Site is borked

Evidently Rikki has not realised from the last post being 8 hours ago that the site is borked. There is no connectivity from any UK ISP. It’s about time Rikki moved the site to a proper host that knows how to configure routing instead of one that is run by kids from their bedroom.

Rikki is on hols. But I’m sure the admin team are on to it :smiley:

Quick to jump to his defence dar very admirable.

He IS on holiday. Just stating a fact.

He IS on holiday. Just stating a fact.

put a pm into the site via FB
the bloke cant be here 24/7 /366 he gotta have a 15 at some time just for a crap :unamused:

Dieseldave is the newest member of the admin team so lets blame him :wink: :laughing:

Dieseldave is the newest member of the admin team so lets blame him :wink: :laughing:

well not fair really …think we should blame you ROG I’m sure you’ll find some ruling that says you aint responsible :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

To be honest I never understood going with GoDaddy as an ISP, but then I can’t complain as the access to the forum is not charged.


Dieseldave is the newest member of the admin team so lets blame him :wink: :laughing:

well not fair really …think we should blame you ROG I’m sure you’ll find some ruling that says you aint responsible :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

He’ll need to take a full rest to consider that :smiley:

To be honest I never understood going with GoDaddy as an ISP, but then I can’t complain as the access to the forum is not charged.

Yeah but charging for access to any site is a surefire way of killing it. If they started charging to use Trucknet the numbers would plummet.


To be honest I never understood going with GoDaddy as an ISP, but then I can’t complain as the access to the forum is not charged.

Yeah but charging for access to any site is a surefire way of killing it. If they started charging to use Trucknet the numbers would plummet.

could be a good thing! It would weedle out the trolls.:wink:

And everyone else. It would turn this place into a ghost town. I wish it were possible to monetise sites in such away as with over a 100,000 hits in my blog a month I’d be quids in but even If I charged a pound a year the numbers would disappear.



Dieseldave is the newest member of the admin team so lets blame him :wink: :laughing:

well not fair really …think we should blame you ROG I’m sure you’ll find some ruling that says you aint responsible :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

He’ll need to take a full rest to consider that :smiley:

think your right Rog must be having a 45 + compensation :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Rob K:
Evidently Rikki has not realised from the last post being 8 hours ago that the site is borked. There is no connectivity from any UK ISP. It’s about time Rikki moved the site to a proper host that knows how to configure routing instead of one that is run by kids from their bedroom.

Why don’t you just watch the Jeremy Kyle show or a repeat of Homes Under the Hammer until the site is fixed instead?

The racist homophobe can watch it with him next year. Cue more unemployment ■■■■■■■■… :unamused:

To be honest I never understood going with GoDaddy as an ISP, but then I can’t complain as the access to the forum is not charged.

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

Harry Monk:

Rob K:
Evidently Rikki has not realised from the last post being 8 hours ago that the site is borked. There is no connectivity from any UK ISP. It’s about time Rikki moved the site to a proper host that knows how to configure routing instead of one that is run by kids from their bedroom.

Why don’t you just watch the Jeremy Kyle show or a repeat of Homes Under the Hammer until the site is fixed instead?

Brilliant predictable to the end :unamused:

Ya daft Bigot.

Harry Monk:

Rob K:
Evidently Rikki has not realised from the last post being 8 hours ago that the site is borked. There is no connectivity from any UK ISP. It’s about time Rikki moved the site to a proper host that knows how to configure routing instead of one that is run by kids from their bedroom.

Why don’t you just watch the Jeremy Kyle show or a repeat of Homes Under the Hammer until the site is fixed instead?

Because moaning on here has massaged his ego for years

To be honest I never understood going with GoDaddy as an ISP,

We are not hosted by Godaddy, they simply are the registrar for the domain name- a legacy from when the US side owned the domain.

And everyone else. It would turn this place into a ghost town. I wish it were possible to monetise sites in such away as with over a 100,000 hits in my blog a month I’d be quids in but even If I charged a pound a year the numbers would disappear.

Correct and it is the stated policy of this site we wont charge to use it.- it is possible to monetise without charging, after all after 10 years we seem to have paid the bills and covered the wages, but it took a long time and a lot of hard work to get there, and at times we struggled. However the web is a bit like the haulage industry, if you have a niche product aimed at a focused audience then you do have a asset then those wishing to advertise will pay to reach. However advertising isn’t the paymaster the business model relies on other sources of income from the forum than the banners. Audience perception and data are two key assets (among others) that create income way above the visible advertising banners ( and no we don’t sell your e-mail addresses or pass on any personal information).

Rob K:
Evidently Rikki has not realised from the last post being 8 hours ago that the site is borked. There is no connectivity from any UK ISP. It’s about time Rikki moved the site to a proper host that knows how to configure routing instead of one that is run by kids from their bedroom.

I normally ignore you as irrelevant- but if you want lets play a bit- you up for it Rob?

So given you and I know the individual ISP’s that users use will route through their partners, just how would you route your traffic to your website (in detail) ? how would you enforce that on ISP’s? (in detail)? when Red Hat has a major router failure that effects all sites routed through their hub, just what would you use to bring pressure to bear on them to get your website routed via other means?.

Rob your talking through your arse, and trying to look like you know something, I , when you were working at a host, provided you with the technical specs deal we were getting and the cost and invited you to put a tender in, why didn’t you?

In the last 12 months we have had a 98.7% up time- yes I would like 100% . who wouldn’t but things do happen - I am so sorry that for you things are not perfect, but you were challenged (as you have been on many other threads and subjects) to show where your “knowledge” comes from and we have yet to see why we should listen to you in any way shape or form- apart from the fact your very good at banging keys on a keyboard- if you want to give advice establish some credentials first -

A few years ago when we were in ■■■■ - and broke you offered nicely to take over the site- every single person involved in running the site said if you did they would have nothing to do with it any more- says something when the guys who built this site wont, and refuse to work with you at all

When you cease to be the “oracle” and font of all wisdom and truth and realise most of us are laughing at you then we may listen until then you will remain irrelevant