Sick pay

FULL pay for 6 weeks HALF pay for 6 weeks then they look into it after that. When i broke my ribs i had 5 weeks off on full pay :smiley: :smiley:

2 Weeks but you have to of been there for a year to earn that, after 2 years it goes to 4 weeks. (all at full pay)

they’re soo keen with been off sick though so none of the drivers take the biscuit (which is better for everyone)

We earn 1 day sick pay per full month worked,up to a max of 60 days,ive been with them for 4 years now so im entitled to 48 days :smiley: .We get full pay (last 6 weeks average),but like most places some people see it as extra holiday and take the urine a bit :imp:

Sick pay :open_mouth: LUXURY

Do those on salary get paid when on the sick or is there a clause in the contract that prevents that happening??

We get paid full salary for 6 months then 6 on half salary. Drivers do not tend to take the Pee. We did have one but he left anyway…To do CP work in Iraq :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Full pay at the moment but the company is looking to change it.Guys taking the pee bigtime.However,the social welfare has to be claimed,and this has to be paid back to the company.Not like the poor clown who “didn`t realise” he had to give the SW cheques to the company.Got landed with a bill for 1500/1700euro :smiley: Happy days.

When I worked for 3663 it was - 0
Warburtons - the same

As far as i’m aware most companies don’t pay any sick pay these days but it will depend on the company, some might have a ‘waiting’ period and there should be a few that still do but not many.

You couldn’t have been there long then…in 17 years, i have always been paid,even when i used to have loads off with Sciatica…admittedly they dont like paying it if yr one of those that always has a Monday off cuz of a heavy weekend or play the system of ‘i’ll have a sickie cuz i fancy a few days off cuz the suns out n i got 3 days in the bank cuz i’ve not had any in the last 6 months’ but then who would. And they still pay full sick now,they even tell u how much yr entitled to, this is where u get the ‘playing the system’ thing. I’m salaried now but made no difference. In the early days we were better off sick as it paid flat week +10% :smiley: , holiday was flat wk +5% :slight_smile: and a full wk at work was …well…a full wk :frowning: They soon changed that when most drivers went off moby for weeks on end then came back n booked 3 wks holiday!!