse holes - every last one of 'em

Its the ones who pull off the hard shoulder like they are leaving a layby that gets me. I saw a truck do it one day on the M18 SB. He was almost at jct 4. He should have gone along the shoulder to the slip and then back down the other side of the junction - NOPE ! He just plodded straight out !! IDIOT

Yep, deal with these ■■■■ jockeys every junction of the M50. Fact of life. :unamused:

In defense I have to say that the M50 and the A40 / A449 has really short slip roads. I agree that they come from them too quick to slow down if necessary though.

You managed to quote an edit for word censor dodging, yet in the same post do the same yourself…Is it me? L. :unamused:

I know I’ve signed up tp truck net and don;t actually drive a HGV I do however work for a transport company. As a car driver I respect Truck drivers and have always given them plenty of room on roundabouts (Unlike some drivers I have witnessed)
I appreciate they have different capabilities to cars!!
I used to be wary or motorways until my son started competed in sailing all over the UK :laughing:
Now I am used to them and if joining a motorway will hope that someone allows me to join seamlessly, I also approach at a reasonable speed t enable me to slot into traffic seamlessly BUT I am also aware that I should give way and am prepared to use the hard shoulder if I need to.
If I am on the motorway approaching a slip road I will move over to the middle lane if I can do so safely OR adjust my speed so adjoining traffic can slot in seamlessly.
I think this kind of give and take is much more sensible and what slip roads were designed for ,although I am aware that some drivers are pig-headed and don’t take into consideration other road users :open_mouth:
I think this applies to both proffessional drivers and the general public :unamused:

People, people, people!

Take a chill pill.

There may be an idiot at the wheel of the vehicle joining the motorway but, there may be innocent passengers too (maybe children). surely as professional drivers we are going to approach on slips the same as we would approach any other junction, safely and with care, attention and professional courtesy.

Right of way is peculiar to English law and has nothing to do with the rules of the road. It has more to do with freedom to ramble the open countryside. We have PRIORITYwhen on the main carriageway but, having priority will be no comfort to any of us if we are partly responsible for the injury of another road user.

I would say what I do, but to be honest i can’t because every time I pass a slip road there are different things happening, so I act accordingly, however One thing I always do when coming along a road where a slip road joins is to look into the mirror of any vehicle entering the main road to see when they look for approaching traffic, if they appear not to look and are nearing the end of the slip road I am then well prepared for them when they get flustered because they have limited time to sort out their predicament.

When I drive my car I have never had to be let in by anyone apart from when there is major congestion and the traffic is stationary.
It is so easy to set my speed to match the flow of traffic and cannot understand why others can’t manage it.

When I drive my car I have never had to be let in by anyone apart from when there is major congestion and the traffic is stationary.
It is so easy to set my speed to match the flow of traffic and cannot understand why others can’t manage it.

Quite. I’ve never had any problems joining in a truck either. The exact same thing applies - adjust speed accordingly = problem over.

As obi-wan says Chill, There are alot of different views on this topic ranging from i quote “[zb] em to cant be [zb], my right of way, idiots,etc” it should be our responsibility as profesional road users to try and encourage good road use by being a considerate and courteous driver? If you are coming off of of a slip road in a forty footer how many times have you said under your breath or even out loud MOVE OVER [zb] :imp: ■■. If the big lorry matches your speed (when you let him in) drop a couple of KPH and slot in behind him! Its better than him thinking will he let me in …then run out of road and have to lock up the rig (Not a problem really is it?) Dont let the red mist cloud your judgement. It also keeps the stress headaches away. :laughing:

Oh for crying out loud…Not another one…GO AND READ THE RULES!!! L. :confused:

Stevie Mc:
If you are coming off of of a slip road in a forty footer how many times have you said under your breath or even out loud MOVE OVER [zb] :imp: ■■.
Er, never. :bulb: It’s up to me to sort my speed out to merge as safely as poss with those already on the main carriageway, no go barrelling down the slip hell for leather barging everyone out of the way which is clearly your way of doing things. :unamused:


Stevie Mc:

:confused: The “good points” as you call them aren’t worth commenting on becase it’s simple common sense. It was the ridiculous comments such as your own that needed addressing, which is what I did! :confused: :smiley:

Ok Rob, you win…No more arguing :unamused:

I only let trucks out now, balls to the car drivers, they have the ability to go faster than me but sit there in a daze for about a mile until they realise where they are. Run em’ up the hard shoulder. :imp:

That’s about as short sighted as the car driver :unamused: .
They’ll be s**gged/squashed then because that’s where the trucker’s park when the services are full and they can’t be arsed driving to the next safe legal location.

Anyway someone must know/love our jnc 25 onto the M60 anticlockwise at Bredbury, stockport. Not sure how to do the ariel view link so here’s the map link, just zoom it in a bit.

Don’t you just love joining the motorway in lane 3 then trying to sneak across into lane 1 or 2 to stay legal without do a continental style side swipe :laughing:

It just goes to prove British truckers must be better. :slight_smile:


I only let trucks out now, balls to the car drivers, they have the ability to go faster than me but sit there in a daze for about a mile until they realise where they are. Run em’ up the hard shoulder. :imp:

That’s about as short sighted as the car driver :unamused: .
They’ll be s**gged/squashed then because that’s where the trucker’s park when the services are full and they can’t be arsed driving to the next safe legal location.

Anyway someone must know/love our jnc 25 onto the M60 anticlockwise at Bredbury, stockport. Not sure how to do the ariel view link so here’s the map link, just zoom it in a bit.

Don’t you just love joining the motorway in lane 3 then trying to sneak across into lane 1 or 2 to stay legal without do a continental style side swipe :laughing:

It just goes to prove British truckers must be better. :slight_smile:

It’s the same at J17 on the M8 if heading eastbound having come off the Gt. Western Rd. Only difference is that you join in lane 4, not 3, making it even more of a challenge to get across before lane 4 ends at the next junction :open_mouth: :confused: .

anyone else have problems with these [zb] car drivers, when joining the motorway from the slip road or the services, plod on at the same speed, forcing you to move over or brake, then they shoot off at 80mph, do these people read the highway code, or have they changed the rules, i still have right of way don’t i … :unamused:

If it needs stars…blah…blah…L. :unamused:

You could always slow down if you see a line of traffic on the slip road…

Cause once they get around the ■■■ in front they’re away :laughing:

It’s all a bit of give and take …
Cars can sort themselves out , they have the power , it’s the ■■■ behind the wheel that doesn’t :laughing:
If a truck pins me out I get ■■■■■■ off , but if they are quicker then let them get on with it .
Anyone blindly coming down the slip road , give the horn a toot so they know you are there , it’s what it is for .But be wary of those that are day dreaming , when you toot the horn they tend to panic and swerve a bit . :unamused:

i stay in the nearside lane on motorways unless it is a lorry coming down the slip road then i will move over if able but if not then obviously if something coming up on me i stay where i am as being a reasonable driver then i always look at the road as coming down the slip road and can normally jugde where i will be able to slot in

on dual carrigeways though i am always a bit more wary as the slip road bits tend to be a lot shorter. really hate the a50 stoke uttoxeter bit(i think it is) as you only see the cars about 50yrds before they come on esp after the underpasses

the worst slip road that gets me is coming out of alfreton onto the a38. the slip road goes round 90degrees and then you lose sight of the road and by the time you get it in your mirrors again you onlyhave 50yds to pick up speed and your spot