Sick pay

Was just wondering what different companies pay when you go sick, either for a day or two or long term. Do some of the bigger firms do up to 6 months on full pay? And what is SSP these days and when does it kick in? Just being nosey really!

When I worked for 3663 it was - 0
Warburtons - the same

As far as i’m aware most companies don’t pay any sick pay these days but it will depend on the company, some might have a ‘waiting’ period and there should be a few that still do but not many.

When I worked for 3663 it was - 0
Warburtons - the same

As far as i’m aware most companies don’t pay any sick pay these days but it will depend on the company, some might have a ‘waiting’ period and there should be a few that still do but not many.

Yeah I thought that would be the case, though wondered about the bigger firms so you have pretty much answered that with the 3663 and Warburtons.

Wonder if its any different on local authorities work, ie bin wagons, general maintenance etc?

we get nowt except the usual SSP ,

When I worked at Royal Mail we got 6months on full pay then another ^ on half pay IIRC

there was a few who milked that though

we get nowt except the usual SSP ,

When I worked at Royal Mail we got 6months on full pay then another ^ on half pay IIRC

there was a few who milked that though

Thats the problem, many see it as additional leave. Do they still do that at Royal Mail then?


we get nowt except the usual SSP ,

When I worked at Royal Mail we got 6months on full pay then another ^ on half pay IIRC

there was a few who milked that though

Thats the problem, many see it as additional leave. Do they still do that at Royal Mail then?

No idea mate I left there in 1989…(god that makes me feel old :open_mouth: )

Doubt the union would give a perk like that up though.

I can just see it now, Interviewer," Well Mr Zippy, that’s what the job entails, any questions ? " Mr Zippy, well yeah, d’ya pay sick pay, and if so when does it kick in ? " :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Ours pays full for 6 months :smiley: the half for 6 :slight_smile: …Mind you we are owned by Zee Germans and we are salaried apart from nights out thats extra…DON’T mention the war… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Every company I have worked for has never paid sick pay apart from the last one that said sick pay was to be paid at the companies discretion, but none of the lads got it Im lucky don’t ever really get ill apart from the odd cold but that is nothing a paracetamol wont fix.

SSP These days is sweet ZB all.

Isn’t it £72 a week, and kicks in on the 3rd consecutive working day? Summat like that anyway.


When i went on the sick just over 3 yrs ago i got SSP for 29 wk ( yes this is allowed the norn is 26 wk ) soz cant remember what it was

then incapacity benefit which was £96 pw

then ESA which is £64 pw you will go onto this after 26-29 wk of SSP

as i worked for a small firm at the time

yes i am back workin ( although not drivin :frowning: :frowning: it is work )

We get £40 a day for (I think) 6 months in any one year. It used to be full pay until too many people took the ■■■■, but that was before my time. We’re a shipping line.

for every year u work at the fimr i work at u get 2 weeks full sick pay which is £200 a week after that its ssp i had 10 years and got 20 weeks for when i was off the other year after a shoulder op

Was just wondering what different companies pay when you go sick, either for a day or two or long term. Do some of the bigger firms do up to 6 months on full pay? And what is SSP these days and when does it kick in? Just being nosey really!

Sick pay?..SICK PAY■■? WTF is that when it’s at home? Fairly good as my firm is, they absolutely don’t give sick pay. For some reason, the office wallahs and team-leaders get it though.
I think that at one time a lot of firms paid sick pay, but got so sick of having the living ■■■■ taken out of them(people conveniently developing symptoms coinciding with football matches, nice sunny days and the like, that they found it simpler and cheaper to stop paying it. My last firm were a case in point, people were always skiving off sick, but when they decided to do something about it they always seemed to target the genuine people :imp:

no just get ssp, the problem with paying sick pay, was it was abused by some who treated it as extra weeks holidays, why most firms stopped it .

I can just see it now, Interviewer," Well Mr Zippy, that’s what the job entails, any questions ? " Mr Zippy, well yeah, d’ya pay sick pay, and if so when does it kick in ? " :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Now I know I am daft, but… LOL

Was just interested as when the other half moves to a UK firm were looking at all the differences between what she gets from Holland. Sick pay is a big issue. Not to take the ■■■■ out of a prospective employer, but genuinely in case you break a limb or something and need a long time off.

no just get ssp, the problem with paying sick pay, was it was abused by some who treated it as extra weeks holidays, why most firms stopped it .

freightliner pay full sick pay on your basic hours. the drivers abuse though is unbelievable, they dont have a week off they have a month of minimum. :unamused: :unamused:

Do those on salary get paid when on the sick or is there a clause in the contract that prevents that happening??

On my last job before Stobarts,I got paid full hours while i was off sick, but only because i threatened to sue them as it was a work injury and the following year the company revised its sickpay policy in our contracts to pay upto 4 weeks on the sick.Nothing but SSP on Stobarts. :smiling_imp:

From a company point of view, you can see why they don’t pay it when people take the ■■■■. It happens in every business I know that pays it. Theres no happy medium though unfortunately.