Site is borked

<-----takes a front row seat

<-----takes a front row seat

budge up!

Free popcorn, but I fear you will be disappointed with the show, as some folks talk a lot but have little to back it up :open_mouth:


Rob K:
Evidently Rikki has not realised from the last post being 8 hours ago that the site is borked. There is no connectivity from any UK ISP. It’s about time Rikki moved the site to a proper host that knows how to configure routing instead of one that is run by kids from their bedroom.

I normally ignore you as irrelevant- but if you want lets play a bit- you up for it Rob?

So given you and I know the individual ISP’s that users use will route through their partners, just how would you route your traffic to your website (in detail) ? how would you enforce that on ISP’s? (in detail)? when Red Hat has a major router failure that effects all sites routed through their hub, just what would you use to bring pressure to bear on them to get your website routed via other means?.

Quite simply, you don’t. You stop accepting their excuses and move your site to a host that uses an infrastructure that actually works. It’s not hard.

Rob your talking through your arse, and trying to look like you know something, I , when you were working at a host, provided you with the technical specs deal we were getting and the cost and invited you to put a tender in, why didn’t you?

Short memory? When I offered to get some figures together you replied that you were happy with your current set up, so that was the end of it as far as I was concerned.

In the last 12 months we have had a 98.7% up time- yes I would like 100% . who wouldn’t but things do happen - I am so sorry that for you things are not perfect, but you were challenged (as you have been on many other threads and subjects) to show where your “knowledge” comes from and we have yet to see why we should listen to you in any way shape or form- apart from the fact your very good at banging keys on a keyboard- if you want to give advice establish some credentials first -

You were fully aware at the time what my (our) credentials were along with the company details when we were discussing this via PM. I see no reason nor obligation why I should post any of that into the publin domain, especially when it is known that there are several individuals on this site that would have an ■■■■ over receiving such personal info and do their damndest to make life as difficult as possible for both parties.

A few years ago when we were in [zb] - and broke you offered nicely to take over the site- every single person involved in running the site said if you did they would have nothing to do with it any more- says something when the guys who built this site wont, and refuse to work with you at all

I have no recollection of this whatsoever. Link? Or would this just be you pulling soundbites out of your arse to add more weight to your (non)story? Clearly you seem to be forgetting the “Rob K for moderator” thread back in mid noughties which out of 3 or 4 pages of replies was split roughly 50/50 for and against - not a bad effort for someone who is allegedly “irrelevant” I’d say.

When you cease to be the “oracle” and font of all wisdom and truth and realise most of us are laughing at you then we may listen until then you will remain irrelevant

I’m glad that you and henchmen are having yourselves a good laugh at my expense. It doesn’t bother me in the slightest. Now if only you’d put as much effort into appointing a reputable host as you do arguing over irrelevancies with me then you might just find yourself with a site that works 100% of the time instead of only 98.7%. :smiley:

So yet again you dont answer the questions…as a website how do you force an ISP to route? care to answer? go on give it your best shot…

Short memory? When I offered to get some figures together you replied that you were happy with your current set up, so that was the end of it as far as I was concerned.

Its against the rules to reproduce PM’s but you where provided with all the technical details and the current cost and never responded- I am guessing the real time mirror server in a seperate location was something was a bit beyond your family memeber

and at last count the company we are talking about , which you were in favour didn’t have an SLA agreement above 95% ( I haven’t looked recently to be fair)

I notice you still spout a lot of “advice” but don’t give your credentials for doing so- anything you want to tell us why we should listen to you? Give us a good reason why your the font of all knowledge and I am sure we will all listen, until you establish those credentials you remain a keyboard warrior- your opinion is worthless at this time - and that’s being kind

So yet again you dont answer the questions…as a website how do you force an ISP to route? care to answer? go on give it your best shot…

You can’t FORCE an ISP or host to do anything. The fact the site could be accessed from elsewhere strongly points to routing issues or ■■■■■■ infrastructure though. You can ASK them to do something about it but that’s about it. If you keep getting repeated failures then your only option is to move your business elsewhere.

Its against the rules to reproduce PM’s but you where provided with all the technical details and the current cost and never responded-

I don’t recall any such PM but I do recall asking you how much you were currently paying to see if we could better it but no reply was forthcoming to my knowledge. If you did send the details then I can only apologise for not replying as I have no recollection of receiving any details of your requirements. But I am pretty sure the discussion was already over by that point anyway as you’d informed me that you were happy with your existing arragement.

I am guessing the real time mirror server in a seperate location was something was a bit beyond your family memeber

Of course not - it’s pretty basic stuff that anyone involved in the field would be fully up to speed with.

and at last count the company we are talking about , which you were in favour didn’t have an SLA agreement above 95% ( I haven’t looked recently to be fair)

Now that is just rubbish. We had a 100% uptime for countless years on the trot and checking webhostingstuff/uptime it’s currently sitting at 99.99% :

■■■ Ltd Uptime Report:

■■■ Ltd has an overall uptime of 99.99% for their corporate website.

Their corporate site, ■■■, has been monitored for 2,134 days since 12 Jun 2007 by Uptime Monitoring â„¢.

By providing the uptime percentage for ■■■ Ltd corporate website, we hope to help you in your research on their past uptime performance.

At 99.99% overall uptime, ■■■ Ltd’s uptime is considered excellent.

The only downtime was, according to the above site, March 2011 for 39 mins and March 2012 for 16 mins. 100% for the remaining time since June 2007, not a bad record imho.

I notice you still spout a lot of “advice” but don’t give your credentials for doing so- anything you want to tell us why we should listen to you? Give us a good reason why your the font of all knowledge and I am sure we will all listen, until you establish those credentials you remain a keyboard warrior- your opinion is worthless at this time - and that’s being kind

Where have I asked anyone to listen to me? My opinion is just that - an opinion - and given that this is an internet forum, you know, where people post their opinions and stuff, it seems to me to be a perfect place to post them. If you don’t like those opinions because you do not agree with them then instead of resorting to childish comments such as “keyboard warrior” you could just simply ignore them and accept that people have differing opinions to your own, like most civlised adults manage to do just fine.

As for your “requirement” for credentials every time someone posts their opinion on something, well good luck with that one. Maybe it’s about time you learned to accept that people do know what they’re talking about but would rather not post their life history in public just to appease a handful of doubters. Personally I’m fine with the current status quo spouted by some members here that I’ve never driven a truck/never owned a truck/never run a business/never had a job/am on benefits/watch Jeremy Kyle all day/etc etc :laughing: - if it makes them feel better about themselves and their lives then that’s fine by me. The people that know me personally know different and that’s all that matters.

Free popcorn, but I fear you will be disappointed with the show, as some folks talk a lot but have little to back it up :open_mouth:

Brilliant , :unamused:

It’s about time Rikki moved the site to a proper host that knows how to configure routing instead

Just so do you configure routing Rob as a website owner- please enlighten me

I don’t recall any such PM

that’s handy for you, luckily I do

Where have I asked anyone to listen to me? My opinion is just that - an opinion - and given that this is an internet forum, you know, where people post their opinions and stuff, it seems to me to be a perfect place to post them.

It may scare you , but we agree… however we also have the choice to decide on whose opinion is worth listening too, and in my humble opinion yours isn’t, as I have seen no justification as to why your opinion is valid- you dont have to supply that validation that’s true- in the same way we don’t have to have any respect for your opinions- but some here do have respect as they show where their knowledge and expertise comes from, other however tap their keyboard and think that’s enough - the days of the keyboards warrior are over, there are too many people accustomed to the internet to call your bluff- and yours has been well and truly called on a number of occasions and every time you have declined to answer- so as I said your opinions are irrelevant as far as I am concerned - tonight I am having a bit of internet banter , cos its fun, your not someone who I take seriously- :wink:

Any fool can have an opinion ( and most do) it takes experience and respect for that opinion to be valued- that’s far rarer


It’s about time Rikki moved the site to a proper host that knows how to configure routing instead

Just so do you configure routing Rob as a website owner- please enlighten me

By identifying where the bottleneck is and changing the DNS to route around it.

It may scare you , but we agree… however we also have the choice to decide on whose opinion is worth listening too, and in my humble opinion yours isn’t, as I have seen no justification as to why your opinion is valid- you dont have to supply that validation that’s true- in the same way we don’t have to have any respect for your opinions- but some here do have respect as they show where their knowledge and expertise comes from, other however tap their keyboard and think that’s enough - the days of the keyboards warrior are over, there are too many people accustomed to the internet to call your bluff- and yours has been well and truly called on a number of occasions and every time you have declined to answer- so as I said your opinions are irrelevant as far as I am concerned - tonight I am having a bit of internet banter , cos its fun, your not someone who I take seriously- :wink:

Thank you for your opinion. Equally, I don’t hold any of your opinions in high regard either, especially hypocritical ones such as those where you bang on about how everyone must adhere to the site rules but yet you knowingly allow banned members to continue posting under various aliases in direct contravention of the site rules. As you say : “there are too many people accustomed to the internet to call your bluff- and yours has been well and truly called on a number of occasions and every time you have declined to answer”.

especially hypocritical ones such as those where you bang on about how everyone must adhere to the site rules but yet you knowingly allow banned members to continue posting under various aliases.

Kettle Black and Pot, need we remind you of just which member who was advising folks how to get around IP bans by using proxy servers, and also had a few “other usernames” - I wonder who that could be?

Don’t act the innocent Rob, it doesn’t suit you.

face it mate, being a rabble rouser no longer cuts it, you had your time but its past- no your just seen as an angry old man more to be pityed than taken seriously- you had your day Rob but its long gone- retire gracefully and save yourself the embaressment of thinking you are in any way relevant- cos you long ceased to be of any consequence to us

As I said I am bantering with you tonight for fun, your relevance to this site is almost nil- and I find it amusing you still come here to try to take part with no credibility- that takes balls of steel or stupidity, which one is it?

Rob K:


It’s about time Rikki moved the site to a proper host that knows how to configure routing instead

Just so do you configure routing Rob as a website owner- please enlighten me

By identifying where the bottleneck is and changing the DNS to route around it.

It may scare you , but we agree… however we also have the choice to decide on whose opinion is worth listening too, and in my humble opinion yours isn’t, as I have seen no justification as to why your opinion is valid- you dont have to supply that validation that’s true- in the same way we don’t have to have any respect for your opinions- but some here do have respect as they show where their knowledge and expertise comes from, other however tap their keyboard and think that’s enough - the days of the keyboards warrior are over, there are too many people accustomed to the internet to call your bluff- and yours has been well and truly called on a number of occasions and every time you have declined to answer- so as I said your opinions are irrelevant as far as I am concerned - tonight I am having a bit of internet banter , cos its fun, your not someone who I take seriously- :wink:

Thank you for your opinion. Equally, I don’t hold any of your opinions in high regard either, especially hypocritical ones such as those where you bang on about how everyone must adhere to the site rules but yet you knowingly allow banned members to continue posting under various aliases in direct contravention of the site rules. As you say : “there are too many people accustomed to the internet to call your bluff- and yours has been well and truly called on a number of occasions and every time you have declined to answer”.

Why does your jealousy continue to manifest itself on this site? The most simplistic way to erode your concern is to not log into or browse the site, yet year in year out you do. More to the point people have said to you on numerous occasions set your own site up and you still have not.

Why does your jealousy continue to manifest itself on this site? The most simplistic way to erode your concern is to not log into or browse the site, yet year in year out you do. More to the point people have said to you on numerous occasions set your own site up and you still have not.

because that would have to mean he put or shut up- and if he couldn’t make it work have to admit he was wrong, and for a Yorkshireman that’s unforgiveable - he is convinced he can do it better but not willing to put the work in to try, we have put the work in, its not perfect but at least we made the effort and not spent our lives sniping from the sidelines


especially hypocritical ones such as those where you bang on about how everyone must adhere to the site rules but yet you knowingly allow banned members to continue posting under various aliases.

Kettle Black and Pot, need we remind you of just which member who was advising folks how to get around IP bans by using proxy servers, and also had a few “other usernames” - I wonder who that could be?

Now now Rikki, stop trying to change the subject. Or should one consider your complete avoidance of addressing/answering that comment to be your bluff well and truly called? :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t act the innocent Rob, it doesn’t suit you.

:open_mouth: Me? Innocent? I think you’re getting me mixed up with someone else old chap. My lack of “innocence” is one of the reasons why I refuse to answer certain questions put to me because if I were to answer them honestly it could land me in a lot of bother. There’s no way I’m risking my neck to satisfy some randoms on the internet.

face it mate, being a rabble rouser no longer cuts it, you had your time but its past- no your just seen as an angry old man more to be pityed than taken seriously- you had your day Rob but its long gone- retire gracefully and save yourself the embaressment of thinking you are in any way relevant- cos you long ceased to be of any consequence to us

I feel quite honoured and heart-warmed that I was “relevant” and some “consequence” to you in the past. :sunglasses: :smiley: :smiley:

Any more from the resident expert? - keep going mate cos your making yourself look so good - remind me just what are you good at? apart from sniping on internet forums?

Oh I forgot you can tell us all where we are going wrong- as you do regulary but decline to tell us all where your expertise comes from

This site will be dead in 2 years

From, 2005, written by a certain Rob K - do we look dead yet?

Any more from the resident expert? - keep going mate cos your making yourself look so good - remind me just what are you good at? apart from sniping on internet forums?

Oh I forgot you can tell us all where we are going wrong- as you do regulary but decline to tell us all where your expertise comes from

This site will be dead in 2 years

From, 2005, written by a certain Rob K - do we look dead yet?

I should make you one of those flow charts.

Is the question going to make me look foolish if I answer it truthfully?

No > Answer the question.
Yes > Quickly change the subject and resort to talking about visitor stats. :stuck_out_tongue:

But in answer to your question, no the site isn’t dead yet in terms of visitors, but in terms of content it is. Or are my own observations plus the abundance of threads over the past 12 months on the same topic just a figment of our imaginations then? The site is not a patch on what it was 5 > 10 years ago in terms of content and if you’re honest with yourself you’d agree. If it wasn’t for the heavy promotion and advertising through the various media outlets that the site has now I think these forums would be pretty dead.

Yes Rob, your right , I bow to your expertise on running truck related forums - as I do on your expertise on running trucks - you have of course done both successfully and therefore spout from a position that has some credence?
I have had enough fun for one night, thanks Rob, for a pleasant evening chatting its always a pleasure to banter with someone who thinks they can do it better , but cant do it themselves- keep knocking us , it keep us on our toes :wink:

Yes Rob, your right , I bow to your expertise on running truck related forums - as I do on your expertise on running trucks - you have of course done both successfully and therefore spout from a position that has some credence?
I have had enough fun for one night, thanks Rob, for a pleasant evening chatting its always a pleasure

Your :stuck_out_tongue: very welcome, any time :smiley: . Have a good evening sir, good night. :smiley:

Rob K:
I should make you one of those flow charts.

Is the question going to make me look foolish if I answer it truthfully?

No > Answer the question.
Yes > Quickly change the subject and resort to talking about visitor stats. :stuck_out_tongue:

But in answer to your question, no the site isn’t dead yet in terms of visitors, but in terms of content it is. Or are my own observations plus the abundance of threads over the past 12 months on the same topic just a figment of our imaginations then? The site is not a patch on what it was 5 > 10 years ago in terms of content and if you’re honest with yourself you’d agree. If it wasn’t for the heavy promotion and advertising through the various media outlets that the site has now I think these forums would be pretty dead.

So many words from someone who isn’t even prepared to say if he has a job…

Any more from the resident expert? - keep going mate cos your making yourself look so good - remind me just what are you good at? apart from sniping on internet forums?

Bit of pot kettle and black here. Especaly after seeing your veiws on tge boston bombings elsewhere on the net.

I have no issues or agendas with anyone on this site,but the Vince/Monk thing is a tad confusing.I was talking with someone who is on pre-mod…NOT banned,who started posting under another name.Apparently quickly sussed out,and (I think) pre modded on that one also.Against the rules,fair enough,but why can some do it and others can’t?The last bit not directed at HM,but at moderators or whoever that know some people have multiple identities and let them carry on.