Should metal wing mirror protectors be banned

I ask this as i’m sick of going along narrow country roads and seeing a lorry with these protectors heading towards me and they tend not drive as cautiously knowing that they have the protection of their wing mirrors, which usually makes me slow down almost to a stop into the hedges. Bulk tipper drivers are the worse for this but then again they are the chavs of the lorry driving world


It doesn’t even classify under “nice try”


It doesn’t even classify under “nice try”

That generous frosty

Sent while from gods know where


It doesn’t even classify under “nice try”



It doesn’t even classify under “nice try”

This. One of the crappiest attempts ever seen on here

Theres a simpler solution - ban (most) tipper drivers, that would solve a lot of problems! :slight_smile:

It was a genuine question, a lot of roads are tight enough as it is when two lorries are passing, so why do some make it even harder by adding the metal protectors which add an extra couple of inch onto the existing mirror therefore making a wing mirror clipping even more likely. Would do some damage if there was contact

They’re not about contact with other vehicles. Their purpose is to protect :bulb: your mirrors and mountings from being destroyed and a £500 bill from Scania for a new one. With the local authorities seemingly no longer bothering to maintain the trees and hedgerows at the road side, we are forced to drive down the middle of the road to avoid smashing into thick branches which will destroy the n/s mirror housing at anything more than walking speed. Car drivers don’t understand the reason why you’re driving down the middle of the road and just think you’re being a nob because there’s no encroaching foliage or hedgerows at their height level so if they’re not prepared to yield then you either have a choice of having a head-on with them or having to move over to the n/s as best you can which, no matter how much of a driving god you think you are, you will at some point smack your mirrors on stray foliage/branches which weren’t as ‘soft’ as they appeared - and that’s if you even saw them at all; good luck trying to spot a 1" thick branch sticking out on a dark foggy winter morning with car headlights coming towards you :frowning: .

The way to get other oncoming truckers to slow down is to dominate the road so they can’t physically get past. Once they’ve brushed off a good chunk of speed, only then move over to facilitate the pass, once you’ve established that a) you’ll be keeping all wheels on the grey stuff (or deviating onto the brown stuff is solid enough that you won’t get stuck/end up being dragged into the ditch) and b) there is enough room at the point of passing without damaging the truck/trailer on the hedge and any overhanging tree branches. If you don’t dominate the road then you’ll get the ■■■■ taken out of you all day long as everything will drive at you and then attempt to squeeze past because you’ve made indications that there’s enough room for them to do it by driving tight up against the hedge. You want to appear as big as possible so that the moment they see you, they can see one or the other of you will have to yield. If you give any such indications of yielding then we will take it every time as we have places to get to as well and saves ending up in some stupid “you first, no YOU first” situation where everyone is treading on eggshells trying to be the good guy and no-one is moving :unamused: .

Tipper drivers, milk tanker drivers, bulk feed drivers, livestock drivers and log drivers generally won’t yield to anything smaller unless we’re forced to, but with the exception of the odd nobhead, most will be reading the road ahead and seen you coming from a mile away over the hedgerow tops and already eased off to time a meeting at a wider passing place with the obligatory friendly wave and thumbs up. It’s generally the curtain-sider pallet brigade who cause all the problems, blundering along not looking beyond the front of their bonnet because they spend 99% of their time on the M6 and then crap themselves and panic when they meet something bigger than a car coming the other way :unamused: .

Mirror protectors are excellent and if you’re having problems with other vehicles using them then you’re not driving correctly. :slight_smile:

Get the idea that they’re helpful on the n/s, but why are they fitted to the offside? Nothing going to be there other than other o/s mirrors.

Get the idea that they’re helpful on the n/s, but why are they fitted to the offside? Nothing going to be there other than other o/s mirrors.

Have you ever been to the countryside?

Pallet drivers go flying everywhere.I have gone down country roads that are so narrow you think you are lost.

Mick, i know they are there to protect your wing mirrors but i feel they give the driver that extra bit of confidence to drive with less caution cos they know that it’s not their mirrors which will get smashed should both vehicles clip each other

Get the idea that they’re helpful on the n/s, but why are they fitted to the offside? Nothing going to be there other than other o/s mirrors.

Not sure if serious?? You do realise that the vast majority of rural roads are single-track, yes?

Wheel Nut:

Get the idea that they’re helpful on the n/s, but why are they fitted to the offside? Nothing going to be there other than other o/s mirrors.

Have you ever been to the countryside?

Yeah, which bit would you like? Only broken o/s mirror would have been 37/38 years ago, made a mistake, not made the same one since.

Mick, i know they are there to protect your wing mirrors but i feel they give the driver that extra bit of confidence to drive with less caution cos they know that it’s not their mirrors which will get smashed should both vehicles clip each other

I don’t disagree. But imo those drivers would drive with the same recklessness even if they didn’t have them.

Yes should be banned only because they look utter rubbish ,there is no need either for manufacturers to be charging extortionate prices for replacements when like me foden type ones & britax ect are about £10 a glass .

Mirror stack on a V4, £250. So fitting some armouris a good idea.
And they come in shinny stainless.

Me personally I just take charge and if some brain dead Tipper comes tother way, it’s time to slow down and pass nicely,

I would make it law that all hedges to be cut back right up to 16ft high not just the one pass they do with a 4ft cutter.

Odd days:
I would make it law that all hedges to be cut back right up to 16ft high not just the one pass they do with a 4ft cutter.

The bus companies used to do it round these parts with an open top bus and a gang of lads with hedge trimmers, its rare you see them these days.

Wheel Nut:

Odd days:
I would make it law that all hedges to be cut back right up to 16ft high not just the one pass they do with a 4ft cutter.

The bus companies used to do it round these parts with an open top bus and a gang of lads with hedge trimmers, its rare you see them these days.


Hi-Viz on the top deck. Good to be visible to both flying cars and low flying aircraft I s`pose?